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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. I still think that a lot of the pervs are set up.

    Temptation is placed their way, they take the bait and then they`re pwded.

    So they took the temptation.

    They had the thoughts and acted upon them.

    I mean do you think that is ok ?

    I do wonder about 'no smoke without fire'.

    Why arrest a man for sexual deviancy with 12 year old boys if he has not done anything at all, or succumbed to temptation?

    Many in everyday life go about their lives without being arrested for something like this.

    Let's say he pissed off some hooker or policeman or mafia. Or someone wants him off the street. That's the point of having his day in court - to see if the accusers are full of shit or if he is guilty.

    There are many other ways to get back at someone who has pissed you off other than this. Something like this means you have to have pissed them off bigh time and I feel only a fool would do that.

    It is rare that someone comes here with a similar intent to that provided in the story without having similar prior convictions or had some investigations made against them.

    I feel you really need to have a sick and twisted mind to set someone up like this, though I do not doubt it does happen rarely

  2. Had beer and food bought by 3 Thai policemen, albeit Tourist Police, who wanted to talk English with someone from ... England.

    Had a laugh when driving a 4 wheeler 8 metre truck here. The police pulled me over. They spoke no English at all. I showed them my International licence and eventually they let me go on my way with no fine :)

    No, my licence here did not qualify me to drive the truck :)

    G/F at the time had no seatbelt on. Pulled on the BKK tollway. The BiB wanted to fine her. Quick as a flash she said she was on meds for a bad stomach. Flashed some pills at the BiB and they waved us on. No, she did not have a bad stomach, nor pills for it.

    Another lady who was so surprised the BiB did not charge her financially for making a report of a lost bag. On previous occasions they wanted payment to fill in the paperwork for similar reports. She put it down to taking me with her as a witness.

  3. Quickly confessed...? Covering for her local lover... ?? Robbery attempt gone wrong...? A guy 78 arguing about her other relationships...? Highly doubtful in my mind. He's married to a Belgian according to the article. She's covering for her boyfriend/husband.

    These two were a couple and have been for a while.

    The talk in the local bars from some of those who live nearby have said he was not happy about her other relationships. It is said he did intend to talk to her about it and end this particular relationship.

    Nothing to do with robbery / husband.

    edit for....

    fat fingers small keys

  4. I still think that a lot of the pervs are set up.

    Temptation is placed their way, they take the bait and then they`re pwded.

    So they took the temptation.

    They had the thoughts and acted upon them.

    I mean do you think that is ok ?

    I do wonder about 'no smoke without fire'.

    Why arrest a man for sexual deviancy with 12 year old boys if he has not done anything at all, or succumbed to temptation?

    Many in everyday life go about their lives without being arrested for something like this.

    • Like 1
  5. Spoke to the CTH rep's in Pattaya yesterday, and picked up one of their brochures.

    Packages are 3500 Baht initial payment for the, "black box", and 899 Baht a month for all channels. There doesn't appear to be any other package options, apart from the choice of satellite dish or cable connection (which is helpful for those who are restricted by condo regulations against dishes).

    The channels included vary slightly from UBC, with the omission of BBC World for one, but with the combined CTH / Sophon package, I don't see any draw backs.

    I'll post again with further details once the installation / connection has been carried out.

    I was quoted 1800 for the box + installation costs (this will be satellite).

    Last dish installation I had done was 500 Baht (but I have my own dish, so that cost is not included).

    Was your quote including dish, box and installation?

  6. Why use AC when you can use a fan?

    I think that using AC stops you adjusting to the heat too, to a degree.

    Air con is OK in the bedroom when bonking to keep the perspiration levels down with two bodies heaving together. That is the only time we use the AC unit.

    The house is realtively well shaded and the fan(s) circulates the air around keeping us cool enough except for the hottest days.

    Also sitting in a room with the air con on, their is little or no air movement and still air feels odd to me these days. I like a breeze blowing around me.

  7. I hate them with a vengeance after working in a bakery - part time - in my school days. Lift the breat tins and there were always hundreds to be squashed. YUK !!!!! sick.gif

    I flick them outside the house with a sweeping brush and then splat them. When they are dead I sweep the remains beyond the gate. If sweeping them out is not possible, I zap them with Chaindrite. Never had one last long like the OP after a good squirt of Chaindrite though.

  8. Fixed a slight problem on the car, thanks to the loan of a drill from a thai neighbour, showered and took 'she who must be obeyed' to bed. That last bit was a pleassant hour :)

    Nex few hours I am in recovery mode :P

    Tommorrow will be in Bang Saray eating sea food in a restaurant overlooking the sea. That will be a few pleasant hours whiled away.

  9. Dirty old men that lot of ya's.. What ya do is your own business, children don't need see porn and dildos being sold on the side of the road. Blaming religion is typical stereo typing.

    My wife and I took my son to Amsterdam for his 16th birthday. Red light district, ladies for sale in the windows, Brown cafes on every street corner. The sex museum - and they have at least one dildo over 6 foot tall. Snow White and the 7 dwarves movie. He loved it.

    I used to take him to the pub before he was 16 too.

    All this to show him about life. Not that life hidden away in secret that makes them curious and want to experiment.

    He has turned out to be more worldly wise and open minded than many of his friends. Does not smoke, take drugs nor went binge drinking like many of his friends did. Now happily married with 2 daughters.

    No, not dirty old men. Sex, prostitution, drugs have been around for centuries. It is how we treat these problems and how we tend to hide them away that is the problem. IMHO.

    A few dildos on view at the market? No problem.

    • Like 2
  10. Here?

    I suppose the best achievement was to go to a town I'd never been before, seeing no white faces, not understanding Thai and yet I managed for 4 years in that area. I made Thai friends and learned a whole new way of life and culture when I moved out into a village.

    It may not sound much of an achievement, but it felt it at the time in what was an alien world with an alien language, seeing how the Thai people lived through endless power cuts, floods and hand to hand living most days.

    Great days and a great adventure with memories of friendly, helpful people. The memory of that period and the people will stay with me for a long time.

    • Like 1
  11. With 70 Rai of rice, I don't consider her parents and family need any financial help. If they cannot manage with that many Rai, they need to look at why.

    Two other daugters working and a son in law working.

    In saying that, I gave them 5,000 Baht recently when the g/f's grandfatrher died to help out with expenses - yet I was not asked for anything.

    Mother got 1000 Baht for her birthday and father will get the same.

    That's it in regards of helping the family out. They managed perfectly well before I came along.

    • Like 1
  12. From: PattayaDingo

    Maybe the PDN has not got the facts correct on the actual location? And a time of day would have helped.

    My question is why? Are you going to investigate this? Do you want height, weight, eye color, hair color, names of crooks? Addresses of where they live?

    Why do you want to know?

  13. My Samsung phone died last night.

    Touch screen, does this that and the other and a pain in the ass for one - like many others - who really only wants to phone people, send texts and maybe take the odd photo.

    I was given the Samsung by my son when I was last back home and I found it a pain to use.

    What am I going to buy?

    A Nokia 3110C.

    Very good for large text that I can read. Has loads of storage / options for addresses, contact numbers, birth dates and such like. It uses keys to type in with, not a piddly digital keyboard on the screen.

    If I turn the phone upside down or sideways, the picture / photo stays the same. I want to enlarge the photo? No problem.

    I've had 2 of these Nokias before. Lasted ages. The only reason I used the Samsung (a spare phone) is because the last Nokia went up in flames in a car fire.

    It may not look beautiful nor expensive, but the Nokia 3110C works as I want it to work.

    Luddites Rule !! laugh.png

    • Like 1
  14. i would not generalize and say that people look like murderers but this woman certainly looks like she was capable of murder

    She does AND they all are.

    They (all of them) cannot handle conflict, consequently calm and peaceful resolution is not possible.

    A knife from the toilet, sounds like she (sic) must have had them planted all around the apartment.

    she is one ugly woman! surely he could have done better than that!

    One mans beauty is not the same for us all.

    You like something different to me, I like something different to you.

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