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Posts posted by a2396

  1. B&H, London and Dunhill, which are all manufactured in Singapore by BAT for the Thai market, do not seem to be available nationwide at the moment. This has happened before - usually happens once every couple of years. I don't know why it happens - a distribution problem; a dispute; or just bloody-mindedness? Usually resolves itself after a month or two, but this time it seems to have been going on for much longer. I've been forced to change to L&M Red, not very much to my liking, but certainly cheaper at 60 baht (B&H are/were 98 baht).

    I have never seen Dunhill available on the retail market in Thailand. 555 also available here, which is a fairly good UK brand, but a bit strong. I also would like to see all the brands available retail that are sold in duty free shops, but I don't think it will happen. I think it would be a good opportunity for the govt to make some tax money, since I am sure you would be nailed for additional import taxes.

  2. ..... At age 18, as I understand it, they will make the choice as to which passport to give up. They will also be elegible for monthly social security checks until age 18 because their retired father is already receiving these benefits. (This question came up during the adoption interview... would I be applying?)

    I apologize for the length of this post, but I wanted to go into some detail because these issues arise daily. I hope I answered the two questions above regarding giving up custody and citizenship of the adopted child. If anyone has questions, please PM me.

    Great post and it sounds like you did a good job following this through to the end. One clarification, the kids do not need to give up either passport at 18. Both Thailand and US have no problem with dual citizenship. This has been discussed many times.


    Ain't necessarily so. In many, if not most cases, USA does not allow dual citizenship.

  3. Who sez no one ever listens to the customer. Recently I was in Boots looking for a pre-electric shave lotion mgf by a Japanese company named Gatsby. They had sold this about a year ago, but recently the product had disappeared, along with other items made by this company. I asked the manage if she should re-order or restock this item and surprisingly it was back on the shelf about 3 months later. I mention this because this is the only brand of pre-electric shave lotion, which I have found available for sale in Thailand.

  4. Mmh, King Power has a huge shop near the Pullman Hotel which is within walking distance of Victory Monument. Here they have most of the leading cigarette brands - but instead of adding say 200 Baht tax, they won't sell them!

    You can buy them and get them delivered at King Power duty free. How screwed up a business model is this?

    Why oh why isn't K.P. just paying the tax and letting folks buy the cigarettes they like?


    My understanding is that King Power is a duty free seller, ie you cannot buy unless you are leaving the country. Good question as to why they don't just sell what people want. The purchaser could pay the import tax anyway upon sale. But, I suppose that is to complex of an issue for the "system" to undertake.

  5. This doesn`t sound right

    As previuosly mentioned your been a member for 6 yrs now & should know all about a variety of things

    As for the sex thing that is totally untrue for a foriegner, because my wife was waiting (probably thought i may look else where) :)

    She did tell me it is thai tradition as she mentioned one of her friends (2 thais)

    Sorry, but I don't exactly understand your last two sentences. What do you mean?

  6. There might be a good opportunity for people who are dealing in expensive educational material.

    As usual Thai politicians think they can solve the problem by investing in gimmicks.

    The only way to upgrade the Thai educational system is to start from the primary and high schools. It should have been done years ago.

    The main problem is that many Thai (grand)parents do not see the need of helping their kids, or are simply not capable to do so.

    Thai children are taught from very early by repeating, not by experimenting. They also learn that you can buy the magic that will help education. That is why Thailand is still the top-selling country for the "Mozart-method". It is my guess that every Thai house where there is a lady between 18 and 35 there are at least 3 methods to learn English. With the results we know.

    Three methods to learn English?? Most I see, wouldn't know about even one, let alone have any interest in it.

  7. It would be much better if all us farangs left. They just don't want us here. Just send money on a regular basis and stay back in Canada, the USA, the UK, Australia, Germany and the rest of Europe. Leave it up to the Chinese who will slowly take over because they know how to deal with Asians.

    So the Chinese are not going to "take over" the highly advanced countries of the west? They need to stop basking in the complacency of their past superior status, particularly USA.

    You don't need war to take over another country. All you need to do is be more efficient, more ruthless with your own people and nibble away at the opposition's economy. China has those attributes in spades.

    They (the Chinese) also have the advantage of some western countries. who have been politically and economically "asleep at the wheel" for 30 years, oblivious to the erosion of economic status, stability and power that has been going on in their "home turf".

  8. It would be much better if all us farangs left. They just don't want us here. Just send money on a regular basis and stay back in Canada, the USA, the UK, Australia, Germany and the rest of Europe. Leave it up to the Chinese who will slowly take over because they know how to deal with Asians.

    So the Chinese are not going to "take over" the highly advanced countries of the west? They need to stop basking in the complacency of their past superior status, particularly USA.

  9. Try


    its an onlineshop and they have a lot of stuff.

    3-6,000 Euro for stockings. 18-30,000 Euro for "other items". I think I'd stick to Robinson's, although they don't have leather & vinyl "outfits". Probably cheaper to but it direct online from USA retailers.

  10. My life in LOS is considerably better than what I would have back home in USA. There - social life = ZERO. Maybe, I would get lucky & could take out Grandma's garbage or clean her garage. Sex ? Forget it. My residence is equal or better to what I might have back home. As for being ripped off? For big purchase items, always have a Thia do the negotiating and stay out of sight. For small things such as food etc, I have rarely been overcharged. The greedy ladies are the # 1 hazard and require considerable tenacity and careful scrutiny, by the Farang, to avoid becoming a victim.

  11. Those factors help. But life is what you make it. You are in charge.

    Have you read the book or seen the movie, "The Secret" ?

    if its hope you are looking for, that is as good a place to start as any...

    It offers practical advice not just wishy washy sound bites.

    Up to you if you follow the advice. But if you are REALLY looking to change some things in your life, start but changing some things in your life.*

    *That statement changed my life for the better :)

    Yes, "The Secret" is to think positive that you are rich and you WILL be rich. Maybe a part of the answer. Secondary to luck, hard work, and doing the right thing at the right place and the right time.

  12. I know belguim's a boring place but is this story the best the OP can think up? 6 years and no sex?so you've been dating her since she was 12? I cant imagine dating any lady for even 1 year without sex,life's too short.

    One year ?? Way to long. 2 months maximum. No sex by then & they are history. Many of the locals start banging away by they time they are 14. Take a look at the number of 25 and under women with babies and often with no husbands. This no sex before marriage is (usually) another "Fairy Tale" reserved for Farangs.

  13. In general, it's supposed to be karmically worse to kill a big animal than a small one, so some Thais don't feel right about eating beef. This is Buddhist tradition rather than scripture. I read somewhere it's origin was in the fact that large animals - elephants and horses - were royal animals in India.

    There are also (mostly ethnic Chinese) devotees of the Mahayana bodhisattva/Chinese goddess known as Jao Mae Guan-im. According to her legend, in atonement for his sins her father vowed to come back in his next life as a cow. So devotees don't eat beef.

    On Buddhist holy days, some vendors will sell only food from small animals, not beef.

    Another hocus pocus nonsense based on superstition. Moslem's - no pork, Indians - no beef, some others - only vegetables. I don't let other people dictate what I eat. However, most Thai beef is like eating shoe leather. Could be one reason why it is not so popular. What does big & small have to do with anything? My friend's Thai wife will not kill an ant or spider. Makes sense to me ????

  14. 360,000 asked for.

    I refused.

    250,000 was next.

    I refused.

    180,000 after that.

    I refused.

    In the end I paid for the wedding, clothes, photos, food and reception, 2 Baht gold & a small amount of cash.

    My reasons for refusing were on the grounds she had already been married and had 2 kids. But to make a token gesture was acceptable to me. Anything more and I would have walked - should have :)

    Total 80,000

    Well, someone had to pay for the party :D

    360.000 asked for a woman who was married before and has two children? This is good example of how stupid Thais think Farangs are, when it comes to this. Do you think they would have the balls to suggest such to a Thai, if they could even find one to marry her?

    And 360 was a low end quote.

    I have been asked for a lot more than that by others.

    In this case it was an Aunt who was doing all the pushing. The family (mother and father) never asked for anything at all even though they do not have much money. They could not even afford to replace the broken food cabinet - I strained my wrist as I dug deep into my wallet and bought one for 2,500.

    In those few instances where they ask for ridiculous sums of money. I get the feeling they tot up the family debts and use that as a yardstick for sin-sot.

    I have had 2 Thai women tell me that a Thai man would never marry them. On asking why they replied it was because they already have children. Not sure if that is usually the case or not. If it is, it is a bleak outlook for many women.

    I think they mean a formal marriage where they would get sin sod. If they are cute, some Thai man might live with them & pretend to be married.

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