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Crossy last won the day on July 24 2010

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About Crossy

  • Birthday 04/04/1959

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    Pathum Thani

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    Pathum Thani, LoS

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  1. Shhh, that's Monday's headline!! Must stop using Signal
  2. https://tdac.immigration.go.th/arrival-card/#/home
  3. Is it just the render on the post that's cracked? That would be just fine to fill and paint.
  4. Let's lock this 9 year old thread. Do feel free to post in one of the many other earthquake threads.
  5. Definitely a bit of a wobbler.
  6. Northern BKK, had water sloshing out of the pool!
  7. We will (as usual) stay home during the celebrations. We will have many family members and a couple of Western friends who want to avoid the madness staying with us. The youngsters (and some not-so-youngsters) will be dispatched along with a minder (probably yours-truly) to the local water fight area for a thorough soaking of course. The "oldies" (that also means me) will be going to the local wat for a traditional water pouring, of course that usually ends with a large bucket of icy, but holy, water
  8. When I'm actually working, my PP and WP are in my work bag with my laptop etc. They stay safely at home at other times. I have a pink ID and keep recent scans of the PP and immigration stamps on my phone. In over 20 years here I've never actually been asked. Of course, this is famous last words and I'll run afoul over the weekend
  9. No idea why but this just slid into my consciousness.
  10. I've had those too, invariably hacked dormant accounts. Just block and the problem goes away. I did try talking to Facebook about the somewhat unalive status of the member but they wanted all sorts of information that I couldn't provide so AFAIK the account is still there if it's not been disabled for breaking the rules.
  11. I really don't think there's much merit in keeping this antique thread open. If anyone has a really good reason PM me to re-open.
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