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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. YouTube…LOL. Please refer to the article on truss’ tax plans and come back again after digesting the expert opinion contained within it.
  2. Wonder how long before this pledge falls victim to another tory u-turn or truss’ tax plans…
  3. Let’s hope she recovers soon and finds someone better than you.
  4. Please, please, please outline what these are. Go on, it will so make my day to hear your outline. Bear in mind the article on truss’ tax policies and the expert opinion contained in that I posted earlier.
  5. Yet you produce nothing to refute the reported facts. All you have is self serving inaccurate claims about the papers political stance - the paper is reporting what was said and you can’t refute that. Socialist- LOL. #gotruss- the opposition awaits.
  6. Ah…and so it continues https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/21/rishi-sunak-steps-up-attack-on-truss-tax-cuts-as-poll-puts-his-rival-well-ahead?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other And it’s not just sunak who is concerned about truss’ taxation pledges. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/21/liz-truss-tax-spending-plans-consternation-economists?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  7. Oh, that would be compulsive viewing. I can just imagine a vein throbbing in his forehead as he turned bright red, yelling like a spoilt child that can’t get it’s own way.
  8. Duh! I know that. If you bother to read the post I quoted originally you will see my point was simply that I think it is relevant who elects the pm.
  9. Now there is a marriage made in hell
  10. Nonetheless it is correct. Now, care to get back on topic?
  11. I agree that I was right. Yep, that I do.
  12. Yeah right…that’s what you were doing. Keep digging.
  13. Yes truss…the candidate the opposition are really hoping gets the role. #gotruss
  14. Debunked issues are all the deniers have.
  15. If you agree why are you questioning the post I made making the same point?
  16. I disagree. I think it is highly relevant who votes in the new pm. Let’s hope it’s truss….
  17. Duh! I know how it’s done. I am questioning the idea that it is not relevant who votes in the next pm, not the process. Do try to keep up.
  18. You don’t think it is relevant who votes in the next pm?
  19. And so it begins “Another Tory aide said Sunak should force Truss into as many TV appearances as possible. “The more people see of her, the more they will back Rishi,” they said.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/20/rishi-sunak-penny-mordaunt-liz-truss-final-round-tory-leadership-race?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  20. I pay zero attention to cummings but when a quote from him that helps expose or even better cause divisions in the tory party I am happy to use it. The opposition is more than one party you know and I would imagine they are relishing the prospect of a truss win.
  21. Yep truss will be a gift horse to the opposition. Appallingly stilted performances in the debates with no engagement with the audience. Go red liz.
  22. Excellent news for the opposition parties…truss is still in with a chance. Just her and sunak left. dom cummings has taken it well… “Dominic Cummings @Dominic2306 Totally on-brand for ERG to back a truly useless Remainer who did nothing in govt except gabble with hacks cos she’s reassuringly mad behind the eyes.”
  23. I think you’ll find the scientific research has shown greenhouse gases are the cause of man made climate change.
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