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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. Dazinoz


    Strange values quoted. A distributor buys an Amway product from Amway at a set price. And then is supposed to sell it to a customer at a fixed price. If a distributor sells for more or less then that is his doing not Amway. Like I mentioned in a previous post what do you think supermarket chains do?
  2. Dazinoz


    MLM is a broad description of businesses that operate on same business principle as Amway but NOT specifically Amway. This chart proves that Amway specifically is not fully banned in any country. THANK YOU.
  3. Dazinoz


    Not sure what country you are in but in Australia pyramid schemes are ILLEGAL. So Amway has been in Australia 54 years (April 1971) and if a pyramid scheme why still running?
  4. Dazinoz


    I been in it 43 years and do know a little about but you can believe what you want.
  5. Dazinoz


    Yep, YouTube must be correct. I been in Amway since 1980. NOT a pyramid scheme.
  6. Dazinoz


    If she sells products on her own she doesn't work for Amway she works for herself. Working for Amway means she works in a shop or distribution centre, etc and is on their books. A distributor is NOT paid by Amway and needs to keep own records including for taxation. People go on about a pyramid scheme. Price is the same for distributors to buy and same price for customers. In a pyramid scheme the prices keep going up. And have you ever thought about your local retail store? Price goes up from all through the chain to the customer. Probably less increase through Amway. At least in Amway you can see the prices from buying from Amway itself and. Can't see how much your bottle of milk costs Big C or whoever to sell to you..
  7. I live in a gated community that a few years back control was released from the developer so a local community group of residents was set up to collect fees and organise the maintenance. A lot of people were not paying including the landlord of the house I rented and was 18 months in arrears. So to play the "shame game" they put a letter in everyones mail box detailing payments to be made and they put a list of every house in the community with detail of what each owed and how long in arrears. I think the most was 3 years in arrears. Next "shame game" ploy was they hung a sign on each fence that people had paid and up to date. It was in Thai but read something along the lines of good people paid. I wasn't impressed by this and told agent if I have any issues I will leave. Agent contacted owner and she paid up. She claimed why should she have to pay when others don't. It was then arranged that I paid the monthly fee direct to community group as part of my rent. Next step was electronic entry and exit gates and if you didn't pay you didn't get an entry card. I think most have paid up but I recently did see a sign on the gate house with house numbers so I assume not paid. According to one of the committee members the biggest non payer is a senior police officer who's father was in charge of building the mooban so claimed he did not have to pay.
  8. Problem sorted. I deleted app and downloaded again and entered my new pp number and all came back.
  9. I get 2 of these where licence photos used to be.
  10. Hello, I downloaded the DLT drivers licence app a few years back and set it up as per instructions and all ok. They have obviously just changed the app and my licences no longer appear. The information is there but not the licence photos. I went through the process of scanning the QR codes again but no success. I then noticed that, even though correct on my licences, my passport number was the old one in the app so I assumed that is the problem. Rolled unto DLT yesterday in Chiang Mai, closed. My fault. Rolled up to day, went to correct counter and asked. Lady said we don't do here has to be done through Bangkok. I said I did it first time through there. So I asked what I could do. He answer Bangkok. I said I am not going all the way to Bangkok and back to change app. I asked again what I could do from here. Puzzled look and "I don't know". So I left. Anyone have any ideas on this?
  11. Yep, probably is. China Town in Chiang Mai.
  12. Ok, sorry don't know where to suggest. Could if pure Thai gold. And I was wrong in 24 carot as Thai gold is 96.5% pure or around 23 carot. If Thai gold and you in Chaing Mai I can give you name of gold shop in China then I have used a long time.
  13. 24 carot or less?
  14. I goto one gold shop here in Chiang Mai. I one time bought 22 baht bullion at one time. Nothing required except the cash. Biggest sale back was a 20 baht bar. All they did was weigh. But I guess they got to know me. took a 1 baht bar to sell in gold shop in Big C complex. ID, weighed, tried to melt, the works.
  15. Not definitely, depends on shop you go.
  16. Bought and sold many baht bullion at a gold shop on Wararot Markets (China Town) in Chiang Mai and never needed ID buying or selling. Mostly cash but some times used ATM card, never credit card. Go to gold shop in Big C complex and they wanted everything and commission was more.
  17. Actually a lot of animals are smarter than a lot of the people I meet here. But still a good point on the use of a word.
  18. But you have to admit he is an expert at it.
  19. Finding that would have gotten my hair on end.
  20. What is your point? Just a name that has been used many many years.
  21. I would rather used a term I have know for years in regards to animal is euthanise. Prefer that to putting down, to me that is terrible. Maybe we could use the snowflake term of unalive them. How stupid.
  22. By then this new virus in China will be a pandemic again and we start all over again. Read somewhere a few months back that we would be in another pandemic by end of year or early net. Yes I know, conspiracy theory by whoever wrote the article, so just saying.
  23. A friend of mine had to euthanise one of his dogs. The vet said no but told my friend the drug which he had to buy and take back to the vet. The vet then put the hypodermic with the drug in it into the dog and my friend had to actually push the plunger to inject the life ending drug. He said was hard enough euthanising his beloved pet but knowing he actually ended its life was so hard on him. Vet not really doing their job if they refuse.
  24. I found 4 words work - "All my money gone"
  25. Link 3 posts ago. But out of stock. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/shom-poo-shern-10-capsules-i4707971670-s19410226329.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3Ashom%2Bpoo%2Bshern%3Bnid%3A4707971670%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A575fd6bb580fdc7df8b6eb00096640be%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A4707971670_TH%3Bprice%3A389%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100417952220%3Bbiz_source%3Ah5_internal%3Bslot%3A0%3Butlog_bucket_id%3A463818%3Basc_category_id%3A6966%3Bitem_id%3A4707971670%3Bsku_id%3A19410226329%3Bshop_id%3A4336873&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=0&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=&lang=en&location=Phuket&price=389&priceCompare=skuId%3A19410226329%3Bsource%3Alazada-search-voucher%3Bsn%3A575fd6bb580fdc7df8b6eb00096640be%3BunionTrace%3A2140e7c617009609952923318e7a17%3BoriginPrice%3A38900%3BvoucherPrice%3A38900%3BdisplayPrice%3A38900%3BsourceTag%3Aauto_collect%3BsinglePromotionId%3A-1%3BsingleToolCode%3A-1%3BvoucherPricePlugin%3A1%3BbuyerId%3A0%3Btimestamp%3A1700960995524&ratingscore=4.75&request_id=575fd6bb580fdc7df8b6eb00096640be&review=4&sale=18&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i64.7dd4364cQFSF3Y&stock=0
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