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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. On 1/22/2019 at 3:55 AM, webfact said:

    In fact, Prajak said, a pessimistic few believe an election may not even be a possibility this year.

    Pessimistic??? I think realistic is a better description and I believe it would be more than a few who hold this belief. 

    Excuses, excuses, excuses. Goes on ad infinitum and may very well be a ticking time bomb that can only end one way. 

    Proceed with care Mr P. Tick tick tick...

  2. 5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    I've got an in-law who went from Senior Sergeant Major to Lieutenant.  I jokingly asked him what too him so long.  He replied, dead serious - "Do you know how much it cost to go from enlisted to officer staff? Trust me, it's not cheap!" 

    This is pretty much how the promotion $y$tem in all government offices works. He’s right - it isn’t cheap

  3. Just duck across the border into Laos for a few days then back into Thailand. Do this near the end of your trip. I think, but will be corrected if I’m wrong that you will get 15 days if you cross back at the land border or 30 days if you fly back. It’ll cost you about 30USD for the Lao visa which you can get at the border or on arrival. 

    At Mae Sai you can cross to Burma for 10USD for a day trip and get 15 days on re entry. It’s been a while since I’ve done both of these trips so others may have more up to date information. If it’s the first time shouldn’t be an issue. 

  4. Will we be having this exact same conversation year after year? Quite likely unless there is an admission of a problem and a plan of action is taken now.

    Spraying water around is not the solution. This is an activity best left for Songkran celebrations. The ostrich approach will not fix the problem but it does make for an easy way to earn one’s salary. 


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  5. For sure it’s not going to be cheap. It’ll make it hard for quite a few that are currently here on retirement visas. I suspect they are touting the benefits associated with the easing of the 90 day report requirements but the real agenda for them is to thin out the numbers. Only those flush with ready cash will be able to stay. A quality retirees agenda to compliment their quality tourist push. 

    If this is the case I’m happy to play the game and take my money elsewhere. At the very least it should free up extra immigration officers to reduce the long airport queues with the ever growing numbers of quality tourists coming in. 

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