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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. That will be fine with me, as long as there are no soldiers or ex soldiers involved.
  2. Why should you be afraid of the police in Thailand? The first time I get asked for any money from any policeman when I know I have done nothing wrong ie just walking down the street, riding my motorbike in a sensible manner, I have a good tongue in my head and will not be afraid to use it.
  3. I cannot comment on that as I was only here in Thailand during Thaksins last year, and as I said on an earlier post all the farangs who I met, most here a lot longer than me at the time, were all happy and content with life here.
  4. I am just trying to say that with all these farangs running down Thaksin, it is what the Thai people want that should matter most. Personally I think that no one should ever be a PM without being voted in by any countries electorate.
  5. Here's a question, and the one that matters most. During his premiership, what percentage of Thai's were happy with him? Or should I ask what percentage of Thai's voted for him?
  6. As does the former unelected soldier PM's name mentioned makes me. When I arrived here near the end of Thaksin's premiership, all the farangs I met then were settled and happy. Contrast that with farangs living here today.
  7. Even worse than the unelected (there will be no coup) soldier who forced himself into power backed by other soldiers, tanks and guns and stayed there for nine years?? At least whatever people think of him, Thaksin was elected by the Thai electorate.
  8. One of my wife's best friends was a bargirl who she knew before she met me, and she was a university/college graduate and mixed well with my farang friends who most of them were ex bargirls, and I would say there was about a 50/50 success rate in their marriages.
  9. Let's be honest about this, very few of us, if any, who are married to Thais are going to have a lot in common. In every long term relationship I had back in the UK, we always had a lot in common, ie the music we liked, the football team we supported, the concerts and clubs that we went to etc. In every relationship I had, being a professional musician meant that she came with me regularly to gigs. Here in Thailand, I do not have anything like these with my Thai wife and we have been together now for over 16 years, still happily married, and I am a lot happier now even though we don't have all these things in common.
  10. I met a farang in Pattaya who went to see about treatment in a well known public hospital, he was asked for 500 Bt upfront even before seeing a doctor. the hospital was full of waiting Thai patients. Am I to believe that all these Thai's waiting for treatment had paid 500Bt at the reception in advance, or does it only apply to farangs?
  11. I always say no one can get what you haven't got. One reason why the vast majority of my money is always out side of Thailand.
  12. I was at the post office, but there was one of the usual Thai holidays today. This is Thailand, all these holidays.
  13. No one can speak English in my village, maybe apart from "no have".
  14. I have got some small ones but I want some big ones.
  15. But I'm here, my post referred to this morning 13th Oct.
  16. You mean what am I doing this afternoon? Like right now?
  17. I folded up a piece of paper and made as if to put it in an envelope. She just shook her head as if to say no.
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