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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. Very difficult to compare prices unless you're really in the know on how the proper parts should look like.

    I've had issues with cheap spare parts, no problem, they were advertised a such, so you just make a decision whether you think it's worth the savings.

    I've also been stung by knock-offs (i.e. cheap Chinese stuff but in proper original looking blister packs and labeled as the originals would), charged at normal prices for them and managed to wreck a motorbike engine in no time, At a big chain of dealers as well, not the usual streetside shack.

    I agree on the copies / knock off parts.

    At least these came in Yamaha boxes - not that that is a given that they are Yamaha parts, as you say. But on inspection, they do look genuine and of good quality.

    Your experience is a good reminder of what can and does happen, sadly.

    The cheaper place obviously made a profit, so that would make the original place I visited somewhat of a rip-off.

    For a small 2 man repair shop, they were certainly popular with plenty of customers - all Thai except me - over the 2 hours I waited and watched them work.

    Quick and efficient and no queue jumpers getting their work done as I waited.

    Time will tell to see how well the parts last.

  2. 2-3 months is a long time to have someone under your feet, someone who may not appreciate your way of life and your routine. It could turn out to be quite hellish, especially if the friend sides with your g/f over some small problems and escalates them. Not that I am saying that will be the case, but over time things can get awkward with visitors.

    I'd use a more romantic way to try to reduce the expected length of stay. You know, in bed, Sunday morning, all snuggled up together, type of thing and talking it over.

    laugh.png Most people get a reduced sentence you know laugh.png

    • Like 1
  3. I went to an ex g/f's place of work with the spare key and simply took my m/c back. My name, my book, my m/c.

    That would be my advice, assuming he has a spare key. And make sure to call or text her after you've taken it so she doesn't call the cops to report it stolen.

    She knew who had taken it ;)

    Great to see and hear the reaction laugh.png

    Yes, he'd need a spare key or if he goes back to the apartment, to get the key while there.

    He too could report it stolen too of course IF he has the book and it is in his name.

    Thyere can be some 'difficult' reactions though to taking some property back laugh.png

  4. I wanted the light switch assembly and the start switch assembly (on the handlebars) renewed. The paint had corroded and started bubbling, for some reason. Also two new brake levers because one had paint peeling.

    First shop on Pattaya Thai quoted 1,000 Baht for the light switch unit, 700 Baht for the start switch unit and 200 Baht each for the brake levers.

    Nipped along 3rd road, 2nd shop I visited on 3rd Road had the units and quoted 500, 500, and 130 each for the brake levers.

    840 Baht saved (nearly £18) for about 5 kms and 10 minutes drive smile.png

    The shop on 3rd Road, (near British Insurance?) a small place with two staff, were quick and courteous and I had no problems at all. And because he was reasonable, I got the engine and gearbox oil changed there at the same time.

    The shop on Pattaya Thai was not a main dealer but an accessory / repair shop. They too will not have me back as a customer, whereas the other shop will. laugh.png

    No wonder I shop around wink.png

  5. I went to an ex g/f's place of work with the spare key and simply took my m/c back. My name, my book, my m/c. Yet she thought of it as her property as she used it every day. She had told everyone I had given it to her.

    If the bike is in your name and you have the book and a key, take it.

    If you do not have the key or the book ......

    Be sweet to her. Be a devious, conniving SOB.

    Go visit her on the pretence of making up or whatever. Sweet talk her. Be contrite or whatever. No threats, nothing untoward. Stay there a little while - could be a day or a couple of days, if needs be - get the book, get the key and when she is asleep, drive off with it.

    If she is being as bad as you infer, why give her anything of great value? Certainly no pay-off. Let some other sucker do that. She has cheated on you after all.

    If you only get the key, you can report the book as lost or stolen to the BiB and take steps to get a new book. A small fee would cover this and the fee would be less than the bike.

    Make sure you make a report if you do not have the book or she might go to the BiB first and say you stole it ;)

  6. 1) Chai Nat Bird Park

    ........... consisting of the largest birds cage within Asia (covering an area of 26 rais). There are several smaller cages within the giant ones. Birds are set to fly freely in those cages. The park also features artificial waterfall, greenery playground, snakes farm, rabbit farm, mid-pond pavilion houses, handcraft shops and freshwater acquarium. The Birds Farm is open from 08.00 to 17.00 hrs.

    2) ?


    2 & 3 will have to wait as I cannot remember :P

  7. Thanks for all suggestions.

    I have to agree with lemoncake "DO NOT pay more to start with, because you will not get better people or work quality."

    Paying 400-500 from first day wouldn´t be a good solution but i would pay more than 300 to right worker after couple of months.

    If we pay 400-500/day from first day, then we have to pay 600 after 6 months and that´s just tooo much.

    My wife has been asking the restaurants owners she knows and they proposed the minimum from first day but pay more when you see the job quality.

    We are not looking for someone with PhD in english, just someone who can explain the products for customers.

    Our location is between 2:nd and 3:rd road Pattaya klang. Customer: 50-50 thai-foreigner

    working 6days a week.

    Would that be Sweet Love Bakery by any chance?

  8. Took my wife back home and she was amazed that I could drive across the country without getting lost while relying solely on road signs or the odd question about direction from a local, which was invariably accurately answered. She lost sleep when she discovered we were going to areas that I had never been to before, or where there were no friends or relatives to call on for directions.

    I had a similar thing with the g/f could not sleep while I was driving from Pattaya to a place maybe 700 kims away. I'm sure she felt some disaster would befall us or we would end up in a foreign country.

    I had a new satnav that worked wonders until you made a mistake but a decent map soon corrected that.

    She was amazed at the machine on my dashboard talking to me and me answering it back, saying, 'Yes darling' laugh.png

    Another time, years ago, went to BKK with the family from a village up north and they were almost constantly on the phone getting directions. Must have gone through 3 batteries.

  9. With a little co-ordination you could get paint cheaper (free) - as a charitable donation - especially for some project like yours and a contact in the newspapers. Obviously that would depend if you have Thai language skills or someone releatively fluent in Thai / English.

    There are companies that thrive on that sort of publicity - Mittyon Pattaya (sp) - have big adverts all over Pattaya for their donations made.

    • Like 1
  10. Personally I'd rather they used the calculator to show a price so there are no mistakes.

    There have often been times when I speak the Thai for a price but my strong accent confuses them. Hell, when some English speaking nationals have trouble understanding my English accent, I can understand why some Thai people have difficulty :)

    I'll add too that I've found it easier to negotiate with sellers when I use the calculator to make an offer below what they are asking. Got a few bargains that way.

    The higher the horse.... the farther you fall ;)

  11. As waywardwind says on the link he has given + the make and quality of the lens itself is very important. Cheap lens and make will deteriorate. The lens might get moisture inside or scratch easily. A lens cover can help prevent scratching - obviously. Some find it a nuisance to have to remove and lose seperate lens covers. Some binoc's have the covers that stay attached by a tag when removed from the lens.

    Where? Not many places I have seen in Pattaya with good binoculars.

  12. I have a new LOUD phone, now.

    i-mobile Hitz 14.

    Dual sim, dual band, BIG speaker, microSD to 16GB, bluetooth, WAP/GPRS, Camera and MP3 (for loud ringtones to download). Hand free increases the talking volume massively when used. Keypad, not touch screen.

    We went to Tesco Lotus today on Pattaya North and saw the i-mobile shop. The g/f explained my needs for a phone and the assistant was extremely helpful. First phone she pulled out worked a treat. G/f phoned the number and I could hear it ring and also hear her talking. Good clarity.

    Cost? 950 Baht.

    I'd recommend it to anyone with hearing difficulties.

    To those who have been helpful in makes and models, thanks, but not all are readily available smile.png

  13. Interesting how many seem to think the answer for being deaf is a hearing aid......if you are truly 100% deaf then a hearing aid is of zero use....I should know as I have been 100% deaf in one ear for over twenty years.....if all of the nerve endings are dead they are dead and a hearing aid can't do a thing....BUT...the good news is that stem cell research on loss of hearing because of dead nerves is showing great promise to be able to REGROW healthy nerves and restore hearing 100%....it is still several years away but the researchers apparently are making good progress.

    Good luck with finding the right phone....being deaf sometimes is no picnic but I guess we all have play the cards we were dealt.

    I can tell you understand :) Sometimes wee need to have been there to do so.

    No way to give me back my hearing. No ear drum, no bones, just an empty space. It was removal or die, that simple. But that is life. As you say, we have what we are dealt with and we learn to cope with that. We do not have a sign on our heads saying 'I'm Deaf'. laugh.png

    None of those I currently know who are deaf will use a hearing aid. Hearing aids are not all they are cracked up to be.

    I have a few friends with very limited hearing too. No picnic for them at times also but they also learn to cope.

  14. Last night was kinda special as Leo hosted a memorial jam for Darryl Read. So lots of great local musicians showed up. With that being said, these same great musicians play there quite often. I think Wednesdays and Fridays are the jam nights. Leo is a great guy and the musicians who are there are really cool also. Great fun:


    P.S. the Thai house band is fantastic.

    Great stuff. Thanks for the info. It us now on my list of places to pop into :)

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