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Posts posted by a2396

  1. It would be carnage if foreigners were allowed to own freehold.

    That's absurd.

    Go to France, Germany, England, Spain, Italy,... and you're allowed to buy any land, is it a carnage?

    The USA loves it not just land buy anything you like

    foreign investment is welcome it also makes friends.

    Yes, USA and China are good friends now, because China owns a big piece of America. I am sure it will be a wonderful friendship, with many benefits for America, LOL.

  2. These "gold standard" gents must be getting off the boat/plane by the hundreds. There seems to be no shortage of them (golden geese), because numerous women I have encountered think they can get this and they have asked. Some claim they get 30K + and some of these dodo guys don't even live here in LOS. I guess they have got money to burn. I have had plenty of them sneer at 10K, which I think is plenty for a non-BKK average girl. Of course they can make more than 30K, if they are in "The Business".

  3. I think the Prime Minister is probably too preoccupied with domestic issues to give a flying fart about anything a Falang wants.

    EXACTLY !! So many posts regarding Thai politics here and Farangs yapping on and on about this or that. If you cannot vote here and participate directly in how the country is run, you are going to have little effect.

  4. As a 'rich' farang, of course you'll be expected to buy a bigger, better house to save the families face.

    You will also be expected to provide something similar for the parents. Why else would they want a farang son-in-law?

    Having said that, you could be the unusual case who's met their wife outside of Pattaya/Phuket etc. (and certainly not in a bar!), in which case the circumstances are different.

    From my experience here, I think it does not matter where the man meets the lady. The "average girl" has the same "expectations", when a Farang is the spouse/sponsor. This is not a trait only held by bar-girls. Some exceptions to women other than from Issan and those of a higher social status/income family, if one (Farang) is fortunate enough to have any relationship with such a woman.

  5. *any good places?

    Duluth, Minnesota,

    Unterpfaffenhofen, Bavaria,

    Figastretta, Sicily,

    Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso,

    Cazzoduro, Northern Italy,

    Dacca, Bangla Desh,

    Tamanrasset, Southern Algeria,

    and last not least Vunamami, Papua New Guinea.

    Duluth, Minnesota ?? You mean a trip to the iron mines or skinny dipping in Lake Superior? I can't decide Duluth or Dacca? What about Fargo in January?

  6. Attached is an article from today's St. Petersburg, Florida newspaper about an American who traveled to Thailand for some surgery and was very pleased. I think we will be seeing much more of this in the future, particularly from America, where the costs of medical care are on the moon. The problem is, they may drive up the over-all costs of medical care in Thailand, particularly for foreigners. Maybe Gramps could get further "rejuvenation" at soi Cowboy, if he's up to it.


  7. Thailand must have an enormous consumer debt.

    Every man and his brother seems to have a new Toyota on 7 year finance agreements add to that the amount of credit cards out there now and you have a disaster waiting to happen.

    I was here before the last crash in the currency and honestly don't see anything being done any differently to then.

    Wages have certainly not kept pace with inflation here so with rising prices how are the Thai's going to maintain the payments on the debts.

    Having bought many properties and assets in Thailand at fire sale prices after the 96 crash I have cashed biggest part of them in over the last 2 years .

    Personally I see tears around the corner and an enormous slump in the economy

    I wonder about this as well. One would think the country has been hit some with the decline in exports that is related to the USA and European economic slump. But, all this has seemed to have no negative impact on BHT value.

  8. Another one bites the dust. She's going to let him off "scott free"? He wouldn't be no stinkin' Troll would he?

    What is your <deleted>@@ing problem? i am not a troll, i value this site very high, hope you never get a problem and need to turn here for advice,sick

    Sorry to be so negative, but I have many questions are germane to your situation, that I would have thought you might have considered during the course of your relationship.

    How old are you and how old is she?

    How long did you know her before you got married?

    Why did you legally marry her.

    Since you are legally married, why did you not take her to your home country to live with you?

    How much money have you handed over to her so far. Is that (money or lack thereof) a factor in her attitude now?

  9. Let her go just go to the Amphur and get your divorce it will cost 20 baht and you can start again you will have to be present :)


    why should i make it easy for her thogh?

    but many thanks ur reply


    issanpaul, the best advice I can give you is "move on with your life" I know it's not what you want, however it is what you got. Value your time together, but come to grips with the fact that it's over. Now, with a whole new attitude, come on back and find a new lady. This is Thailand, within walking distance of where you found her, you can find another just like her, maybe even better.


    to answer your question "why should i make it easy for her thogh?" Answer: because it will be easier for you.

    Good luck

    Good advice, lovedog. I was going to say exactly the same thing. I've seen a lot of separations and then couples getting back together again. I haven't seen ONE that lasted very long the second time around. There are ALWAYS repeating problems.

    Long term relationships just don't work, unless the two people are totally insular and don't really NEED anyone else in their life. They just sort of exist together in some sort of weird relationship where both go their own separate ways. Most women want a whole lot more out of life than that. The only way it seems to work is if the woman doesn't enjoy sex, and just needs a wealthy man to support her. If you leave a normally healthy woman alone for very long it won't take forever before she gets a straying eye. Some of the gals just take the poor sods money and have part time lovers on the side. Other women are more honest and want more out of life. They actually want their man to be around most of the time... or at least often enough for it to be some sort of resemblance to a marriage. The honest ones just ask their husbands for a divorce. The wise man is the one who accepts it and agrees. The only hassle at that point is how to divide up their possesions accrued while married. Who in their sane mind would actually WANT to live with a woman who wants to divorce you?

    Quite true. I have seen a few Thai marriages fall apart when the man is overseas working and the woman is left alone in Thailand. As for Farang & Thai together, many women cannot be trusted even when the man lives here (in LOS) with them. Most of these women I have seen are very secretive and have many hidden agendas. As for divorce, it is not unusual though, that one party or the other will not want to end things, because they are still in love with their partner. Unfortunately, love is not always an equal or balanced thing.

  10. I also got the same information. If your wife is or has not resided in USA for 5 years, forget it. She is likely not going to be happy hearing such news. Unfortunately, Thai women ASSUME a lot of things, when getting involved with a foreigner. Most of them have no awareness of all the various financial pitfalls involved and each country of origin (of the man) is different. The women generally have no concept of this.

  11. Rigerous lessons like westerners do? Maybe where you are from in the Western World. As for my home country, there is no requirement for any formal training to get a drivers license. Of course they have to pass a written and road test. The same as in Thailand. One requirement for driving in America is a quick and adept middle finger, as well as a good vocabulary of expletives. Sadly, Thais are somewhat lacking in these attributes.

    Anyone beating on Thai drivers should spend time driving in Los Angles, Phoenix or South Florida, before passing judgment. Compared to those locations, Thai drivers are a picture of politeness and civility.

  12. Sadly. or maybe not sadly, I don't have a daughter. If they really want to do this right they need to set up and "auction block" where they can sell her off to the highest bidder. Quick & easy I would think & no "mincing around" negotiating with relatives, etc. I think there is a similar one in Charleston, South Carolina, used in the "old days" for a bit different purpose, but similar none-the-less.

  13. i don't for one second buy into the argument that allowing foriegn investment in thailand without 100 burning hoops to jump through is somehow protecting the thai people. if you look at the worlds wealthiest nations, they have something in common which is open free market capitalism. The Thai people do not benefit from these isolationist policies.

    Yes, we can all see the benefits of unrestricted capitalism (mostly) and free trade have brought for the American economy. Europe not far behind.

  14. This is one of the reasons that the USA is the greatest nation on earth. Lets hope Obama doesn't get the chance to change that.


    I think he has come rather late in the game to be pulling any chestnuts out of the fire. Unfortunately, USA has had little, if any, visionary policies to prevent the situation they now find themselves in. Many of these downward (economic) trends have been going on for 30-40 years.

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