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Posts posted by a2396

  1. USA has been busy selling themselves off to foreign interests for decades. Probably the Chinese will own them soon. Individual property ownership by foreigners in Thailand is a bit to restrictive, but at least they (the Thai govt) are aware of the dangers of selling off the country wholesale to non-Thais.

  2. What did you think would happen? The UK is an Island, with an Island mentality, (small minded) I’m English and proud to be so, however, there are way to many people in the UK that have never been any where…. Done anything or been anyone, who works all week, or not! And go on about the (not in any particular order) wars we have won, football and how they would run the England team, how to pull a bird, and be happy to tell you how much they know about everything. If you need to know anything in the UK, go to a pub on a Fri night, find the biggest bar fly and ask him…. Anything! Everything in the UK is dumbed down for the bone heads that now live there. Anything you say that doesn’t fit their view or what they’ve seen on TV…. And you’re a liar. Sorry to hear your family seems to be cast from the same stone. Time to move on, you’ve out grown them mate. The world is a big place, life a journey, not a destination. Good luck!

    Ditto for USA, pretty much.

  3. Hi well Thai women do nothing better they know nothing about sex they thing that they know it. Why they running around packin a towel.

    Yes there are a couple off thinks what they can verry well; playing card whit your money, speak a lie and not one time, walking like the Bangkok Bank ATM machine.

    They can't clean a house they forgot every time the windows yes the clean the windows if there is on every window a 100THB banknote.

    If you have an vacuum cleaner they dont use it they like to move the durt to a other part off the room.

    But I'm verry happy here every day there is the sun for me the birds belief me after 14 years in Thailand I know what is happend but sex whit a thai lady BS.

    Best regard for all


    Give them a break. They aren't quite as bad as you describe. Agreed, they are not as sexually astute as SOME western women. Most could not do as well as my old high school GF's, but that was a long time ago. Some Thai women are very good at housekeeping, but don't expect a sex kitten and a housemaid in the same person. I think they don't exist, anywhere in the world. Good at sex often means good for nothing else, unfortunately.

  4. Oh my GAWD, not an ARSENAL fan! But, I'll forgive you that little peccadillo. :)

    I just tell them the truth. "I'm from Canada"... even though I'm often mistaken for American. I just take that insult lightly. :D Us Canadians are too polite to let it bother us. :D

    Good answer - Je suis Canadien. Parlez-vous? The OP's mistake is getting into to many details. Forget the geography lesson on UK place names.

  5. Love is what men feel when they see a pretty woman.

    Love is what women feel when they see a wealthy man.

    These are the rules since mankind exists. Actually earlier, as even female monkeys use sex to gain some advantage from male monkeys.

    In the modern western world, over 90% of women marry a man of higher status. They call it "love" and a few years later many depart with his assets.

    So in this context, what is wrong with having sex with a Soi Cowboy girl? Modern western ideology interpretes this as "she is forced to do it". Nonsense. Nobody forces her, as nobody forced the female monkey millions of years go. She just does what almost all women do: she goes with a man of higher status.

    So forget the bitter zealots here: treat your girl well, give her a good time and she will give you a good time. Let the bitter people despise you - you won't care.

    Pay her well and she will treat you well? Maybe. Ain't necessarily so in all cases.

  6. eek is 100% spot on.

    Taking a date & paying for dinner & theater is NOT paying for sex, at the end of the night one or both can refuse. That is the chance taken.

    Paying a women or man to have sex with you is a totally different kettle of fish. You are procuring the service they offer, they "could" refuse you I suppose depending on their financial situation at the time or the rules of the bar but to imply that this is a case of 2 consenting adults enjoying each other then you are wrong, there are far too many variables & you are buying their body for that time.

    I can be single go out ask a single guy if he wants a shag & do it, that is 2 consenting adults enjoying sex without love. Going up to a sex worker & asking for sex involves agree to an amount, getting a shag & paying them for it. Not really a question of the act not happening in that scenario.

    You really can't see the difference?

    So is coughing up a monthly "subscription fee" to your lady or paying exorbitant sin sod the same as sex for money? Would you call these women "sex workers"? A fine line, if you ask me.

    Quick question..."Do Thai men pay salaries?" :)

    Actually yes, in some cases. One of my Thai lady acquaintances, who is familiar with the Cultural landscape here, says, if the man is over 35 he pays. Of course, that was her "rules of the road". She is 26 and has several friends who are mia nois to Thai men. She said she would not get involved with any man who did not pay. Of course, Thai to Thai, who are of similar age and young, are the same as back home. Love is the driving factor, not money.

  7. eek is 100% spot on.

    Taking a date & paying for dinner & theater is NOT paying for sex, at the end of the night one or both can refuse. That is the chance taken.

    Paying a women or man to have sex with you is a totally different kettle of fish. You are procuring the service they offer, they "could" refuse you I suppose depending on their financial situation at the time or the rules of the bar but to imply that this is a case of 2 consenting adults enjoying each other then you are wrong, there are far too many variables & you are buying their body for that time.

    I can be single go out ask a single guy if he wants a shag & do it, that is 2 consenting adults enjoying sex without love. Going up to a sex worker & asking for sex involves agree to an amount, getting a shag & paying them for it. Not really a question of the act not happening in that scenario.

    You really can't see the difference?

    So is coughing up a monthly "subscription fee" to your lady or paying exorbitant sin sod the same as sex for money? Would you call these women "sex workers"? A fine line, if you ask me.

    How is it possibIy a fine Iine? PresumabIy the partner was met under "usuaI/normaI" circumstances..meaning, they chose to be together. How can sharing finances, or giving housekeeping money be anything even sIightIy akin to paying a prostitute for sex????

    Sharing household expenses is not the same as a monthly "stipend", which many women demand. That money is generally for their own personal use. The Farang pays 100% of household expenses, food, etc.

  8. The bottom line is, if you go out looking for "true love" here and fail to let the lovely lady know how much "money" (thats what love is here :) ) you are worth you will end up losing all memory of what sex was like in the first place. :D:D

    Precisely !!! In most cases here, if the money is not good enough (unless you might be 20 something & very handsome), you will get zip.

  9. eek is 100% spot on.

    Taking a date & paying for dinner & theater is NOT paying for sex, at the end of the night one or both can refuse. That is the chance taken.

    Paying a women or man to have sex with you is a totally different kettle of fish. You are procuring the service they offer, they "could" refuse you I suppose depending on their financial situation at the time or the rules of the bar but to imply that this is a case of 2 consenting adults enjoying each other then you are wrong, there are far too many variables & you are buying their body for that time.

    I can be single go out ask a single guy if he wants a shag & do it, that is 2 consenting adults enjoying sex without love. Going up to a sex worker & asking for sex involves agree to an amount, getting a shag & paying them for it. Not really a question of the act not happening in that scenario.

    You really can't see the difference?

    So is coughing up a monthly "subscription fee" to your lady or paying exorbitant sin sod the same as sex for money? Would you call these women "sex workers"? A fine line, if you ask me.

  10. Why would it be wrong.. sex is fun no need to have love and sex. Its just a need that needs be satisfied like hunger.

    Too bad christians and others put a whole moral code around it and try to impose it on others.

    Not only Christians. Take a look at the "other" major religions and their various prohibitions as to what one can and cannot do, including the major "philosophy" here in LOS.

  11. Of course it is wrong. Of course the sex-addicts will say otherwise to justify their activities :)

    Yeah right, let me know when you find sex WITH love in Thailand. A rare situation indeed. There sure are a lot of sex addicts here(in LOS) then, men/woman; Thai and Farang.

  12. Who knows - in both cases a large slice of the retail price is for the brand name, not the quality of the clothing e.g. counterfeit Levi 501's made in Thailand (no genuine 501's are made in Thailand - only 2 factories in the world where 501's are made) will last just as long as the real McCoy, but will cost less than half the price of the genuine article.

    It's the brand name thats determines retail price - not side by side quality. Another point to keep in mind here is that JT is known primarily for the silk it makes - its shirts are value added products. TB doesn't manufacturer the material they make shirts from so far as I know - they buy it from 3rd party manufacturers, then commission a factory to make the shirt. Same same Nike - Nike doesn't own a shoe factory anywhere in the world, and doesn't make shoes/trainers - Nike's asset base and share value is it's brand name (and trade mark: the "Swoosh" symbol) - Nike designs shoes, but all Nike production is contracted/sub-contracted out to independently owned shoe making factories, who will/could be making for Puma, as well as Reebok, as well as Saucony et etc .......... they all run pretty much the same business model.

    JT and TB side by side .... I'd say they're pretty much on par with each other, both nice products, but as you point out, each with a slightly different cut - so the better one is going to be the one that fits you more comfortably, as it with with trainers ..... they're all pretty much the same quality nowadays.

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I think that will encourage me to take another look at JT again then. I notice that they use different fabrics and the one closest to TB is their high priced ones. Their prices range from 2000-3500 THB depending on the fabric.

    501's use to fit me but no more. Generally can only wear Diesel with the wider leg which as a style is pretty rare these days. I forget their name for it as I haven't had to buy a pair of jeans in 2 years. I remember now the style that fit me best was Kratt not Kuratt but Kratt I think. Sadly they don't make it anymore as it was one of the best pair of jeans I ever bought. Bought in a boutique in South Yarra, Melbourne 2002

    The Levis sold in Thailand and Malaysia are not the same cut as USA. As with many sizes, the cut is smaller in Asia for the same size marking. I presume the Levis sold in a dept store in Thailand are genuine, but who knows. I am no expert on this stuff.

  13. Who knows - in both cases a large slice of the retail price is for the brand name, not the quality of the clothing e.g. counterfeit Levi 501's made in Thailand (no genuine 501's are made in Thailand - only 2 factories in the world where 501's are made) will last just as long as the real McCoy, but will cost less than half the price of the genuine article.

    It's the brand name thats determines retail price - not side by side quality. Another point to keep in mind here is that JT is known primarily for the silk it makes - its shirts are value added products. TB doesn't manufacturer the material they make shirts from so far as I know - they buy it from 3rd party manufacturers, then commission a factory to make the shirt. Same same Nike - Nike doesn't own a shoe factory anywhere in the world, and doesn't make shoes/trainers - Nike's asset base and share value is it's brand name (and trade mark: the "Swoosh" symbol) - Nike designs shoes, but all Nike production is contracted/sub-contracted out to independently owned shoe making factories, who will/could be making for Puma, as well as Reebok, as well as Saucony et etc .......... they all run pretty much the same business model.

    JT and TB side by side .... I'd say they're pretty much on par with each other, both nice products, but as you point out, each with a slightly different cut - so the better one is going to be the one that fits you more comfortably, as it with with trainers ..... they're all pretty much the same quality nowadays.

    So where are the two factories that make genuine Levis? I have seen several different mgf countries listed in the labels of Levis that i have purchased in USA, which I presume were not counterfeit. Mexico for one.

  14. Never had anything happen such as you describe. Mostly women who ask for money, many of whom I have had no relationship with. some who I have not ever met in person. Worst dumb thing I did was to let some girl stay in my apartment, without knowing her long enough. One morning, I came back and all my stuff was gone - TV, microwave, DVD player, etc. If they ask for unreasonable sums of money and cannot talk straight, don't trust them. Unfortunately, that includes a high percentage of women, who have any interest in involvement with a foreign man.

  15. No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

    Sadly not, cant believe the dog lovers loony rubbish they spout here. A dog that roams free and bites anyone is a dead dog for me, any dog roaming a street is not a loved dog its just a bone idle owner who cant be arsed to take care of it properly. (pardon the pun)

    Add onto all of this the hazard to motorists, cyclists and motorcyclists etc Lost count of the time I see half a dog in the road and seen them get whacked smashing up peoples cars etc costing I dont know how much.

    Sheesh I love the ways some of you guys can justify this crap.

    Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

    The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

    These are not soi dogs just dogs that walk free (but always stay close to their owners house). I do however agree that any dog that bites should not be outside. But people should not complain too much if a dog barks a bit when they pass. (i take care of my dogs when they do but there is a difference between barking and attacking a person)

    This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that. But here in my village they certainly dont let agressive dogs walk free. There is a dog who always barks at me when i pass.. do i get scared .. no .. i just ignore him or stare him down.

    I think many people make mountains out of ant hills. Sure there are dangerous dogs but the majority is not. We dont stop driving cars because they kill either.

    What you describe is not what I see where I live. Loose dogs apparently belong to no one and are mangy with various skin ailments. Some have scratched the fur off their bodies. At night they run in packs tipping over garbage cans and strewing garbage over the road. At certain times of the year and again at night, howl like wolves at the slightest provocation. They are not only a hazard in terms of biting people, but they wander in and out of the roadway, in front of cars and motorcycles. Many lay in the middle of the road playing "chicken" with the vehicles. Fortunately, where I live on a dead end street, in a small sub-division, people keep their dogs in check. Outside, its a different story.

  16. No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

    Yes. They also cane people and are good at bulldozing Hindu Temples and harassing Chinese Christians and Buddhists.

    There are more efective ways of dealing with growing feral populations. It's called education and responsible management.

    Whenever humans seek to intervene in a natural balance, the humans usually make the situation worse.

    The dog overpopulation is the natural balance?? You've got to be kidding. As I said, Thais seem to revere these feral pests as if they were some sort of protected species, which there are in Thailand. The country is already overrun with them & the only responsible management is to cull them out. But, this will never happen here.

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