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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. So what if it was under Trump?
  2. I voted for shutting down the department of “education”/indoctrination twice
  3. Claims from the guys put on administrative leave for not allowing access to? And not even a direct quote. weak
  4. In other words, you have no idea
  5. destitute starving trans Muslim people
  6. Good old lying Bernie, lap dog for big pharma, almost a million dollars in contributions. You have to love wealthy socialists that get rich sucking the public teat.
  7. My wife likes getting the new “top model” iPhone. So I buy one when the new model comes out. Her old one goes to my son, and my son’s old one goes to me.
  8. No, I’ve been reading you long enough to know that while you would never say it openly, you (like Biden and Harris) support them, you clearly do. That you refuse to support the closing the border, stopping mass migration and deportation of people in the country illegally supports that. You also want to pretend higher demand does increase prices, and lower costs do not reduce prices.
  9. Articles from academics the promote and benefit from open borders and mass migration. If you support closing the border. stopping mass migration and deportation of people in the country illegally, than I apologize.
  10. Of course, but in a market economy. more people needing housing drives housing prices up, and lower overhead (taxes) drives prices down. You can pretend it’s not true, and you can post links to articles that pretend it’s not true, but it is true. You support open borders and mass migration. I don’t. I believe it benefits the rich, on the backs of the poor.
  11. Supply and demand does not apply, got it.
  12. When I asked if more people requiring housing increases the cost of housing, not the price of homes. So does more people wanting to rent drive up the price of rent? Do higher rent prices drive up the price of homes? So are you saying that the cost of labor drives prices up, but the cost of taxes does not? If corporate income taxes were eliminated, there would be no tax avoidance schemes. There is only supply and demand, which you have to ignore in your arguments.
  13. K-Bank always calls to have me approve the rate before they convert to THB. As near as i can figure, their fee is ฿300, but it does not appear separately.
  14. I used to get free swift transfers (and safe deposit box) before Chase took over WaMu bank, now I have to pay US$45. You can still get it “free” if you let them do the dollar-baht conversion, but that’s a loser. I can do online swift transfers from my bank’s app or website, an even with the $45, it is still cheaper than wise for larger transfers.
  15. I told you I would go back and find it after you answer the question. If corporations have to pay more taxes, will prices go up? It seems pretty easy to me. If I can’t find where you claimed you took deductions, I’ll apologize.
  16. I’ll try again: After you answer is corporations have to pay more taxes, will prices not go up?
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