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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. As my parents told me many times "You can only spend it once." This is a concept many find difficult to comprehend. It is not a problem only in Thailand but unfortunately when you are on 300 baht per day much harder to adhere to. Victims of capitalism and consumerism are mainly, if not always, the low paid and here in Thailand they are also victims of their religion with an expectation that they donate what they can't afford for that "necessary" new temple or whatever. All on 300 baht per day.

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  2. 19 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    One could only dream... basically cost of living for anyone bringing in money from overseas went up over 10% over the past few years.

    20% to 25% for those those of us less fortunate to be relying on other currencies to sustain ourselves

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  3. I would like to see a listing of the hospitals and their standings on a price gouging list so people could make a considered choice regarding health care. 

    This would be one way of coercing the hospitals into providing a more competitive price structure and not have them prey on the sick and elderly. Whether or not this investigation will report to this extent is an unknown but if they are looking to provide affordable health care and ease the burden on the public health sector it should be done otherwise it’s a pointless exercise. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, faraday said:

    Does 'deaths' mean died at the scene?


    How many died on their way to hospital, I wonder?


    Nevertheless, it is all terribly sad, the carnage here.


    Edited & @sakopete.


    You got your post in before mine. 'Great minds' & all that.


    Ambulances are under instructions to get them outa there before they die. 

  5. I find the words junta or pro junta quite repugnant and fail to accept they have a legitimate role to play in a democratic election process. 

    This simply highlights the role of the Thai armed forces. Not to serve and protect but to control its citizens. This may quickly develop into something quite opposite to what could be deemed a democratic process and hopefully foreign observers react in a manner befitting the junta’s unacceptable behaviour. 

    This will get ugly and display to the world just how little this mob deserve any semblance of recognition as a democratically installed government. Let them proceed down this path at their own peril and may the rest of the world condemn their actions but not sure theire are too many with balls enough to say or do anything. 

    If there is such a thing as karma them P and his cronies are going to have one hell of a next life. Hopefully cleaning toilets with their tongues and may they live a long unhappy life. 

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