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Posts posted by laobali

  1. .

    Double post sorry, but I still think the 'government' and immigration system has shot itself in the foot, leg and goolies by not creating a new visa for farang who can make ample amounts of moolah on the internet legally, it is easily done in many different ways, and it takes away no jobs from the oh so precious Thai work force, and the money goes straight into the economy. Why have they not addressed this properly?

    Because verifying income and calculating tax payments would be very hard, if not impossible, to verify.

    All governments demand taxes.. Thailand would be no different.

    You said it LL.

    These nomads want to dodge taxes. That's all there is to it.

    'nuff said


    There's a difference between tax avoidance (smart) and tax evasion (illegal). Many countries have tax agreements, others don't. If you're a US citizen you can't avoid the IRS; others may be more lucky; there are ways to escape the tax net, even involuntarily.

    Who are you to judge?

  2. When you get bored you don't try to change your surroundings.....you change yourself, your thinking, your attitude and your lifestyle. The definition of insanity is to continually do the same thing and expect a different result every time.

    I disagree. It's easier to change your lifestyle and feelings if you change your surroundings.

  3. education, or lack of it, I see people throwing rubbish out of car windows all the time, kids on scooters throwing icecoffee containers and bag onto side of road, ??????

    and 50 years ago , it was common in north america as well

    And the rest of the 'civilized' world. Change has to come through legislation and enforcement.

    Thais do it (and a lot of other things since banned in more evolved countries) because they still can.

    Some of those things are what makes many farang happy to live in Thailand. They relish the 'freedom' and things they like and learn to ignore those they don't like or don't work in their favour.

  4. You can all make the claims God or no God but the thing that has frightened the shit out of me since I was able to think, below 10 yrs old, is why does any thing exist?. Please don't quote big bang or anything like that, that assumes there was mass before it was ejected. Where did the first hydrogen atom come from, in my opinion nothing should exist because something has to come from somewhere. Nothing should exist, where is the start point for anything - hydrogen has always existed?.

    Some of you won't understand what I'm trying to say, it's not about belief but asking the question why does anything exist?.

    If this keeps you awake at night, maybe you could try asking God?

    • Like 1
  5. Through Skype i was talking to my sister in Sydney who told me of a friend (a male fool) who works as a delivery driver (on call) a grown man with ambitions of being rich, lives with his family as he is a working man with no trade, divorced with 3 young children that he barely gives the lowest amount of child support he can,, about $20 a month, this fool is showing off to his friends as to what a stud he is by meeting up with a Thai girl (in Sydney) and now after 6 months of bliss this fool has borrowed $20,000 AUD to take this girl to visit her family (and her children?) in Thailand,, i would like to know what amphur, i don't know yet,, but here we go again,, haven't we read the ending to this story so many times, so i thought i would write on the beginning because we know how it will end, this fool will leave Thailand penniless and in debt,, this girl will just smile and move on to the next one, and the way to make a small fortune anywhere is start with a big fortune,, we will read about this one pretty soon,, stay tuned.

    It's so easy to lose your fortune when you are out of your own country, the idea is not to let it happen.

    As he's already penniless and in debt, he doesn't have anything to lose – and the family will still be there when he goes back..

  6. I respect those who say the truth " I believe ...there will be a place in heaven" is fine. I used to believe in father Christmas. Now I do not because we all know he does not exist.

    We also all know that there is not a shred of real evidence of either God's ( all 2000 of them) nor heavens or hell's or vitually anything claimed by any of major relgions.

    And yet, as adults we still seem to want to cling to these.

    I think the word 'faith' ( accepting something without any evidence) very dangerous.

    Would you book a hotel on faith?

    Buy a car on faith?

    Find the best doctor for your loved one on faith?

    No, you would use a logic chain as you do in every other area of your life to decide.

    It will be based upon rationality which would weed out who/what is viable.You would not hear '

    I choose XXX just because it was written 2000 odd years ago in an old book which can be read 1001 ways, is devoid of substantial evidence, but I was told to just "have faith' so to hell with the logic I apply to everything else, i choose XXX anyway"

    Religon exists because is appeals to ones ego ( you are special and loved), allays the fear of death and provides the 'feel good factor" .

    Without that one could not expect to see something so utterly flawed still in existence.

    A sad statement upon mankind.

    You are joking about no Father Christmas right

    Even if there's no Santa, we still have the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy – don't we?

    • Like 1
  7. I don't understand why there are so many westeners retiring in Asia? Well...i understand for those who have a wife in Asia ( Asian wife) or family. But for those who don't have, why? Don't u think it is better to live in ur own country when u are old. All family n friends are there. How about if u are die while u are retiring in Asia n the fact u are alone? Pardon me..i am not trying to judge, just dont get the reason why...

    It's a very good question. For those who have made provision (enough money) for their retirement and old age, including the cost of medical care, it can be a better quality of life than available in their home country; warmer weather, cheaper cost of living, more sociable people etc. For those who haven't, it can become a nightmare.

    "Out of the mouths of babes (oft times come gems).Prov. Children occasionally say remarkable or insightful things."

    No offence, but you sound young and it reminded me of this old proverb!

    • Like 2
  8. I think maybe, probably, I am one of those if it means not believing in, basically anything or anyone, to salvage my life. I recall being a Catholic for about 50 years and praying, ( begging), for some bad things to go away and , you know, they didn't, they actually got worse so I quit.

    I have discovered that although alcohol and excessive sex do not "make bad things go away" , they do take my mind off them, - bad things that is ! I recently read the comment of a person who survived a horrid crash and he said, " God saved me" but,....... if that were true, why didn't God save the other 34 people ?

    You are the chosen one.

    • Like 1
  9. My Thai wife can't even say I'm Atheist. She keeps saying I'm muslim. It seems, having a religion (even if it is Islam!) better than not having one.

    Everytime I hear "muslim" in her mouth, I correct it.

    According to Islam I should be beheaded as leaving Islam's punishment is beheading / hanging, good thing I'm not from an Arab country lol :)

    Indonesia insists you state your religion to stay there.

  10. Simple solution cut exec's pay from top down hire new CEO reduce management by 80% Those that remain increase work load Cut perks like free flights to elite to 0 Maybe offer flight at reduced cost but only coach. no business or first class.stop unprofitable routes. Offer competitive fares retrain staff. advertise under new leadership. Head man only gets paid when company starts showing profit. Would be place to start.

    Yes, really simple. Why don't you apply for the job?

    Well, as a todo list, its a start.

    A to-do list with whose name on it, though?

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