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Everything posted by smutcakes

  1. So they can just read their agreement? How the hell would anyone else know what their agreement says.
  2. Depends how long you signed your lease for, and what the agreement says.... Cannot believe people ask this question.
  3. If you have a 12 month contract with no clause about leaving early, legally speaking you are on the hook for the full 12 months- however most landlords would not bother filing police reports and taking you to court over it and would just take the deposit. Not really much point for landlords having year contracts, which presumably you negotiate at lower rental, if you can just walk away early. May as well just do month by month.
  4. Neither would I, but at least they have been successful enough to try living over here-- some dont even get that far... Not sure how far below average they would be.... any ideas?
  5. On another note, there is not a chance in hell Putin is coming to Thailand.
  6. They are more than welcome to not trade with G7/8/20 countries or turn down the foreign aid..... On the one hand its bad that they are 'controlled'- we dont want to be 'controlled' but we still want to trade and take the money.....
  7. Absolutely laughable stuff in this thread... a member who carries a 'blade' to cut his hoagies but also for self defense.... Lets hope if you are ever attacked they kindly give you a few mins to put your specs on and rummage around in your bag to find your 'blade' and then you can go to work with your 'blade'. The BS and downright obscure things that people do and say on this forum get wilder by the year....
  8. Arthit is a rampant yellow shirt and has a long history of supporting supporting anti democratic causes. According to reports he was one of the main backers of the PAD... and an arden propenent of an unelected group to oversee the 'reform' of the country....
  9. Actually from an opposition point of view it is probably better the CC vote with Prayuth. That will drive the narrative and discord far more towards the votes next year than changing now. Many Thais have short memories and come 6 months down the line, many may have tempered views if the PPRP managed to do a few things to improve their image. Having him there or not make zero difference to the election schedule, so its almost worth keeping him from an opposition point of view.
  10. The only thing i can say with 100% certainty is.. the decision of the CC will have zero to do with what the law actually says...
  11. You can simply buy the Kirkland Nuts in their regular Tops.
  12. To be fair i could barely understand your opening post. Got the general drift, but seemed like you wrote it after having a few beverages.
  13. Your history of moving around to so many places suggests your senses are wrong most of the time, and perhaps you should take a bit more time in future.
  14. So much wrong with this case. Surely they need to actually charge the people involved or try them... i suspect this was just a terrible accident, all were drunk, all had been partying and all were having great fun until something awful happened. Sometimes terrible things do happen and it does not always need to be someones fault and someone to blame. You can be sure if it was one of her friends who are not famous then this would not of been heard of. As far as I can see the defendants have basically agreed to pay some damages to the Mum to get her to drop the case. Probably works for everyone... The police probably would have a hard time proving any real crimes, the other people involved probably just want to move on with their lives and not be fighting in court for years, and the mother probably just wants a bit of money and probably realizes herself that it was just an accident.
  15. Lol, this is a funny topic.... You have oen guy come in here and write numerous posts all completely and utterly wrong which can be checked and verified within 1 minute on google.... just have to laugh why some posters bother.... do they not know they are talking complete nonsense.... Please clarify @Photoguy21
  16. Stock Exchange of Thailand is closed Thursday, Friday 13th & 14th and also Monday 24th. Most non Government organizations generally follow the holidays of the SET. The 14th is not a typical holiday, but as the 13th falls on a Thursday they added the 14th to bridge it for a long weekend. Personally we have not be given the 14th, but i expect most will 'work from home'.....
  17. I am speaking from a position of 100% undeniable fact- i have 1st hand knowledge at my finger tips of completed sales prices due to the business i am in i dont need to chit chat or gossip about price... i know with 1 million % certainty. Obviously you will say 'prove it' which you obviously know i cannot do as it will give away to much personal info, there are a number of members on here who know me in real life. We can agree to disagree.
  18. Its 90% not luck but simple common sense and doing your DD on the developer, location, surroundings etc.... Did you get your 'wifey' to confirm your opinions were wrong? Thought not...
  19. I live in Bangkok and have done for 15 years. I need to live here for work. I like it, if i did not i would move. Been to all the places mentioned and no major complaints about any of them, some i would fancy more than others but none of them stand out. Some days i see the appeal in living in rural areas, other days that seems the most boring thing on earth. Big difference spending a few days on holiday in a few places and actually living somewhere, and obviously a big difference in stage of life, retired or working, budget etc.
  20. The thing i find most surprising in this thread, is that the most vocal and 'knowledgeable' posters on all things Thailand are people who have only been here on holiday or lived here 10 years ago and dont have the means to come back!!! yet they know everything about anything on Thailand.
  21. Some moving of goal posts here.... you said old condos are decrepit and no value, now you are talking about <deleted> in On Nut and Sriricha.... well yes like anywhere there is plenty of rubbish and <deleted> developers.... So as I said its up to you to pick wisely.
  22. Get your wife to ask.... I think you will be surprised by the answer. Waiting to hear back. I am not quite sure why you need many condos at Somkid Gardens. By its nature it is a very much liked, successful, stable condo so there are never going to be many sales. But will wait for you to feedback when your 'wifey' checks. While you are at it, get your wifey to check Park Chidlom next door, Domus, Sathorn Gardens just to give you some more examples of Condos with successful sales in the past year well in excess of their original prices many years ago.
  23. There are many examples of condo buildings whose values have risen over the years if you buy in a good location from a good developer and a good manager... one of the oldest condos in Bangkok was Somkid Gardens which i believe when launched were selling at 40K per sqm, now resales are at 200K + 30 years later. Just because you cannot do your due diligence properly or understand location benefits, does not mean that no one does or there are not good condos out there. Granted their are a lot of dogs, but thats why you need to understand the market, the developers etc
  24. They are going to vote him in aren't they....
  25. Strictly speaking Mercedes don't. Thonburi Automotive are their assembler.
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