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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. Well if the Thai police already know this much about the weapon used in this murder, why would theey advertise this. If the weapon is not at the bottom of a river, lake, or sewer system at this press release, it should be shortly. Its a wonder they did not give out the serial number and caliber while giving the latest 'its a tough case' press release.

    It's because they were so pleased with themselves for having done some actualy police work that they had to share.

    • Like 1
  2. If the red shirts hadn't been running all over town like a bunch of ciminals, none of this would have happened. Yet it's the Democrat governments fault.

    Now you have a small group of students protesting peasefully in a corner, and the Thaksin government (let's call a spade a spade) in bringing in Internal security acts.

    We are a long long way from any sort of harmony in this country, and we all know who is quietly stirring things up from afar.

    • Like 2
  3. He knows he copied Starbucks. We know he copied Starbucks. Everyone knows he copies Starbucks.

    Telling fibs about his inspiration for the logo evaporated any sympathy I felt for him..... and I really loathe Starbucks.

    He should have played the sympathy card himself. Saying how the big nasty coffee corporation (which Starbucks is) has stolen his business and so he was just trying to get a little back to feed his family.

    Copying is a difficult concept, as anyone who even has a passing acquaintance with copyright and patent issues. And large companies are known to copy others, infringe on copyright and patents. But as they have the big bucks, they can outspend the small guy in money for lawyers and take the case to appeal after appeal until the opposition's money runs out. Do you think that large companies never "told fibs" about where the inspiration for either their logos or their software came from?

    But here is something to think about: Imagine the situation was reversed and Starbucks had copied the local coffee vendor. Do you think he would have any real redress? He would not be able to afford to defend himself.

    Do you believe that everything about Starbucks was invented by that company and its contractors, that they never copied or "got inspiration" from some other source?

    If your answer is no, do you therefore believe that there is justice in such a system where the big guys can copy as much as they want and the small guys cannot and are unable to get redress?

    Two wrongs don't make a right. And in the scheme of things, infringing copyright is the least of Starbucks offences. Serving over priced crap coffee which definately used to be (and likely still is) at least partially harvested by child (slave?) labour being of far greater concern.

    However, let's look at this issue for what it is, one man copying the logo of another. He is wrong. He knows it. He could have got out of it, or taken a different path to garner sympathy. Telling fibs that won't hold up in a court except one of 12 completlely blind jurours was proably the poorer of the choices he could of made.

  4. The Danish system is infamous for doing this.

    If the step dad hadn't died they would still have been able to live in Denmark. I don't know their financial situation but for me as a Danish citizen I think Denmark should allow them to stay even if it means they are on welfare, they came to Denmark with the best of intentions and not to benefit from the Danish welfare system they were struck by tragedy and now are punished even more by being send out of the country.

    There are thousands of people coming to Denmark to exploit the Danish welfare system and they are allowed to do so and should be send home but these two people should be allowed to stay I am repulsed by who we are allowing to stay and who we send out of the country.

    This story makes me be ashamed to be a Danish citizen.

    While I understand what you are saying, the only reason the woman was there was because she was married to a Dane who was financially supporting her. Welfare in another form one could argue.

    I suspect if she was working or otherwise contributing to Danish society then she and her son would have been allowed to stay.

    According to the Danish media mother Suthida Nielsen is contributing to the Danish society being under education as a social worker assistant (SOSU), an education in Danish language. She has never received any social welfare compensation from the Danish society for her and her daughter Im, so the family takes care of themselves. Suthida have been in Denmark almost five years by now (ref. TV2 News).
    As mom speaks Danish, it is very likely that she also speaks Danish with her daughter, being well integrated due to attending Danish school.
    The Danish system is, that the authorities look at family ties. When Suthida’s Danish husband died of cancer last year, the family ties seems stronger in Thailand than Denmark, with only the in-laws from her late husband. From the way the Danish media refers, the late husband did not adopt Im, even she has changed name to her stepfather’s family name, Nielsen, like her mom.
    The supporting protest reaction from the Danes with signature collection is due to, that the Danish authorities do accept residence based on humanitarian reasons in other cases, but mainly when the immigrants come from war zones, where even convicted criminals are allowed to stay in Denmark and still be financially supported by the welfare system. There is a heavy ongoing debate about this at the moment in Denmark.
    Some of us Danes really feel ashamed over a case like Suthida and Im Nielsen – a little family that seems well integrated and contributing to the society – I fully agree with what Spacemand said above.

    Well if this is the case, I stand corrected. If she is a contributing member of society she should be allowed to continue to do so.

  5. The Danish system is infamous for doing this.

    If the step dad hadn't died they would still have been able to live in Denmark. I don't know their financial situation but for me as a Danish citizen I think Denmark should allow them to stay even if it means they are on welfare, they came to Denmark with the best of intentions and not to benefit from the Danish welfare system they were struck by tragedy and now are punished even more by being send out of the country.

    There are thousands of people coming to Denmark to exploit the Danish welfare system and they are allowed to do so and should be send home but these two people should be allowed to stay I am repulsed by who we are allowing to stay and who we send out of the country.

    This story makes me be ashamed to be a Danish citizen.

    While I understand what you are saying, the only reason the woman was there was because she was married to a Dane who was financially supporting her. Welfare in another form one could argue.

    I suspect if she was working or otherwise contributing to Danish society then she and her son would have been allowed to stay.

  6. Here is some novel thinking. Why don't they activate this 'WFMC' to prevent the level reaching catorgary 4, instead of wiating until it is too late?

    There would not be any point in breaking rank with a National plan for the categorisation and response to the Nation's flooding if Thailand now responds sporadically.

    This is the first time in the last 20 years (the span of my residence in Thailand) that there has been a formalised national plan of forecast assessments monitoring and responding to Thailand's annual flooding events.

    Most of Thailand is on an alluvial flood plain which is largely responsible for Thailand's success and prosperity. The government has no intention to try and eliminate the valuable water resource, simply put the government aims to optimise the existing flood defense systems installed by their predecessors and add major strategic capital intensive robust systems to prevent the flooding from overwhelming the nation and shutting down her industries.

    You don't need to, no can't eliminate the water, but you can manage it. Catchment areas, reforestisation, unblocking waterways, building new ones. The list goes on.

    Ask the families and businesses who are affected this year how the monitoring, assessing, and responding is working for them.

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