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Posts posted by laobali

  1. Jealous ? Educated lao girls are still hard to get for foreigner,s so they can only get the ugly ladyboys....

    Funny that as my last time there I had a 19 year old university student passing me bluetooth photos of her in her school uniform!blink.png

    She was probably a first year student. If she lasts the next four or five years there she might become semi-educated at best – but only about things 'Lao'.

  2. Sorry, just re-read the OP and realised you may be in the UK, not Thailand. But a complete change of environment is still what I suggest.

    Probably vitamin D deficiency caused by lack of sunshine then.

    Especially if he was previously living in Thailand.

    Seasonal Affective Disorder


    Plenty of sunshine this year, especially on the South Coast. I actually prefer the cooler temps and daily variation here to the tropics now.

  3. I sympathise with you. I am 61 and have similar feelings. I have no hobbies and only one real friend in Thailand. I go to lots of parties and the local farang bar and get hammered several times a week....and this is no answer. My g/f is very understanding, but she is 15 years younger than me and really would like to do more things, but I never seem to have the energy and am tired all the time.

    I have tried all sorts of stuff to revive some energy but nothing seems to work....I'm just hoping for an early death.

    Maybe it's just boredom from the same routine. See my post #45.

  4. Glad to see the Army properly employed in the defence of the Nation. A trained, lean mean fighting machine would be ready to take his own life when given his next posting to the Damrong-dharma centre! "Sergeant Somchai, although we need your fighting skills to help combat the terrorism in the South, we have a priority posting for you to help housewives get their money back they stupidly leant to friends over 5 years ago."

    Debt collectors normally turn up with brass knuckles but this lot pulls into your driveway in a tank!

    Military officers have all sorts of special skills. They can even run governments I hear.

    • Like 1
  5. Fact drugs go through customs, after bribe is paid sold around Bangkok like candy. You got ivory trade endangered animal trade bear gall bladders, tiger skins, and peckers All for Chinese market. Russians and Nigerans useing mules to rat hole drugs through immigration. Police in on most of the action Russian boiler rooms all over Bangkok. You got one Farang who can be seen driveing around on a Harley got police in back pocket He is into credit card fraud, skimming counterfeiting. Protection racket. I'm not blind you hear people speak openly as if it is no big deal about there crimes. Like it is badge of honor. Police won't do a thing because to much money changing hands but if the cops found out they only get a slight fraction of the ill gotten gains heads would roll. I figure for every baht they give the police they make 1000 times more.

    Nothing lasts forever and everything is in a constant state of flux. Some day Thailand will evolve out of such corruption, when I have no idea and it will not go away 100%, but one day these people won't be able to do such things. It may take a century but it's inevitable.

    That's really comforting to know.

  6. One can always count on the always lurking ThaiVisa Vulture Squad not to miss an opportunity such as this to put forth their snide and malicious postulations like sniggering adolescents. What sad cases you must be to take such obvious pleasure from anothers misfortune.

    A tragedy for the victim and those who cared for him and certainly a story, the whole truth of which will probably never be known.

    And one can also always count on a post of condescending lecture and judgement to be included.

    And someone commenting on that. And so it goes on... and on ... and on ...

    And this is the point (usually on the first page) at which I stop reading this type of thread.

    • Like 1
  7. How very, very disappointing. The first real test seems to be inconsistent with peoples expectations.

    "Monthon said after price negotiations, the whole system would now cost Bt53 million." - was there no effective price negotiations originally?

    The only small saving grace is the fact that supposedly corrective action has now been taken, albeit this was after the public outcry. Shame.

    Hopefully further investigations will be taken and any person unlawfully profiting from this will be firmly punished. mellow.png

    First of all, why there was no bidding to choose the best value and accordingly, award the contract?

    Whoever thinks that stars on epaulets of a man makes him lily white needs to wake up.

    A Thai is a Thai is a Thai. Hundreds of years of teaching in school, home and real life and tradition mold the psyche and behaviour of Thais.

    What we deem to be corruption is simply Thai way. That is how it has always been: it's tradition. Patronage, nepotism, favoritism and the ever present "brown envelopes" are all ingrained in the Thai mentality of those in government and industry.

    Probity cannot be created by decree.

    Government, industry AND the military...

  8. Year after year after year...we hear the same old tune about the education system here. Its funny in a sad kind of way. Thais love to call anyting they consider unfashionable or stupid as being 'Laos'......How ironic this is then.....


    Am I being cynical? After reading headlines for years and years about how the educations system needs to change...and nothing happening...yes I am being cynical. I think the answer to the problem is clear. If you want an education.....go to Laos!

    Agree with everything you say except the last sentence. If you had lived with Lao school children growing up around you for the past 8 years, you would never suggest that as a solution – and especially about learning English!

  9. Yes, you collected money but how much did the wedding cost? How much did you pay? or will pay in the future?

    Were those friends? - probably. the whole village come to weddings. just in case someone did not know about the wedding they play the music super loud. every then is officially invited.

    Had dinner music. No big speakers. I don't live in a village. So , no the village did not come.

    Had some beer and liquor but not much and most of it left after everyone left.

    Boy did you miss the point of the thread. The point was she invited her friends to our wedding because she was proud to marry me. She told the world and posted pictures. Since the house was new there were only a couple of families from the neighborhood there.

    I missed it as well, what is the point of the thread? About her inviting her friends?

    Sorry if I'm being obtuse.

    Sometimes we miss the obvious. Our friends brought money. The money paid for the food and fun at the wedding. She invited them to share in our joy not as some have implied for a free party. She was proud to introduce me to her friends and family as I was proud to introduce her to mine.

    Sometimes it is what it is. If someone wants to steal from you they do it in the middle of the night when you are asleep or hit you over the head. If someone likes/loves you they want to marry you.

    As a 40 year old Thai woman, she's done very well for herself. Her friends will think so too. Love? That would be a bonus.

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