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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. 2 hours ago, tominbkk said:

    I eat meat too.  But personally I'm not into torturing animals.  I went 'fishing' once at a park here and left feeling so sad.

    If your ancestors thought the same you may not be here, animals have sustained human life even before we came down from the trees, we are animals, no different to lions, crocodiles etc, all you bleeding hearts should try and stop a pride of lions tearing a live animal apart, go on, I dare you. Now, for a nice steak for dinner.

  2. A government that wants to FORCE tourists to spend, a minimum, something wrong with that, but hey, how do they monitor every single tourist's spending,  it's  rediculous. This is not a governments perocative,  it is up to the tourist to decide their holiday, where they go, where they stay, what they buy, whether they go on a package, a tour or find their own way.


  3. 4 hours ago, Yoram said:


    This item is hot on the heel of the item about the cop laid in hospital after been

    hit by a car while doing his duty in an intersection, this is another example

    of how dangerous and perilous the lives of traffic cops in Thailand are.

    Sadly they only have themselves to blame, if they enforced the law and did their duty them perhaps drivers would be taking more care.

  4. On 25/09/2016 at 1:26 PM, NotMyUsualid said:


    Try reading the article before you comment.


    It said it will have facial recognition tied to the national ID database.


    *tsk tsk*

    Actually it is you that shouldvread the article " of whether they are wearing helmets or not, but at the initial stage the cameras will not be linked to the national ID " notice it said "not" be connected to the national ID.

  5. 1 hour ago, Artisi said:

    Everyone one means just that,  otherwise use: some, a few, the majority ...

    You should watch/read more media, go complain to them, the rest of us, oops sorry many of us, don't  give a rats ass with your pedantic comments. Just to satisfy you "everyone" could also be a select group, not necessarily  everyone on the planet.

    Now, bugger off and leave us adults alone.

  6. 50 minutes ago, Thechook said:

     international "OVERNIGHT" visitor arrivals, with 21.47 million arrivals projected for this year.


    So these are people who are purely transiting through Thailand and not actually selecting Thailand as thier holiday destination.   Is TAT counting these people on a stopover as part of thier record breaking tourist numbers.

    I would like to know where the numbers come from, if from AOT then it includes arrival and departures as well as demestic travellers, let's  face it Bangkok is not that attractive as a tourist destination.

  7. 10 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

    How can you represent everyone ? The general consensus is that if one keeps repeating oneself it becomes somewhat boring.

    Maybe I'm wrong but can't speak for everyone !!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The work "everyone" is often used, on all media, and speeches, thought not meaning literally  "everyone" that is assumed, except by pedantic fools.

  8. 7 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

    it is delusional to think that the International community thinks much about Thailand, let alone thought warmly of.

    Personally  I don't think the international  community gives a rats about Thailand, except maybe China, it is not a strategic  location, considering Viet Nam is now more "friendly" and welcoming, that and the fact it doesn't  particularly  like China. Manufacturing are looking more and more to other nations, cheaper, more sable and your not as likely to have the carpet pulled out from under you.

  9. 5 minutes ago, JAG said:

    Well then, "Skeptical", given the amount of cash that reports indicate seem to be left by farangs in cabs, if I drove an airport taxi I would look under the seat after every fare!!

    Really, well I'm  glad you would, but I suggest very few, if any, actually do check, in fact every one I've seen, doesn't,  too much of a rush to get back for the next fare. I put it to the readers, has anyone seen a cabby check the back seat/floor?

  10. 23 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

    Wimon Triphat who drove back to the airport after being contacted by officials there.


    Yeah, right, some people are honest ,especially Thais.

    Call me skeptical,  but far too many of these stories, almost as though they are fake, just why would a cabby look under a seat, I have never seen a follow up comment from any of these tourists, thanking the cabby, airport worker etc maybe they are one of the expats that have 

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