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Posts posted by ezflip

  1. 56 minutes ago, sirmud63 said:

    yeah, sweet thought, and ,i would dare say produtivity would surge also, but  then i woke up  . T I T.


    Productivity would not surge as 3/4 of the work force would be in a catatonic state without access to facebook. LOL

  2. This happened yesterday morning. Not today.


    Great job on the part of 3BB for getting their system back online in less then 3 hours. Was able to get back online quickly compared to my former ISP TOT who would take a few days just for sorting out a short on the cable.

  3. A national park fee was introduced but it has emerged this week that most of that went into the hands of influential figures who have robbed hundreds of millions from the state and from the island in protection rackets.


    Of course they made millions; Thai entry fee 40baht, foreigner entry fee 200baht (400% more expensive for foreigners)

    I am not against dual prices as long as it is reasonable.

  4. I asked a dozen different Thai drivers (friends of the family) what the difference was with all the yellow separation lines painted on the roads and none of them knew apart from indicating which side was which. Lack of driving school is my guess... Learning from an uncle, father, brother, a relative, etc. only teaches them how to operate a vehicle but only a little bit about regulations.

  5. Another user, Thongphon Wongwang, said that those seeking to avoid justice are using the same playbook.

    “It’s the same trick of famous people. When they get in an accident, they are stressed and they have mental disorders,” Thongphon wrote. “In the end, the issue will go away quietly. If you don’t believe me, just wait and see.”


    At least some Thai people are crying out for REAL justice. Good on them.

  6. From the original article;


    Facebook user Immo Pichamol posted photos of her father, who drove the taxi that was in the accident, and spoke her mind after hundreds of people flocked to the model’s Facebook and wrote their messages of love and support.


    After the accident on Monday evening, the model even gained tens of thousands more followers on Facebook.


    Just goes to show were their priorities lies... it's all a popularity contest. No remorse at all. Sympathy for the 'pretty' but none for the real accident victims.


  7. 3 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    Sheesh, years ago (like, 15 or so) I used to have conversations with girls and they'd ask about living in Canada. I told them what they could earn as a waitress/cashier, shop clerk, etc and they all wanted to immediately move to Canada !

    Then I explained to them how the government takes up to 33% of their salary right off the top in taxes and how they have to pay additional taxes on almost everything they buy, and may still have to pay even more taxes at the end of the year ! I also told them what a small apartment in a cheap (and not so nice) part of Vancouver would cost, and how much other things would cost. Yeah, they could make more money, but they'd also have to pay a lot more just to get by.

    Then I told them what the weather was like at that time (it was February and in Pattaya the temperature was down to around 20 Celsius while in Vancouver it was a mild 0 degrees) ! Once they realized that they quickly changed their minds about wanting to move there !


    I am also from Canada and told the exact same thing. What really changed their minds was when I explained what a prenup agreement was and that they would not receive half of what the man owns... Strange how quickly they changed the subject.

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