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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. soi bukhaow was fairly busy wai2.gif

    We tried Beach Road and 2nd Road, mainly for a some music and a few beers. Pity there seems to be very little live music on Soi Buakha.

    Out for same reason and also noticed it is quiet out and about.. Yes, soi bukhao very little in the way of live music

    Try Leo's. Great jam there last night and another good one last weekend.

    Craig, is that a weekend thing or nightly? Thanks.

  2. A friend's wife recently started at BigC. 8 hrs a day. 1 day off a week. 10,000 Baht a month. That would be about 2,000 Baht a month more and that - for a Thai - for example, is a lot of money.

    On the other hand I know some who are on 4-6K per month. They get fed once a day and have accommodation thrown in.

    In one particualr place I frequent, they keep their staff. Very little turnover on staff. Same 4-6K per month rising with experience, with accommodation and food. 4 or 5 staff morning. Same amount of staff evening. 16-00 to midnight.

    The lady in charge of the staff does have some very strict rules about fratenisation with the customers too. I'm not sure that helps or not but the staff are loyal and each has a Farang b/f or husband. All a very tight knit group, can laugh and joke with each other and the customers. Basically a happy atmosphere.

    So, your 300 a day wages is more than some but less than those I know of at BigC.

    Is lack of staff / staff leaving down to atmosphere, work ethics, manager treating the staff in a way they do not like?

    I've noticed in a few places that one staff member will work more than the others put together and that also causes resentment.

    I am no expert at all, but simply pointing out a few things I've noticed over the years here in Thailand.

  3. And another possible reason for her anger / resentment could be the fact that after you got the first laptop on credit for her son, he started showing off. Great 'face' for him and the family. Peer pressure comes into play + he tells his g/f he will be able to get her a laptop too. Maybe he makes a promise to her in one of those 'loving' moments.

    His mother says yes to the g/f having a laptop too when asked and off he goes to tell everyone. You are so generous in their eys now

    Then big bad, mean, miserable sensible you put the stop on that.

    You can imagine what was being said behind your back now cheesy.gif

  4. Isn't low season wonderful!!!

    love it get around no problems no idiots around well not as many as normal best time of the year

    In many respects I agree with both comments.

    Getting around in general is much better. Finding parking spaces, less hassle queuing in supermarkets and so on, is great.

    Out for a beer with friends for a chat and such like it is also good to have it relatively quiet without loud booming tourists around.


    Out for a night out with some live music, it seems odd to sit in bars with so few people about. It feels boring, a bit sad even.

  5. In general....

    Thanks very much to those who have answered the topic and especially to those who have mentioned the brand and number of the phone they use that is loud enough to hear.

    I'll be off out again armed with the information supplied and hopefully have something to keep me happy - phone wise - for another couple of years :)

    Many other suggestions have been worth reading too, even if they are not always suitable in my particular case, they may be helpful to others who are having difficulties with hearing wai2.gif

    • Like 2
  6. I am also hearing impaired about the same as you and I use a Samsung model SGH--A667.

    You can ser the ringer to increase the ring volume each time it rings. You can hear it in a noisy


    If I can't hear with thenphone up to my ear, I turn it to speaker and put the speaker close to my ear.

    If you wear hearing aids, most modern hearing aids have a feature that allows you to leave your hearing aid in while answering the phone. You get a little magnet from the hearing aid folks to place on you phone

    And when you answer the phone the magnet get close to the hearing aid and adjust the volume automatically.

    There is a company called Harris that has all kind of hearing impaired products, from home phones

    To cell phones.

    A blue tooth device is what I use if I am mowing the yard. I can't feel the phone vibrate when it rings.


    Thanks for that information.

    I'll make a note of that phone number too and check it out when I next go hunting for a phone.

    Comments like these are very helpful, especially after trying lots of phones in shops and coming out after a long time without finding one suitable.

  7. There is a phone especially for deaf people called EMPORIA very loud. MY wife hates it because if it rings at night it wakes the whole neighbor hood up. Big lit up ketboard for elderly people no silly toys or games. NO GPRS only SMS and contacts. very simple and robust.

    I read about those on the RNID website. They sound great but sadly not available here in Thailand that I am aware of.

    If I had one that loud I'd have to turn it off / down at night, not that that would be a problem.

    When I do next go to the U.K. I'd certainly be considering one of those.

  8. I have in-canal hearing aids, can hardly hear a phone ring without them in. Having said that, I just bought a Samsung Duos smartphone.......good loud ringer and vibrator. I often use the speaker phone at home.....more convenient than holding and I can hear the sound just fine.

    I denied needing hearing aids for 10 or so years......my youngest brother berated me for not getting hearing aids 3 years ago......that did the trick. Like everything, they take getting used to, but they make all the difference in the world.

    Money well spent!

    I did see a Duos yesterday. I'll look at and listen to one next time I drop into Tukom.

    Thanks fopr the tip on the phone.

  9. The problem with phones like that is that everyone else within a wide range can also be disturbed by it - esp where quiet is important. Why don't u get one with a strong vibration mode and put it where you will feel it easily?

    You cannot feel a vibration when the phone is on the table or in another room.

    If anyone would be disturbed by my phone ringing loudly that would be a rarity, not as if it is ringing lots of times per day. And in a quiet place it would be heard and answered quickly enough so I do not really see that as a problem.

  10. I'm not being rude pattayadingo, what about a hearing aid?

    Not rude at all.

    But, I've been there and done that. Total faff on with phones etc. Plus all they do - even the computer generated ones - is amplify everything. When everything amplified goes in one ear alone, it causes disorientation. (There will be those who dispute this and those who will agree with me - not going into that argument here) :)

    You manage and control your environment to live with the deafness in most instances.

    For some reason here in Thailand, getting a phone with a decent volume ringtone AND volume to hear people clearly seems to be a problem. I did manage to get the Nokia classic but no longer available. Same with the Samsung - bought in England.

    Hence the post :)

    I cannot be the only deaf old git on the board after all laugh.png

  11. As I said, I went to Tukom 2 days checking phones. Even with the volumes set to maximum they are still too quiet, especially on the ring side..

    SMS / Text is not quite the same as hearing the phone when people do ring.

    My old classic Nokia and the old Samsung could be heard in different rooms in the house. Sadly they are no longer available. Hence me asking if others have got phones that are really loud :)

    The internet lists a lot of loud phones but those models are not available here and I've checked dozens of shops.

  12. Went out last night and the place felt as if it was deserted.

    Popped into 4 bars and hardly a soul about. Normally these bars are quite busy.

    Walking too, past other bars, hardly a soul in them.

    It was pretty much the same last week too.

    Did the aliens come to visit and abduct the Pattayans? Or are people really feeling the pinch financially these days?

  13. Because I have no hearing right side and 85% left side, I need a loud phone. Loud ringer and loud louspeaker, so I can hear it ring and also hear people talking.

    Preferable a basic phone. No smartphone wanted because I use it to talk and text and maybe take the odd photo.

    Has anyone got a loud phone as above that is not too old that it is no longer sold? Make and model would be great, thanks.

    I've spent a couple of days at Tukom trying more phones than I can imagine yet most of them are so quiet. Some very helpful people there trying phones for me, but also some who outright refuse to let you try them.

    The Nokia C2 was great for hearing people talk but not very good for the ringing volume.

    The Nokia Classic I looked for is no longer available. The Samsung I had that died the other day is no longer available either. So I'm in need of help here :)

  14. Just got back from a couple of weeks in Pattaya and it was interesting to see the work first hand. Most noticeable was the complete lack of seating on the new "prom". I do hope it will be installed later. It can be nice to just sit and watch the world go by. Also, instead of taking a small staircase down to the beach; as previously; now it was just a case of stepping straight onto the beach from the "prom". Some serious beach restructuring is going on. The extra lane on Beach Rd is parking only and the beach owner I spoke to said that the hope was that weekend trade coming from Bangkok and other Thai towns and cities would be able to park right on the beach and bring in significant business. Trade for the beach holders has fallen off dramatically - the Northern Europeans who were the most regular patrons don't come in any serious numbers to Pattaya anymore and the Russians and Indians don't appear to be taking up the slack.

    On a separate point I took a walk to Wong Amat. I know it's low season now, but this is a ghost town and not a pretty sight either. Empty, dirty beaches surrounded by high rise and (some) very luxurious condos. Where has all the sand gone? Where are all the residents? The walkway from Pattaya beach has finally become impassable - erosion on a very large scale.

    Parking like that was the norm a few years back, especially on my 1st visit to Pattaya.

    The woman I was with parked up between the trees and we slept in the back of the truck.

    Made a change from a nice comfy bed.

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