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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. Had to smile today, went for a ride down to the Cambodia border to see a friend. On the trip back stopped to stretch the legs and have a smoke. There were a few stilt type shacks at the side of the road and a guy cutting grass, From inside the grass cutter house 2 young [ maybe not so young] girls come out, walk over to look at the farang and his chopper. Usual 1/2 Thai, Lao and bits of English words are exchanged. One girl points at the house and says Leo, Leo. I think how nice they want to invite a strange farang into there house and drink the old mans beer. It was getting late and though the thought did cross my mind, I declined the offer. Got back on the bike and was about to hit the road when a small board nailed to a tree caught my eye. Some Thai writing and one word in English, karaoke. In the wilds along the Lao border this means 200 Baht short time Lao girls.

    You just have to love living in Thailand. Jim

    If not pictures, then at least GPS coordinates please. . .

    Ha ha ha :)

  2. Why were the cops closing it at midnight when all the other beer bars in soi arunothai are open until 2am? The beer bars I think are noisier, why was the Wombat singled out?

    At that time all the bars were being closed. This was during the height of the floods and there is speculation on the actual reason. Some believe it was people from the flood areas who moved into the area complaining of the noise until 2 a.m. After all it is mainly a residential area. the small bars were really pumping out some loud music until late. The music from the bar at the Shagwell could also be heard until 2 a.m. I am of the belief the music limit is midnight.

    The other main reason being touted about was due to a dispute with a Thai man. He wanted to go into the bar. Was told no and he allegedly pulled a gun and threatened the - I think - manager, possible one of the owners. Rumour has it that this Thai man is well connected and he used those connections to have the bars shut down at midnight.

    Whatever the real reason behind it all, the customers did not like having the music and their entertainment shut off early. The customer base dwindled. The better of the ladies also left. The fun factor was gone.

    Lee - new manager - did his best to get things back to normal but the customers never came back even with music on until 1 a.m. That and the low season upon us seems to have signed the death toll for the bar. A shame for the regulars who loved the cheap(ish) beer and music.

  3. At the end of this month there will be no more live music from the Filipino band as the bar is closing. It seems that since the troubles of the police closing the bar at midnight so often and at random may have been the final nail in the coffin, especially as customers stopped going because of the uncertainty.

    I feel it was getting tired with the same band 7 days a week, though they are good at what they do.

    I've had some good laughs in that bar and some good fun too. In many ways it will be sad to see it close.

    • Like 1
  4. I would also question that amount of simvastatin if not under close doctor observation (but don't change on your own).


    Yes it is a lot.

    Last checked for cholesterol levels in March 2012.

    I produce masses of cholesterol and it is an inherited problem. It was the cause of a heart attack. Had my blood and function tests done in March 2012 also.

    80 mg is the needed amount to keep my cholesterol levels down.

    But, thanks for your concern, Lopburi3 smile.png

    Just was concerned if under doctor supervision or not - there are alternative medications when needing to lower lipids and I am being treated by such in attempt to keep LDL below 70. In my case it is Ezetrol during day and 40mg Lipitor at night.

    I appreciate the concern.

    There are alternatives out there but there is the fear factor of using an alternative. That fear is in not wanting another heart attack so, even though I'd be willing to try them, I bow to what my doctors and the heart specialist tell me.

    Oddly enough my current age is older than the time my father died of the same thing when I was a child. No previous problems and then his body too developed massive amounts of cholesterol and he died. In those days there were no cures, sadly. that too adds to the concerns about alternatives for me and I want to be sure I am around to party for many years to come :)

  5. clap2.gif

    Sometimes the simple things in life can bring a smile to my face and a feeling of contentment.

    I know this isn't what you meant, but today (14 June 2012) the U.S. Internal Revenue Services accepted my amended tax return I filed last month and REFUNDED the tax I overpaid in 2011. (Because the company I worked for then overpaid my tax).

    It is only about $350, but I'll still take it!

    The refund just appeared in my U.S. bank account, and the bank is now processing it into my account.

    So it IS possible to argue with the IRS and win....at least sometimes.

    That's what making me happy today.

    But also the Sun is shining today, and the trees outside as I drink my Japanese Green Tea now are glowing with the early morning sunshine.


    Anything that makes us happy counts.

    Too often we tend to forget those little things in life when we hear of so much agony and strife on here in many of the posts. Life can be difficult in a foreign country.

    So something as simple as a kiss and cuddle from the SO or the birds singing, the tax rebate or whatever counts :)

  6. Is she the breadwinner of the house at the moment? I know you may have your pension and what not, butclearly, she has started to draw her boundary of what she likes to do when she comes home. The others may be right by telling you to have some time for yourself. But in the case of a daughter whom you love very much in involved, you owe it to both you and the little girl to talk it out first with the iron maiden! All the best!


    She works, but doesn't contribute a lot towards the household budget as she earns less than 6,000 Baht/month. I pay all the bills etc.

    Loong, from your posts, you are doing a lot of what I did, maybe because it comes natural to some of us. Laundry, cooking, cleaning when the SO is out at work 12 hours a day. Nothing wrong with that. Yet it does seem to be taken as a sign of weakness far too often, especially over here. Then things seem to fall apart, as if they feel you are beneath them somewhat. I have to admit, again, I never found a solution each time.

    That is why I am single again though I'd rather not be, yet it is preferable to living in a relationship that is not working.

  7. I tried to put a reply on last night, but the forum was apparntly down for maintenance.

    Autosave only managed to save the first line - maybe just as well, alcohol fuelled posts don't always make good reading!

    Some of you have said that I should take a holiday with some me time.

    I spent nearly 4 weeks back in the UK in May, visiting family. I have only been back for just over 2 weeks.

    It maybe that because I have had some "Me" time, that I feel more under pressure since getting back here.

    Oddly enough, 3 times I went back to the UK and staying between four and six weeks I have come back to a 'different' woman. Each of them changed in that time i was away. I discovered it was down to peer pressure in the main and there was little or nothing I could do about it. Each of those relationships ended.

    Has she changed while you went away? Or is it a longer running thing that you have noticed since you got back after your 'me' time?

  8. Has anyone here ever had a reasonable resolution to any problem by sitting down with their Thai SO and having a discussion about YOUR issues? I know I haven't. It's like talking to a wall. Once a Thai has something set in their mind -or- you take them to task on YOUR issues, it's always the same result, for me anyway. I get the dead-eyes look as if I am the one that is crazy.

    Sorry to be negative, but the OP needs to put himself first, then his extended family. Including the step-daughter.

    If your wife just ups and disappears after an argument, without so much as a goodbye, then that speaks volumes. I suggest that the OP do the same. I would tell the step-daughter that dad has to go away for a while and that mom will take care. Then just leave for an indefinite length of time. It will give both you and your wife time to decide what is important. If when you return there is no improvement in your wife's behavior, then for your own sake it's time to move on, no matter how painful. It only gets worse from here.

    In all my years here I have never been able to sit down and discuss in a rational way. And I find that so sad. Many relationships here could benefit from rational discussion.

  9. So you don't want to clean, you don't want to cook, you don't want to take care of the garden. But you want to get pissed and chainsmoke. Maybe you should have a good look in the mirror and change a few things about yourself !

    The Op never said anything of the sort. Maybe it is the woman who needs to change her attitude?

    Sometimes we are driven to distraction when we love a woman and the (her) children without too many conditions.

    Some of us actually CARE !!

    • Like 1
  10. Dogs. Always my dogs. Wake up in the morning, walk outside of the bedroom, they hear me from downstairs and come rushing up with big smiles on their faces, as they're wagging their butts with excitement.

    Or when I go into town, and come home to see them sitting at the street corner waiting for my return, only to go running to the house when they see me, as if they haven't seen me in months. Then rush me in excitement, with hopes I brought them something.

    I had 2 German Shepherd dogs. Great to see they always had a 'welcome home' for me. Their love was always unconditional.

  11. It is obvious from the post that you do seem to care a lot. Often the one that cares is the one that is taken for granted and it happens in so many relationships around the world.

    Leave her and walk out on a family you love? Whatever for, not at the moment anyway. Talk first, tell her you feel you are being taken for granted and see what her reaction is. Then if there is no improvement, tell her and the daughter, especially the daughter, that you are going on holiday for a while. Go on that holiday. Recharge your batteries and relax. Let her do the chores and take care of the children.

    While you are away I understand you will miss the daughter and maybe other aspects of your current lifestyle, but keep in touch, let your SO be aware that you are enjoying yourself. No need to be nasty about it, this just a way to let her know she cannot take you for granted.

    When you come back, see if there is a change in the attitude of your SO. If there is not, then you have deeper decisions to make.

    Sometimes WE care too much and others do not. That is not a good thing IMHO.

    Whatever you do decide on, good luck for the future smile.png

    That seems a very good and fair way to handle it.

    Excellent post dingo.. apologies my "likes" has been on overtime today!

    Harry & Edwin


  12. My 3 year old son putting his full face helmet on half way and say 'I'm a mushroom'.

    So much joy can be had from the silly things kids do and say.

    Reminds me of one time out in the car and on the way back from a day out with my young son. There was a sickle moon in the clear night sky. He pointed to it and kept asking for the 'Banana' smile.png

    • Like 1
  13. Getting my plaster cast off and disposing with the knitting needles to scratch that itch... smile.png

    I've never had a broken bone - thankfully - but I can understand the itchy bit. You've got your knitting needle and I have one of those plastic hands on a stick to scratch the mozzie bites on my back thumbsup.gif

    Congrats on getting the cast off.

  14. You were watching the birds mating in Pattaya ? I have to ask were these really the the winged kind ?

    Wonderful sight too to see the feathered variety having so much fun with what seems like hardly a care in the world as they sing and dance.

  15. Sometimes the simple things in life can bring a smile to my face and a feeling of contentment.

    Today I was on the upper balcony of my rented townhouse and I was watching the birds as they flew around. Some were playing the mating games with each other. Some singing quite happily. Others zipping from branch to branch or across the telephone and electric cables.

    It was a simple and serene sight yet I could not help but smile and feel happy with it.

    So, what made you happy today?

    • Like 2
  16. OK then not due to niacin. Other than stress, the only things that comne to mind are low testosterone and MSG. The latter is of course abundant in Thai food. Have you changed your food intake in any way recently? Even if not, might be worth testing to see if you have developed a sensitivity to MSG, as we age we often become less tolerant of things that our bodies previously handled. Eliminate it completely from your diet for a week and see if the burning sensation goes away.

    And yes, do get a general check-up especially given your fatigue/listlessness. Be sure to include testosterone levels in the blood work.

    P.S. And get a thyroid panel (TSH, T3, T4)

    Thanks Sheryl. Your advice and input is appreciated.

    I will get to see the doctor and get the tests done. I'll also be doing my own cooking again to keep any MSG down.

  17. I would also question that amount of simvastatin if not under close doctor observation (but don't change on your own).


    Yes it is a lot.

    Last checked for cholesterol levels in March 2012.

    I produce masses of cholesterol and it is an inherited problem. It was the cause of a heart attack. Had my blood and function tests done in March 2012 also.

    80 mg is the needed amount to keep my cholesterol levels down.

    But, thanks for your concern, Lopburi3 :)

  18. Hotels in Bangkok refuse blacks and Indians.

    The above was a thread/topic some time ago on TV.

    I can't post the link as I cannot copy and paste on my phone.

    May be someone else can

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

    If that is correct then that would also be wrong, illegal under the Thai constitution, and not a desirable practice in a country where tourism is a large part of The GDP.

    Many bars refuse to serve Indians. One go-go bar barred them. A group would sit around with one drink between them at the go-go bar. Same at some of the other bars. So they are refused service. The bars want customers who spend money.

    Then they should have a minimum cover charge that covers a certain amount of drinks

    This Thread is quickly becoming boring, How many different ways can we make the same point?

    No. They do what is best. If you are in their bar and not drinking or eating and solely there to take up space that paying customers want, you ask them to leave.

    If they continue to use the premises and not purchase something then you bar them. As have these places.

  19. Hotels in Bangkok refuse blacks and Indians.

    The above was a thread/topic some time ago on TV.

    I can't post the link as I cannot copy and paste on my phone.

    May be someone else can

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

    If that is correct then that would also be wrong, illegal under the Thai constitution, and not a desirable practice in a country where tourism is a large part of The GDP.

    Many bars refuse to serve Indians. One go-go bar barred them. A group would sit around with one drink between them at the go-go bar. Same at some of the other bars. So they are refused service. The bars want customers who spend money.

  20. A burning sensation in the face and ears often occurs with niacin, check how much is in the vit supplement you are taking as it may be part of the problem.

    Beyond that, unless you have started any of the other meds recently, it sounds much like an anxiety attack. Are you under stress?

    The vitamins I have been taking for less than a week. This has been there a lot longer than that.

    Stress? Life was painful after the op. No other heavy duty stress that I can think of. Life has its ups and downs but I am relaxed a lot of the time. I live alone so no problems there. 5 hrs sleep a night.

    Do you think I should go see a Doctor? Get a check up?

    And, thanks for looking at this, Sheryl :)

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