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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Right up into adulthood, I thought that The Yankee's were the goodies in the American civil war, maybe because the US Cavalry were always based as the good guys when I loved watching cowboy movies as a kid. When I grew up and started reading the history, I realised that the north were the instigators and it was the Confederates who really were the good guys.
  2. I have had my opinion on things change after listening to someone who has earned a lot of my respect and look up to.
  3. Surely the UK must be at the top of the tree when it comes to wars, note Churchill, the British Empire?? Britain ruled over two thirds of the world only 100 years ago. the only time the British were the goodies was in two world wars against Germany.
  4. No! You kill them first. Animals are like humans, there are good ones and there are bad ones. You cannot call anyone an animal lover just as you cannot call anyone a human lover.
  5. People have to eat, as do all living creatures. The ones you mention also eat other living things. What would happen if no living creature from humans downward never ate any other creature? Would the whole world be a wasteland?
  6. They have a right to live in this world the same as any form of life, and they are the same as humans, but in saying that, just like humans they also have the right to defend themselves. ie if I get bitten by a mosquito, I wait till after dark and kill as many of them as I can with my mosquito bat. I will always take revenge on any living creature that does or tries to do me harm.
  7. I love cats too, we have 5 of them. I also love most dogs but not the ankle snapping terriers. If a cat is anywhere near me, I have to try and stroke it, if a dog shows any happiness to me than I have to clap it, except the type I previously mentioned.
  8. At least the Shinawatra's were voted in by the Thai electorate unlike the present unelected PM. Surely he should be going to jail before Thaksin.
  9. So all these fat bellied, shirtless, tattooed, facial haired dreadful examples of humanity walking about Pattaya are hansum men??
  10. Just take note of what DrJack54 or Ubon Joe says and you won't go wrong.
  11. That's true, you have to admit though that they do rip people off. They just have to be more fair with their prices.
  12. I most certainly am not. I just want them to be fair and not rip people off the way they have been doing in the past.
  13. No, I'm suggesting that they don't do what they did before by forcing people into hospitals and vastly overcharging them just because they sat near an infected person on the plane.
  14. There will be other viruses, they won't have to invent one, and I believe it will be used to pad certain bank accounts of the medical profession etc. It will be noticed how the last one made many people rich, so certain people will want a piece of the action.
  15. Is having a test after they enter not a money spinner for the medical profession which also finds it's way to the soldiers government?
  16. Where did you get that from? So you are saying that he never had an engineering degree in anything? Next we will be hearing that the unelected PM did not have a Military Academy education.
  17. What coup was that? The one that the unelected PM said would not happen?
  18. This guy is right, the pandemic is all but over, but so many people, in politics, the medical profession, and many other professions, not just in Thailand, but also in all the western countries, and probably others too, have become very rich, all these capitalists will be looking for something similar in the future to keep increasing their bank balances. Mark my words.
  19. If soldiers can, anyone can, their IQ is similar to the Somchai in the street. But this guy holds an engineering degree.
  20. Does that mean it is either going to be the existing unelected PM or old Sleepyhead. Are the soldiers never going to go away? I know, silly question.
  21. Look at the cost of a taxi from the Nana Hotel, there is a list of prices at the door, to the Mochit bus terminal 500 Baht. No way was I paying that. So I got a taxi from Sukhumvit Road just down from the junction at Soi 4. the cost was just under 200 Baht. Is it the Nana Hotel who are the crooks or the Taxis themselves?
  22. In most cases and not just in Thailand people only drive taxis because they don't have the brains to do anything else. It was common in my home country for people made redundant in their normal jobs to use their redundancy pay to buy a cab and license.
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