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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. 1 hour ago, realenglish1 said:

     Although this does not affect me the problem with this rule is they should have grandfathered all the current retirees rather then have it affect who is already here There are going to be big problems if they do not correct this

    No other country does this to their visa holders Its like just cancelling a visa without concern for the visa holder. On top of that It will affect the Thai economy and real estate values All of a sudden lots of apartments are not being rented 


    Reap what you sow

    Exactly what I was thinking. Introduce the the new regs to new applicants and phase out the existing through natural attrition. It would be a fair and considerate approach and most of us would be gone one way or the other within 10 to 20 years. It would allow the government a safer approach in assessing whether or not the new requirements will attract new retirees in the way they are hoping. 

    To bludgeon everybody in this manner may well kill off the cash cow on their doorstep and shoot themselves squarely in the foot. 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Bazle said:

    Not necessarily for me and others in the same situation. It will depend on what they will require regarding having the funds in the account for 3 months after the extension.


    I'm in and out of the country frequently, and it might well be that I won't be around at the precise time of the 3 months after. If they are going to be flexible and let me establish that I've maintained the funds appropriately, say, at the time of the next renewal, fine, no problem. Otherwise, I foresee difficulties.

    I see your point. Hopefully sanity and flexibility prevails. I too am in and out so will cross this hurdle when and if it arises. The next 12 months will be a learning curve for all affected. Will try not to loose any sleep just yet as I suspect there will be further announcements and my next extension is 10 months away so I have the luxury of sitting back and learning off others experiences

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  3. If you have a lazy 800k laying around then there won’t be a problem. Put it in the bank and forget about it. 

    Then it’s business as usual and no problem funding your day to day, month to month, year to year financials however you please. Use Transferwise or similar and no need to worry about ridiculous international bank remittances and their uncompetitive exchange rates. For those who have the spare cash I see it as a positive. 

    When it’s time to leave and you’ve planned an exit just draw down on the 800k and what you don’t spend put in your shoe for the trip out. Maybe not your shoe. 

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  4. I’m not optimistic that Thailand will be better in five years but the same could be said of most countries. The whole world is on a downward spiral and it’s just a matter of who gets to the bottom first. 

    There are number of catalysts accelerating Thailand’s lack of appeal and unless something changes soon I see many people bailing out in search of greener pastures. 

    No matter what, I think I’ve seen the best Thailand had to offer but it was a long time ago but everyone ‘s experience will be different. If I stay I stay if I go I go. Time and circumstances will be the decider or perhaps the exchange rate (one of those catalysts aforementioned)

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