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Posts posted by laobali

  1. This is a joke post for sure.....................

    Did you gain the experience to determine this within your previous 7 posts?

    Sorry didnt realise the number of posts you make on this forum determines whether you have basic common sense or not. I bow down to your superior knowledge as you have many many more posts than me. But really if you are so concerned about 200 baht bills for this or for that, why the heck did you ever buy a condo in Thailand?

    We all make (have made) mistakes or errors of judgement in Thailand. Some are more difficult to rectify than others.

  2. I'm on the "wrong side" of 72 - but well past the biblical "three score and ten years".

    I too use the mirror test - every morning when I wake up I breathe on the mirror - if it doesn't fog up I'm in the right place.

    Moving here 6 years ago I reckon took 15 years off my biological age - particularly on a sexual level.

    The only problem is I'm a little bit worried I might become a dirty old man.


    You are already! Just enjoy it while you can - it could get boring after that. smile.png

  3. I think you have the right to be what you want to be and you don't have to answer to anyone. They chose to be what they are and you didn't tell them not to (I hope).

    I am a senior, divorced with 2 adult children. I have met someone who is much younger than me; she is smart (university, masters) good occupation (v.p. of marketing) and dresses impeccable. She has waited for my retirement this year (3 years) and I am tired of eating alone, going to movies alone, watching t.v. alone, shopping alone, sleeping alone, showering alone, and mostly dying alone. When those things become an issue with you, then you might want to think about having someone to love and be with but until then enjoy your life.

    Excellent Comment....

    yes nice comment but why the need to say shes got a masters..dresses good and got a good job..who cares..just enjoy being together..

    It's de rigueur on TV to state she isn't an Isaan bar girl. Usual to add Chinese Thai too.

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  4. is the world listening to this or do they just ignore and keep flocking to these island p where grizzly murders and rapes are just another day in the life.

    It'll change when the expats stop moaning about it and leave in vast numbers and the tourists opt for another sunny destination. Can't tell you want a joy it is not living in Thailand any more ... to actually get treated like a human being is nice for a start.

    How many of these cases actually hit the international press? How many blow over within a week or two and then it's right back to business with TAT announcing a hike in tourist numbers?

    I'm moving to Florida next month.

    I can't take this crime scene country any more. Many good Thais will lose their jobs when we all leave due to the bad people.

    Never heard of Miami Vice then?

  5. my post is going to sound harsh as well

    45 with no appreciable assets, no slush fund or fall back position

    staying with a GF who may or may not stay with you for the duration

    relying on work prospects over the long term in Thailand which are tenuous best in the sense, of the "hire and fire" way things are done in schools here, which may be ok in some sense if a person is decently compensated, which at the salary levels you are talking about it's not decently compensated.

    As careers go, this is the time generally in a persons life where their maximum earning capacity is being realized, ie this is as good as its going to get and you need to be maximizing that capacity

    if you are considering staying in Thailand for the long term at the behest of your GF, you may as well start paying your subscription to the Pattaya balcony divers club , as if your not careful thats were it could end up, honestly I think your using the wrong head to think this through.

    Not trying to p*ss on your parade, but you serious need to do some hard thinking as regards what your about to embark on.

    I appreciate the kick in the ass. I know the mess I've gotten myself into. Who knows. Maybe the US government will take care of people like me. There are a lot of us in America who don't have retirement due to the recession. I believe its a third of the population. A lot of people.

    Soutpeel and Gecko are on the money. 45 is pretty late in the game to be starting over. And Thailand is about the last place you want to come to start building a nestegg...you're not going be saving very much at 35k/mo. The advice I would normally give is to stay in the US and start working/saving your ass off. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like you possess any marketable skills that can land you a decent paying job in the US either. You may be better off trying to find employment in places like the Middle East or Japan/Korea. You can certainly come to Thailand and live off the 35k/mo, which isn't horrible. But if you're worried about retirement, not the right move. As for the US Gov, welfare and food stamps is no way to live.

    lol... I guess I will just kill myself. You should read "Start Late Finish Rich" by David Beck. There are plenty of stories in the book about people who started in their early 50s and were able to retire by the time they were 65.

    I have a special needs degree. There are always jobs for people who want to work with disabled students. It's a high demand field.

    This is what I'm going to do. I already have a position as an aide back home. it's not great but it does get my foot in the door. Once I obtain a special ed job I will be making over $50k a year. That's only for 9 months. The rest of the time I can increase my income by opening a store for the summer. My dad has over 20 years experience, and he wants to open another cafe. Before we sold our old cafe my father was generating $140k for 4 months a year. I live down by the shore.

    In 20 years I will have an OK retirement plan. But I need to be aggressive. Putting money away from teaching and the cafe if I decide to go this route. Finally, I can also look to become an administrator and double my income. That's a good possibility. Finally, I can always double dip. Retire at 62 but not really retire. Just take another position while I receive my pension. Other teachers do it.

    It's not so bad I guess. smile.png

    You've come to your senses. This is the best way forward for you. Stay positive and best of luck. Look back in 20 years time and you probably won't regret your decision. If she's the right partner, you'll still be together.

  6. With every new "development" my heart sinks a little more. I've never followed a crime quite so avidly before and it is having a profound effect on how I look at Thailand as a whole. I came to Thailand about 10 years ago because I loved it and wanted to live here, now I'm sick of it and can't wait to leave (next month with my Thai wife and daughter). Something has shifted here in the last 5 years or so, even Thais feel this. This is not the happy-smiley country it once was and it's getting uglier by the day. I personally won't be sorry to leave. This murder case has really been the last straw for me. It really is an appalling state of affairs. It just makes me depressed now.

    It's really none of our business, but you didn't tell us what destination you have found that will give you and your family a 'better' life. It certainly can't be the U.K., as, by all reports, that green and pleasant land is also getting uglier by the day.

    That's not true, either. It depends to a large degree on where in the UK you live and your finances. Coming back after 17 years in the region, England seems even more 'green and pleasant' than I remember, not to mention services and facilities you wouldn't even expect in most of SEA. I even prefer the weather!

  7. I just wonder if the investigating police get's their news from China?

    British police killed two tourists in Thailand beach .....

    Read more on:


    And we criticise the Thai/English press for translation issues? Love this bit from the Chinese:

    In addition, the Thai Prime Minister Pakistan fertility has an inappropriate comment because he apologized on the case earlier this week when it comes to educating the Palestinian case, said:. '?. They wear a bikini, unless they can secure it is not pretty.' Pakistan Fertility this speech to apologize later.
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