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dick turpin

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Posts posted by dick turpin

  1. From the photo the car is an absolute wreck. Makes you wonder what kind of speed the driver was doing?

    Nissan Navara's always look pretty tough to me. I guess it doesn't matter what car you are in, if you are speeding and have an accident then you haven't got that much chance really.

    Throw beer into the mix as well and you can only expect the worst.


    Reading the article looks like 2 collisions the second one hitting the already wrecked pickup.

    Which is what the article states....but thanks for explaining it again.

  2. To be honest think you are going down the wrong

    road in looking at this in terms of retirement at 50,

    that's way too early and any move to Thailand should

    have a more positive motive... doesn't your wife want

    to open a coffee shop or something.

    By the way if you stop work at 50 this could impact

    your UK pension, think you now have to contribute

    for 35 years.

  3. I changed the OEM Bridgestones on my old Nissan at 90.000 kilometers, not because they were worn out but because they got hard and were dangerous on wet roads. The tread looked to be still about half there. The dealer didn't want them so I stacked then beside the garage. One day a guy came and asked my wife if we wanted to sell them. I told my wife to tell him that 300 baht would be OK. He promptly peeled off 1,200 baht for the set. I had meant 300 baht for the set. My wife came in the house and handed me 300 baht. She pocketed 900 baht and she was very pleased.

    That's not what I want to hear. As the more observant will have

    guessed this about my missus possibly getting one up on me...

    at this rate it is not looking good.

  4. Thanks guys.

    Thinking in terms of a brick stack possibly

    incorporating HVAC pipe, but as mentioned

    the trick is to keep it as straight as possible.

    My Thai builder has got his head in the sand

    on this one.

  5. Want to add a real fireplace on the ground floor

    of my new house. No problem as far as the

    fireplace goes, the real issue is with the chimney

    stack, which somehow has to circumvent the

    standard 1.20 metre over-hang of the roof.

    Don't really want to break through the roof.

    Any ideas or experience of such.

  6. If you really want to go to the next level of “mai mee” wait till

    you want to build a house here. A regular trawl of the building

    shops for fixtures and fittings provides this all to frequent exchange.

    Can I have one of those?

    Mai mee

    Can I take the one from the display?

    Mai dai

    Can I order one?

    Mai chai.

    Why not?

    Factory finish.

    Why you still display the product then,

    Mai kao chai.

  7. I often wonder why people spend so much time "speculating" in life..(no offense meant). It's everywhere around us particularly when it comes to politics,....hours and hours upon hours trying to forecast the future when all we have to do is get on with our lives and let all this stuff play itself out...we will have all the answers then.

    So, you are speculating on why people speculate......I like it.

  8. Just a thought, but when I switched from a marriage to a retirement

    extension I rolled up at immigration a good three weeks before my

    marriage extension expired in case their were any problems.

    There were no problems, but they dated my new retirement extension from

    the day of application, meaning I effectively lost three weeks in the mix.

    No big deal, but if it works the same when switching from retirement to

    marriage extension, perhaps best not to pitch up too early.

    You appreciate, of course. that a marriage extension requires two visits,

    which is a pain in the rectum if you live some distance away.

    • Like 1
  9. Looking to drill a water well on a property in Khao Yai about 20 metres

    based on neighbour's word. Anyone have similar dug recently at what cost.

    Useful if you have a contact company.

    Thanks. ​​

  10. So If I got this correctly No Thai registered Airline has direct flights to US? Last time I looked Los Angeles was in the US wasn't it? I thought THAI airline flies there and to Las Vegas also or maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. I could be wrong. FAA only governs flights that fly in to US airspace.

    July 23 2015 Thai announced the end of its remaining US flights. LAX was it last US destination.

    Now there's a coincidence.....

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