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Posts posted by laobali

  1. A case of mistaken identity so common gang get out the iron bars and beat some innocent guy half to death he looks like a tour guide a hefty 500 baht fine is what these thugs need, what is it with the Thai mentality shoot stab beat with iron bars then think after the deed is done I blame the parents for not teaching their children self-control a simple wright from wrong is all that is needed.

    It's nowhere near as simple as that. Parents all over the world have the same problem. However, in Thai/Lao culture, they recognise a 'black sheep' but he/she is still family. They accept that some are good and some are bad. It's thammada.

  2. Welcome to Thailand, Mr Guo. I do hope you haven't suffered any permanent injury. And a hearty congratulations to your attackers for providing the perfect reason for not employing them.

    And let's hope that a Chinese government backlash will finally wake the Thai government and its tourism authorities up. There is an escalating problem here – and it's not just a farang one.

  3. Correct me if I am wrong, isn't this by definition a form of corruption that needs to be addressed by the PM, the police and the NACC? Under no circumstances should a governmental agency be able to consider accepting this kind of payment.

    You must remember that in LOS EVERYTHING revolves around cash. So the putting up of cash in this way is a wow for locals but means sod all to farangs. To me it is a smoke screen and they fear "other" investigators being involved. of course his family may not have been involved but for sure they know who were, there are nooooo secrets in LOS.

    If I had any doubt in mind that they not involved, this has now been completely erased by this move, havent mutiple politican's in Thailand used the same "smoke screen" tactic to distract people when they where accused of something, a famous one related to the holding of PTT shares comes to mind and in most cases it turns out the said politicans have been up to no good or telling little white lies....wink.png

    The fact the headman is being so vocal about this and playing it up says to me the family/ family members are most certainly involved.

    "[He] doth protest too much, methinks."

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    How old is this cantankerous old git ?

    He is approx 60 years old.

    I am 29 and my wife is 30

    You are too young especially to have a Thai wife

    Certainly too young to have a Thai wife with a Thai son, living Thai style with a Thai family with obviously no intention of changing any of their ways. Must be pretty desperate to accept living like that - not to mention paying for it. Seems a strange relationship. You must have discussed this with your wife. What about her son? Does he consider you in any way a father figure? Where is his real father? So many issues here.

  5. A powerful, impartial, and competent body must take-over the investigation immediately. All local police should be impounded and subjected to intense interrogation as it appears that they are a hindrance to the progress in this appalling case.

    "A powerful, impartial, and competent body". In Thailand? Now there's an oxymoron if ever I saw one.

    But I agree, and in addition I suggest the TAT makes a 'grand gesture' by not only acknowledging that Koh Tao is in temporary lockdown (should be made in a statement from the PM) until the investigation is complete and the alleged killers incarcerated, but also offer alternative accommodation on other islands to those with bookings, and insist on refunds for any paid for in advance. Prohibit ALL new tourist arrivals.

    Innocent islanders will suffer too, but it may encourage anyone with information to come forward and get this situation resolved. The rest of the world (including potential tourists to Thai islands) IS watching.

  6. One thing that surprised me about Ko Toa is how late its bars shut. Walking home in the dark on a beach pitch black isn't a good idea. Why did they return to their hotel that way is there lit up areas on the beach now? I've been there twice and there was no lighting next to the beach. Also there is news reports of a second weapon a stick, can anyone confirm this? And the Chris Ware going home is to me strange, if it were my best mate from childhood killed I'd stay and try to help find out who did this to him. The gangster theory seems a little far fetched more over its a national vacationing on Ko To a who has returned home by now.

    People like walking along the beach at night because it is a beautiful place. They certainly don't do it to get themselves raped and murdered.

    Yes, the Chris Ware thing is strange - some people are strange. But the DNA testing appears to have cleared him.

    The gangster theory is farfetched? Really? Why? They are everywhere in Thailand. A vacationing Thai? You think there are no gangsters on Koh Tao? That's a bit naive. Pick an island - any island - and it has a local mafia or three.. .and Koh Tao's is small and totally insular. You'd have trouble getting anyone to bear witness against such a person, unless the police jailed all of the guy's friends and all of his family.

    The scenario that has been looming in my mind the whole time has been: Entitled youngster (that's 20s to me) of local mafia family - and one or two of his mates.... used to acting with total impunity, which, over the years, has made the little bastard into an egomaniacal bastard, capable of almost anything. Zipped on speed and booze - the world's best combination for having stupid ideas and actually following through on them. They decide to follow these two or happen upon them and decide to have a go at the girl, and things turn uglier and uglier. If there'd been an argument between the tourists and someone who fancies himself as a local "big dick" with an even more inflated (and falsely based) sense of pride than your average Thai male, that would make perfect sense - and explain the heights of the anger and cruelty. Speeding off his teats, he rounds up a mate or two to "teach them a lesson about who is important around here and showing "the proper respect." And, as always in his life... he gets away with it.

    This was the first scenario dreamed up by most people who have lived here awhile... it was certainly the first guess of several people I know who lived in Koh Tao for extended periods. But these police clowns, keen not to implicate a Thai, in line with the nationalistic fantasies of their boss, (Quote: "I cannot believe a Thai person did this"), have been bungling about Keystone-style trying to blame migrant workers who normally wouldn't say boo to a mouse... aggressive Burmese migrant workers don't last long in places like koh Tao - they have no protection whatsoever, and as we have seen, are the first people to get blamed. Koh Tao would not be the place to be a Burmese criminal.

    So finally they get on the right track... and it will be too late, and the guy will get away with it.

    After 20 years on the islands I can say: Spot on.
    It has here on the islands, many thai adolescents with rich parents.
    Many do not work and some take all kinds of crazy drugs.
    At night to come in conflicts with these groups of intoxicated mongoloids is dangerous.


    So pretty much is being said here is that there's a good chance this is now a cover-up......which has been mentioned in several posts over the past few days......

    I'de have to agree.....Koh Tao is small......everyone know what's happening.......

    If correct.....it's a terrible indictment of Thai policing and government to allow this to go on!

    And who exactly is going to stop 'allowing' this to go on? And how? And when?

    There is no possible good outcome to this case. Killer(s) will still be around, tourists will continue staying on the island. Life, except for the victims, goes on.

  7. This is when you find out what I suspect already about Resorts in Thailand, The locals look at the Tourists as lumps of meat with large wallets. If it is a "Local" who committed this crime then another local will know who it is , a local will know if someone has disappeared. So the question is will a Thai inform on a Thai for killing and diving away their bread and butter

    Was that an unintentional slip? It seems that diving is the island's bread and butter income earner. The all night beach raves are the jam, served by gangsters and other opportunists.

  8. Now we need Australia to have a referendum and cut the cord from mother England.

    For sure, but the mood for change in Australia is almost non existent. We have to wait until the current monarchist PM is removed, preferably sooner than later, and throw out the knights and dames with him.

    Once that has been achieved, moves can be made for change and I think the time for change (a referendum for an Australian head of state) is either within a year of the Queen's 100 th birthday, within a year of her passing (if it is before her 99th birthday), or within the year she passes the baton to Charles if she so chooses. This method would show goodwill and respect to the Queen, and at the same time give momentum and incentive for Australians to elect a mate as head of state.

    "... throw out the knights and dames ..."

    Including Dame Edna? Shame she's 80 already.

    • Like 2
  9. People like to go on holiday to a place where they feel they are appreciated, and the number of "YES" voters could easily dull this feeling. Great place though, especially up the west coast, and I think it will all blow over very quickly with no outward manifestations of dislike for the poor Sassenach smile.png

    People like to go on holiday to a place where they feel they are appreciated. If that's true, why do so many go to Thailand? smile.png

  10. 10% is a pretty big difference. No one can say it was close ...

    Whether there will another referendum depends on central government. And of course nationalists would like to see another try in nearby future. You fail, try again ...

    Important is that Britain didn't fall apart.

    Because it's held together by Scotch tape?

    • Like 1
  11. Try affirmations.Say seven times a day,"I AM FULL OF LIFE AND BURSTING WITH ENERGY". Say it with strength and passion and you will get more energy.You are telling your subconcious mind what you want and it will make sure you get it eventualy.Even by saying this affirmation once gives me a lift.

    Good if it works for you. After I'd said that once I'd laugh out loud and think, "Who are you kidding?"

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    DNA tests would show the ethnicity. DNA tests could easily be linked to relatives of any suspect from Koh Tao.

    This smells very much like locals did it and the police can't or won't investigate or arrest them.

    And that is why the British Embassy (joke) should insist on Scotland Yard Investigators, both Police and Forensic teams should be called in. Although probably to late for forensics, as the area is probably sufficiently contaminated by now?


    Thailand is a sovereign nation.

    If the crime occurred to a Thai couple vacationing in Britain would the Thai Embassy have a "right" to insist it be investigated by the Thai Police?

    Ofcourse not.

    The British police do not have a reputation of being bent and corrupt!

    "What never?"

    "No never!"

    "What never?"

    "Well, hardly ever!"

    Gilbert & Sullivan, HMS Pinafore

  13. Finally, people around Thailand may think you cannot get SAD.

    Just because we are not located up around the arctic circle.

    But, you can.

    I notice that around January, when the cold weather comes, and you never seem to get warm,

    And the rays of the sun do not come from on high, then one's mood begins to dip.

    My advice is to put in a very hot shower, with plenty of water. This is actually what I have done this month. I put in a 8000watt water heater. And, I plan to add another hot water heater of 8000watts so that I can have plenty of hot water when I am taking a shower. 16000 watts should give me 12 liters per minute of 50 degree water. Don't laugh. A hot shower in the Thai winter season is a HUGE lift to one's mood, and does not cost much.

    Another thing, before winter comes, try to invest in a heat pump instead of a regular air con unit.

    Unfortunately, where I live, I have one that is fairly new, and I do not need to change to a new unit.

    But, when I do, I am going to invest in a heat pump, so that I can have heat in the winter time.

    If I keep the inside of my house at 26 degrees, then I will feel tons better, believe me!

    Also, try to make yourself comfortable in every area, and also try to enjoy things that are simple and easy to enjoy.

    I love to eat, so I eat cheap wonderful food that is abundant where I live.

    I like to study, so I study where I am, which is also a place of study, and so I am fortunate in this.

    DONT DRINK! Drinking is a huge depressant, and kills the urge to do fun things.

    Dont womanize! This does the same thing as the drink.

    OK, just a few tips here.

    Now, I hope this improves your mood a bit.


    No need to thank me.

    16000 watts on a single phase domestic supply is about 70 amps! Good luck with that.

    The Skype teaching idea is great. Feeling you're doing something to help someone definitely helps raise your spirits.

  14. Seeing your TV posting history, the answer's now plain to me. You have no intellectual stimulus from 'real' people. You won't find any respite continuing to live where you are with a Thai wife as you probably have nothing meaningful in common. Move somewhere else, even back to the UK, but choose a different area like the south coast and reestablish contact with a few people from your past life.

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