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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. 11 minutes ago, Kru Baa said:

    This is a country run by children. They never really mature past the age of 13 in their whole lives. I'm sure according to whatever cartoon that is playing in their heads, it seems like a perfectly good idea.

    It’s an easy way for them appear to be working albeit in a manner that makes no logical sense whatsoever. 

    Makes them feel like they are in charge.

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  2. Thin skinned, egotistical girlie boy oxygen thieves. How on earth did this happen? So sorry for the victims and I feel empty and gutted by this childish violent reaction. 

    A strong response is required but I don’t think these poor people will get any justice from the powers to be. 

    Absolutely disgusting but somehow reflective of so many things that are wrong with this country. 

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  3. 44 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    Hard to see the un- and under-educated population of Thailand coping with the complexities of all that when they enter the polling booth. My MIL can't even sign her name (just a thumb print). Most of the rest of the family can barely read 3 words. Will their votes count? or be counted?


    Looks very like the Australian proportional preferential voting systems, carefully designed to prevent the poorest & least educated 10% of the population from casting a valid vote ...

    If what you say is true why would they make voting compulsory? Not sure you have thought this through. 

  4. 2000B. Hardly much of a deterrent but the renter is also responsible for his own decision to rent. 

    Unwittingly put his life on the line with some help from unscrupulous, non caring, money hungry operators who, if they had adhered to the law requirements, could have prevented the unnecessary death of this 17 year old. 

    Stupidity and greed. A lethal combination that will no doubt end up on the front pages again and again whilst this sort of behaviour is tolerated with a 2000B fine. 

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