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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. Texting at the time of the crash? I mean, how else could you miss the huge white & red candy striped beam of steel going over the road in front of him?

    But why was it there in the first place ?

    That's a very good point. As it is before an overpass, not an underpass. There is nothing on the overpass that would restrict the height of the vehicle. Perhaps they planned on something in the past that never got built? It wouldn't be the first time.

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  2. Minister promise flood-free industrial estates.

    Same artical said 39 industrial estates been hit by the floods.

    Second the building dams/walls around some estates so infrastucture for delivery and recieved goods not possible.

    Flood-free but factories shut down.

    The dykes around the estates have access ramps going over them, so you can get in and out..... unless the water is so high that even reaching the estate becomes a problem, as in 2011.

    The dykes primary purpose is to keep whatever is inside dry so that they factories inside can kick off again as soon as the surrounding waters have gone. Most companies should have contigency plans to place the lost production capacity at their other sites, assuning they have them. Those that don't will just have to wait it out.

  3. Do they have to mention the 'head'? Unnecessarily graphic. Poor family.

    Yes, they did because that's what happened! It's called reporting!

    Rubbish! It's insensitive. Reporting who he was, the circumstances that led to the accident, and that he died, are details enough. The gruesome details of what happened to him go beyond mere reporting and step into sensationalism. Poor family.

    Rubbish! It's insensitive.

    Who says its insensitive?

    This is Asia my friend, the attitude to life and death over here is a bit different to what you may have been used to, but it doesnt make it insensitive, just different.

    Travel broadens the mind, the cultural imperialists dont appreciate that, best you stay home if it offends you.

    You want some more insensitivity?

    The locals will be buying lottery numbers that match the tabien motocy.

    You want even more, go to your local newspaper stand and buy the magazine 191, everything in graphic detail.

    The family of the deceased is not Thai. How would they feel? Don't people everywhere you go always speak about being sensitive to other cultures etc etc.

    I've been over here 10 years, and yeah, I'm still not used to some of the shit I see. Telling me that I should go home however, that won't make the things that are wrong, right. It just means there will be one less voice to complain about them. I for one want to see Thailand move forward, and yes, on it's on terms. Me going home however, won't help this country advance beyond the quagmire it is currently stuck in.

  4. Do they have to mention the 'head'? Unnecessarily graphic. Poor family.

    Yes, they did because that's what happened! It's called reporting!

    Rubbish! It's insensitive. Reporting who he was, the circumstances that led to the accident, and that he died, are details enough. The gruesome details of what happened to him go beyond mere reporting and step into sensationalism. Poor family.

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