Let me begin with a disclaimer of intent to discredit in any way the Dr. Green Cannabis Dispensary in Chang Mai.
I went in last week looking for THC edibles... nothing there except two medium-sized cookies below an array of cello envelopes containing exotic looking bud at astronomical prices sold by the gram which is a piddling little amount.
Taking a pass on the cookies, I impulsively bought a gram of "Mandarin" pressed bud for 550 baht... which was low-balling it pricewise.
A suggestion to the owners of Dr. Green's: A welcome addition to your stock-in-trade would be local produce offered for sale at much lower prices that reflect local market conditions.
Fear not, there will always be those who are willing to pay extra for a premium product.
By offering choices of price and quality you likely won't lose money, but probably will make more in the long run with fully satisfied regular customers.
All the best.