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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. First of all, the fact that you have a burning sensation does not mean you have a fever. If your temperature (as measured by thermometer) is normal there is no indication for paracetemol . if your temperature is elevated, then you need to see a doctor to determine the cause. in neither case is self-medication with antibiotics indicated.

    Now as to what might be causing the burning sensation you describe, a few questions:

    1. What medications (including vitamins) do you take?

    2. How long have you been in Thailand? (wondering about heat acclimation).

    My 8th year in Thailand now.

    Simvastatin 80 mgs


    low dose aspirin

    multi vitamins (started this week)

    As an aside i have not really felt good since I had my appendix out 3 months ago. I thought at first I was feeling rough because my 'system' was a bit down after the operation and the pain waiting for the healing to finish but that healed up and stopped aching after 7-8 weeks.

  2. I keep burning up but this burning sensation is localised to my head and neck area. My ears keep burning, as does my face and neck. The air from my mouth and nostrils is hot. I feel light headed too and concentration levels are well down. I do feel tired and listless. No headaches. No rash or obvious outward symptoms.

    My legs, arms crotch and torso are cool to the touch yet I perspire a lot more than I ever have before.

    This has been going on intermittently for almost a month and more pronounced for about 14 days now. I've taken paracetamol, aspirin and even a course of antibiotics yet nothing seems to be working. I am drinking plenty of fluids.

    I do not appear to have an ear infection as the ear is dry.

    Any ideas, suggestions to what might be wrong, please?

  3. Get an e-visa from here


    It takes a couple of days and you receive it by e-mail. It has your photo on it so no need to take a separate photo. Print it out with the bar code. 2 copies needed.

    Go through Thai immigration get stamped out and walk the short distance to the Cambodian side.

    Keep walking straight on and on the right past the casinos is the Cambodian immigration. fill in the form. Hand over passport and e-visa. Get passport back.

    On the other side of the road is where you go to get your exit stamps from Cambodia. Passport & e-visa again. 2 minutes and stamped out. Walk back to the Thai side, fill in the card and you get your entry visa.

    Alternatively without an e-visa, on the Cambodian side there is an office on the left side. They will sort your visa for extra money, give you a full page stamp and you are done. Come back to Thailand.

  4. I kill little brown scorpions. mosquitoes and centipedes. The big black scorpions can go on their way. I don't allow anyone to molest my tokays because they enjoy eating the centipedes. Since my tokays are protected by me, I have not seen a centipede for over a year.

    In the last 3 months I have had scorpions, millipedes and now this centipede, but to me the worst of all are those flying cockroaches. I hate cockroaches with a vengeance ever since I worked in a bakery as a teenager and we had to kill them in their hundreds by stamping on them. All that crunching and blood underfoot, Yeuk !!

  5. People calling the OP a coward for running away. Others saying the OP should sit down and talk about the problems.

    Have you tried doing this with a Thai woman? Oh so often you sit and you talk and they seem to accept what you are trying to get across yet in reality you are talking to a brick wall. Also once again you are up against the family and friends who will often be their guide.

    The OP says he has pumped money into various businesses only to see them fail, paid for education and helped out. I commend him for doing his best. In my early years in Thailand I have been there and done that and so often tried to get them to understand the concept of a business and they pay lip service to your comments and ideas. It can be like pouring your money down the drain. Yet you do it to try and enhance their lives by giving them something to do to earn a living instead of leeching off you and lying in bed all day long. Too often they see no real need to work hard when deep down they believe there is no need to work too hard because they have a foreigner and he will keep bailing them out.

    Bunny Boilers certainly do exist here. I have seen the results of their madness. One poor guy walking out of the pub and having his stomach sliced open for ending a relationship with a woman. The screaming matches as they suddenly realise they are losing their cash cow. The massive loss of face. The - sometimes - endless phone calls where they are crying down the phone one minute and threatening you with death the next.

    So why, if you know deep down, the reaction is likely to be that of a Bunny Boiler, would you stand there and inform them you are going?

    Walking away silently is often the best mode of operation in those cases, it is not cowardly. I had to do that once here.

    With the others, I have walked away yet still retained their friendship and their phone numbers. But I had a good idea of their reaction to our partings.

    Best of to the OP, there is always a future ......

    • Like 2
  6. I have to agree that when it is time to go, you go. Often there is no way to really explain it all in rational, grown up terms.

    A score of 1.

    Good luck in the future.

    When I did my first run I did it in the dead of night, a thunderstorm raging and all the electrics wiped out. I collected my belongings by the light of my mobile phone and I disappeared into the night using her truck. I left the truck outside her shop and phoned the next day to tell her.

    I'd tried to go before and failed. I left her with the shop I'd set up for her, the furniture etc in the house so I did not feel too bad, especially after what she had done.

    I felt all the better for it too afterwards, but not at the time.

  7. As i expected, this company have refused to accept my - almost - immediate request to cancel this transaction / visa application even though I did mail them yesterday when their offices were closed. Now down to my credit card company who have said no problem on a refund.

    As I recall was their not a similar situation regarding visas and sites making themselves look like official sites for U.S. and U.K. visas?

    Anyway, now I wait until Tuesday to start the ball rolling with the credit card company :)

  8. Happiness tonight is a cold beer, some good rock music and a bevy of beautiful women to look at.

    While I appreciate that your post is "tongue in cheek" and looking at beautiful women does indeed make me happy, it usually turns to poo as soon as one actually tries to have a relationship, no matter how temporary, or long term, with said ladies.

    While hormones and genetics certainly combined to drive me to attempt to find lurve, I would have been happier ( and more prosperous ) had I been castrated at puberty.

    Ah yes, the same for many of us, but at least looking is free ;)

    Besides, love can make you as unhappy as it can make you happy. Making love of course can make you ecstatic and that is a better high than happy wub.png

    We could always organise a castration for you and bring you future wealth whistling.gif

    Guess where I am off to in a couple of hours .......


  9. Good post. One correction. Don't say "ba" if you mean go. It could easily be misconstrued as you calling them crazy. I think you meant "pa". I'm guessing you could also just say "pai"?

    Anyway, I've done this transit many times also. Been scammed with the 100B fee, but that's it. I've heard it has gotten worse recently. Best to go with an evisa already in place????

    Good post. One correction. Don't say "ba" if you mean go. It could easily be misconstrued as you calling them crazy. I think you meant "pa". I'm guessing you could also just say "pai"?

    Anyway, I've done this transit many times also. Been scammed with the 100B fee, but that's it. I've heard it has gotten worse recently. Best to go with an evisa already in place????

    I don't think the E-visa can be used at the Poipet crossing but I could be wrong.

    Correct about the visa craigt3365.

    Yes, the E-visa is valid at Poipet. That is where I generally cross over. Look on their website and it tells you where the E-visas are valid.

    No hassles, no demands, no need for photos as the E-visa carries one (take both copies of the visa and make sure you have the bar code printed on the visa). No need for either side Thai or Cambodian to be given extra 'funds'.

    To all that hassle and harangue me on my way to Thai immigration and into Cambodia, I smile and say no.

  10. I have to agree that the 4000 Baht is not excessive for a cancellation. When I once asked Etihad to either cancel or change a flight I was asked for £70 which is only a little less than the OP is being asked for.


    That means I cannot book as long there is uncertainty about the final flight date? Even if I buy another ticket on the day of cancellation? Is that the same if I buy the ticket in a travel agency? unquote

    Surely if you are unsure of the final flight date then you need to be aware that booking a flight and then cancelling costs the company money, time and effort. Surely they should be compensated for your own uncertainty or simply because you change your mind?

    Seems to me that you can either book when you are sure of your dates or take out insurance against loss of travel - but needing to have good reason to make a claim.

  11. i was at a barbeque and a massive one of these things walked out from under the table i the garden we were sitting

    i jumped up to stamp on it and then i rememberered thai peple dont like to kill things

    so ,i thought i better check and they all shouted KILL IT ,KILL IT (vrsy strange for thais )

    Im near 100 Kilos and i was wearing size 11 steel toe cap boots and i stamped it once ,heard a bit of a crunch and it keep on motoring ohmy.png

    had to stamp it about 5 times before i was confident it was dead and finished

    if anyone interested theres a video f one on youtube ,killing a tarantula and then a snake


    Sheesh. Looking at those two video clips I am glad I'd only had a couple of beers when I saw that crawling into the house and heading for the kitchen.

    As one poster said earlier about one coming out from beneath the sofa, that could have been me, sat with no lights on and watching the television.

    You never know what might be lurking about in the darkness guys ....... laugh.png

  12. Creatures like these and others that can be far worse make me realise how lucky I have been in the past with my ignorance.

    When I first arrived in Thailand and lived out in the village I used to walk amongst the sugar cane fields and the banana plantations in my flip flops with no regard whatsoever to what might be lurking there, waiting to pounce, bite and / or inflict pain and injury or possibly death.

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