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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Wobbulator in this case was a piece of kit used to align IF strips. It produced what was effectively narrow-band FM, tune the cores for maximum smoke ???? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wobbulator This is a military one but you get the picture ????
  2. ... just in case you forgot ... Both beautiful all these years later!
  3. ... although this comes close ... Joss Ackland in the back seat.
  4. A Presley cover that couldn't be less like the original ...
  5. Can I assume we won't be flooded again this year then?? Nope, I'm not that brave!
  6. The G8 had an electronic push-button tuner, that drifted like heck if the voltage regulator that fed the varicap went awry. It often didn't actually fail, just went off-tune when things warmed up. Nightmare! This is what it looked like to "normal" people ????
  7. Fresh out of uni, newly married and poor I used to buy up ex-rental TVs from a place in Chepstow, re-furbish them and sell on for a profit. Quote from a mate "I saw all these TVs coming across the Severn Bridge with a little Fiat underneath, I knew immediately who it was...". Earliest sets I did in quantity were Philips G8 (this one is missing the line scan board, should be on the right).
  8. Yeah, we had one of those beasties in the Machines lab at Bath tech. Main safety hazard (apart from getting zapped) was the massive amounts of UV emitted, hence the steel box. Memories of Mr (Fray Bentos) Bentley our Machines lecturer, now long gone. Hated calculators (which were just appearing) "Monkeys can push buttons!". But he did teach me everything I've ever forgotten about AC theory. EDIT The man himself. Sadly, it was getting knocked off his bike that led to his declining health, he was never quite the same man afterwards.
  9. Yeah, long term low voltage will often take out low-cost switching power supplies (LED, PCs etc.) They just keep trying to work then go fzzzt. More expensive units will protect themselves. One of the reasons we have a low/high-voltage cut off device which kills our grid connection if it goes below 160V (we have an AVR that can handle down to about that level). Not particularly expensive to install and can save your less than cheap kit.
  10. Our chooks haven't been liking the hot weather, production is well down ????
  11. Update: - YL02 to YL10 will be open for free passenger operation 06.00 to 20.00 from Monday 12th June.
  12. Charlie was installing a new door and found that one of the hinges was missing. He asked his wife Mary if she would go to Home Depot and pick up a hinge. Mary agreed to go. While she was waiting for the manager to finish serving a customer, her eye caught a beautiful bathroom faucet. When the manager was finished, Mary asked him, "How much is that faucet?" The manager replied, "That's a gold plated faucet and the price is $500.00. Mary exclaimed, "My goodness, that is a very expensive faucet. It's certainly out of my price bracket." She then proceeded to describe the hinge that Charlie had sent her to buy. The manager said that he had them in stock and went into the storeroom to get one. From the storeroom the manager yelled. "Ma'am, do you wanna screw for the hinge?" Mary paused for a moment and then shouted back, "No, but I will for the faucet."
  13. An agent may also assist with providing the payment vehicle if you don't have a suitable Visa/Master card.
  14. Long, long ago we were doing a project in Ankara, Turkey. On the walk from the car to the work-site one day there was a Turkish gentleman on a second-floor balcony with a rug and a carpet-beater (I didn't realise they were still a thing). One of my (British of course) colleagues yelled out "What's up Abdul, won't it start?". Luckily, he wasn't called Abdul (or it really wouldn't start)!
  15. Meanwhile, millions of us around the world, myself included, are already using fusion power for our home energy requirements. It's just that the energy source is 93 million miles away and the energy transfer system is a little inefficient.
  16. Same era for me, hence my dino and Raquel reference ???? Released in 1966 ????
  17. And, of course, the Bangkok TMD Radar site https://weather.tmd.go.th/bma_nck.php has been down for a week!
  18. Yeah, that's what I remember, long, long ago.
  19. Does Thailand even still have such an animal as an "exit visa"? I think there was once some form of "all taxes paid" paperwork but that was long, long ago.
  20. They just don't make ads like this any longer, they were often better than the programmes! scontent.xx.fbcdn.netvt39.25447-2347602208_283755647325111_6.mp4
  21. A ten year old kid dragging a dead frog on a string behind him walks into a brothel. He walks up to the madam, slaps a hundred dollar bill down on the table in front of her, and says, “I want a woman.” The madam says, “You're kind of young for this, aren't you?” The kid slaps down another hundred dollar bill and repeats, “I WANT A WOMAN “ The madam says, “OK, OK, have a seat and someone will be with you shortly.” He slaps down another hundred dollar bill. “I want a woman NOW.” The madam says, “Sure, I'll get someone right away.” The kid says, “One more thing: she has to have active herpes.” The madam says, “Are you nuts?” The kid slaps down another hundred dollar bill and says, “ACTIVE HERPES.” So a hooker comes out and the kid follows her back upstairs, still dragging the dead frog on a string behind him. Three minutes later he comes back out and the madam says, “I have to know what this is all about.” The kid says, “When I get home, I'm gonna have sex with the babysitter. Then, when my parents get back from their party, my dad will drive the babysitter home and they'll have sex along the way. When he gets back, he'll have sex with my mom, and tomorrow, when my dad goes to work, my mom will have sex with the mailman… AND HE'S THE BASTARD WHO RAN OVER MY FROG!”
  22. When I was a kid, cartoons led me to think quicksand was much more common than what it is. What misconceptions did children's shows lead you to believe? Please add your own ???? There's a mail-order company called ACME from which you can purchase everything from a thermonuclear device to birdseed and that delivers to a roadside in the Sonoran Desert — no physical address required. It's not uncommon for a burrowing rabbit to become so entirely disoriented as to wind up miles from its intended destination (a phenomena commonly referred to as “Left Turn at Albuquerque" Syndrome). If a hunter fires a shotgun at a duck, its feathers will be singed and its bill will slip off center like a dislocated goalie mask; conversely, if the duck manages to turn the tables and shoot the hunter, his face will get powder burns and his trapper cap knocked askew — neither is ever seriously injured for more than a few frames. Leghorn roosters are patronizing and overly voluble. Striped skunks lack self-awareness and are sexually aggressive. Mice are prone to racial stereotype. That's All, Folks
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