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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. After you answer is corporations have to pay more taxes, will prices not go up?
  2. You said you took tax deductions, but I guess you were lying. I corporations have to pay more taxes, will prices not go up?
  3. You call tax deductions “federal expenditures”, and seem to think wrong for companies to take advantage of them, but it’s great when you take them.
  4. How you support your claim that lower direct labor costs (wages) drive prices down, but lower overhead (corporate taxes) does not.
  5. Does increasing the number of people that require housing drive up the cost of housing? Do you think they just sleep in the fields where they do all the backbreaking work American leftists refuse to do?
  6. For larger transfers, swift is cheaper, and once it’s set up, just as easy, and (I believe) much more secure. That said, my experience is with transfers from my US bank (Chase) to my Thai banks.
  7. It is sad. What we need is more mass migration to drive wagers down and housing costs up.
  8. No, that’s not what I said, but you being a liar and whatnot so you don’t care
  9. In others words, you call people names because you are a buffoon that has no idea what you are talking about, and you are only able to regurgitate leftist talking points. And not even American. That about it?
  10. “Peace through strength.” and ”No better friend, no worse enemy.” These need to be the basis of US foreign policy.
  11. About half the voters are already remorseful. The other half are stoked.
  12. The NYT has tuned into nothing but leftist propaganda for their niche readership. The AP is getting to be the same.
  13. Remember Kamala Harris inciting the BLM riots? And then bailing them out? She was a hero to the left for that.
  14. Jealous of CEOs? I was talking about wagers for factory workers, or what used to be middle class, but is now working poor.
  15. You quit lying. Calling for leftists to take to the streets is inciting a riot. Did he say “take to the streets peacefully an patriotically”?
  16. He’s a leftist, which is anti-American by definition.
  17. He’s a liar. He has nothing, and he’s lazy so he just attacks fox
  18. So why attack me? Just stick to the issue and quit deflecting. When someone is lying, calling them dishonest is not an attack.
  19. So you support tax deductions for corporations? What welfare is he cutting?
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