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Posts posted by ezflip

  1. 33 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

    This was done to death a week ago

    Exactly. I was hoping (bad thing to do in Thailand) that this would be a follow up on this old story.


    Something like...social service stepped in and took the child away from the parents who since have been interrogated by the police and sentenced to undergo anger management and vasectomy on both parties. Well, so much for hope...

  2. Even if they went as far as sacking everyone on the police force, corruption will continue to exist since it is so ingrained in the public's mind that if they want something done by the police, they must pay.


    They would have to teach all the new police to refuses money for anything and still, people will continue to try to buy their way - be it out of a sticky situation or just to grease the wheel while applying for a permit, license or other official act. Both sides must be re-educated, not just the police itself.

  3. 27 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    There must be more involved then what is being reported. How do these girls ensure payments if they are baring themselves on facebook? There must be others behind this and doing all the organising. And by using the girls to advertise themselves known as sideliners they can get around the human traffickng laws, whereas those running the show remain behind the scenes.



    Very simple to do by yourself. No middleman/person needed. All Thai banks have online services and apps. Transferring money is quick and easily verifiable. If it's a foreigner, they will use PayPal or Western Union.

  4. The Thai in the article is focusing on the wrong problem. The real problem is that Fartbook does not ask for age verification in any legal way. Anybody can create a profile. How is anybody able to verify that the person is over 18? A 14 year old girl with full makeup can easily pass for 18. And it's not just Fartbook. Many video chat apps do not very the age of the users. Most new phone bought these days come pre-loaded with these apps.


    When police agencies and Fartbook realize this, they will shut it down quickly. Last thing Fartbook wants is to be involved in pedophilia.

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