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Posts posted by laobali

  1. Yes the TG stewardesses' faces are most of the time gloomy. They should either be retrained or replaced.

    Are you suggesting plastic surgery??giggle.gif

    Plastic surgery may be able to correct their facial expressions, but not their attitude. Lol

    Along with some other airlines whose local nationals have a negative attitude towards service, they might be better off employing professional actresses (adding the safety training of course). Just a thought.

  2. Simple solution cut exec's pay from top down hire new CEO reduce management by 80% Those that remain increase work load Cut perks like free flights to elite to 0 Maybe offer flight at reduced cost but only coach. no business or first class.stop unprofitable routes. Offer competitive fares retrain staff. advertise under new leadership. Head man only gets paid when company starts showing profit. Would be place to start.

    Yes, really simple. Why don't you apply for the job?

  3. . . . they bring me a chair to sit, but I feel uncomfortable sitting on top of their heads, so I prefer to suffer.


    Time cures everything.


    Except old joints that aren't used to being flexed in unfamiliar ways. If you want to fit in with local traditional culture you will have to "come down to their level" – in many ways.

  4. I didn't sleep with a single hooker. I didn't get stupid drunk every night. What I loved about the country was the culture, the Buddhist way of life, the respect, the discipline, the integrity, the kindness. The amazing food, the welcome ness of the locals. The way you feel amazingly safe in a foreign speaking country. The climate, the scenery. The way the locals make you feel welcome in foreign paradise. How arrogance and greed isn't welcome. How respect and dignity will get your friends, and money doesn't rule everything like it does in the western world. How most people have being able to discover who they really are from the spirituality and culture of the country.

    The most amazing people I met on my trip were both the the local Thai people who I tried my best to speak in their language ... and the westerners who have decided to make this paradise their home.


    Some of this seems tongue-in-cheek too. Tell us what you actually did apart from wandering round temples, chatting with monks and lapping up Thai love and current "Buddhism". Maybe you fell in love with someone and/or stayed in a rural village for a while. What you describe doesn't sound much like the everyday "Thainess" a first time tourist would experience in a couple of weeks.


    YOu need an excise department license to have a fridge?


    I have shopped all over the place--example in a Laos supermarket Coke was 2 baht cheaper stacked warm. fridge price up.  Not many in Thailand but it does occur here and there.  suppose this covers the tax./expenses.



    I should think it's only to cover the electricity for cooling. Many places turn their drinks coolers off after closing.

  6. Likely the proceeds of a drug, luxury timber, human or high-value wildlife trade, all standard business models in Lao that violate international regulations and Agreements that the country is party to but ironically attract official government tax.  


    For example, the links between Lao, Thailand and South Africa involving rhino horn trade and human trafficking is fascinating and the subject of a recent book by Julian Rademayer.  The trade could not happen without the Thai and Lao middlemen, and this woman may be one of them.


    Probable best guess so far.



    Thai people on average spend at least 7.2 hours per day or 50.4 hours per week surfing the web.



    Given the lower rate of access to the Internet, especially outside the urban areas, I find it hard to believe the AVERAGE Thai spends twice as much time on the Internet as the average European. Something tells me the denominator in this equation was NOT the entire Thai population. More likely they mean "Thai people who have regular access to the Internet ..." And even then that seems high.





    Looks to be a selective poll. Where is the U.S.? Where is Australia?



    It is selective: Europe. Look at the heading. But it's dated 2012. Useless now.

  8. I sort of get it. Imagine the following:
    - you are in the UK and it's a Middle Easterner selling you your fish and chips and mushy peas
    - you are in the States and it's an Indonesian selling you chilli con carne
    - you are in Oz and it's a Chinaman selling you souvlaki on Lygon Street
    - you are in Italy and it's a Korean selling you pizza and spaghetti
    - you are in France and it's a Thai selling you escargots
    Somehow, something's not right with this picture above, don't you think?

    PC has run its course; now comes Racial Correctness.
  9. Heres an important example:   A group of young Thai people Are going to Uni to study "business" in hope of a job in the government or banking, they all make friends, they all keep phone numbers, later when "Johny" gets a job with the land department, he can the do business with "Jenny" who has gone into construction by signing off deals for a nice fee, they think this is "Business" they do not call it "Corruption"  - Corruption in Thailand is so deep you would not believe it!

    You left out an important bit (and it's the same in Laos); Johnny and Jenny don't "get" their jobs in the government, police, army, tessaban, utility or bank; they pay a large sum to someone in the hierarchy first!
  10. Thai do not seem to understand that they are nearly WEST Germany about to be united with EAST Germany. Thailand is the well developed, mostly modern nation surrounded by those of lesser development. On one side is a nasty situation of decades of severe repression, on another a lost land still devastated by war, and another a place run by a strong-man dictator type, and near by is communism--of some form--and the alien behaving Muslim states.

    And then there is Singapore?

    It would be so helpful to read a scholarly estimate of the effect of oncoming ASEAN agreements on Thailand. Do Thai have a sense of what is about to hit them? I would like to read that.

    Agreed. I don't know what the effects are likely to be either, but I suspect change will be gradual, like most things in the region. Years, maybe.

  11. Best to start simply by getting them to know where Thailand is first.

    Very few could point Thailand out on a blank map, try it for yourselves.

    Once they know where they are and have some idea of its size....

    ...then other countries can be introduced one by one, until all ASEAN members are covered.

    Might take a while

    The concept of map reading is alien to most Thais. Try and get directions from one.

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