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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Forget the 2-strokes. bite the $$$ bullet and get one with a 4-stroke Honda engine (even the Chinese copy Honda), start (almost) first time, every time and no need for mixing oil and petrol. We gave up long ago on the "auto-feed" heads, they either don't feed at all or feed out half a mile, we now use a simple head with 2 or 4 cut lengths of string, less wasteful of both string and time. We actually have two. Our first lasted 10 years before it became difficult to start, so I bought another whilst re-building the earlier one. It turned out that the starting issue was the electronic magneto, easy fix (parts from the local farm shop).
  2. About 40,000 passengers used it on day 1 ???? Most of them survived!
  3. Most, if not all, Japanese electronics has "universal" power supplies capable of operating between 90 and 250V at 50 or 60Hz. The rating plate on the unit will give you the relevant detail. If you don't know what you're looking at, post a photo ????
  4. And an excuse to play some Sarah Connor Hazel O'Connor (last verse is relevant).
  5. I have absolutely no idea, but I asked ChatGPT. Accurate or total <deleted> I have no idea, but I don't think I'd be paying that much for a used PC of unknown history.
  6. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/canada/entry-requirements#
  7. Important note: - The trial running is only Hua Mak to Samrong (YL11 - YL23) and 09.00 to 20.00. No idea when the rest of the line will be available for trial passenger operations ????
  8. Meanwhile: - The earlier post about the limits of the trial is correct. Only Hua Mak to Samrong (YL11 - YL23) and 09.00 to 20.00. No idea when the rest of the line will be available for trial passenger operations ????
  9. Wasn't it Pedigree Chum that was supposed to give extra stamina?
  10. https://paranormalwarehouse.com/trisaksri-ghost-repellent/
  11. If you have MCBs in the DB then keep the N-E links in the CUs.
  12. "Deutch marks or dollarsAmerican Express will do nicely, thank youLet me loosen up your collarTell me, do you want to see me do the shimmy again?" Private Dancer - Tina Turner, sadly missed ???? Ken Bruce did ask where she swiped the AmEx
  13. If you have N-E links in your CUs then the RCDs in the dizzy board won't stay on. So, link N-E in the dizzy board, needs a longer bit of green wire.
  14. If we were in the US the inspector would be running around screaming! In reality there's no issue keeping them, provided there are no RCDs/RCBOs "upstream" of the link. Your plan looks fine to me ????
  15. There was a paper notice (in Thai of course) on the machine (sadly I didn't take a photo) which said that it was closing for "commercial reasons". The machine was an on-street one in a booth, not associated with a shop. I wonder if the village had to pay for it?
  16. Yeah, I just went down to test it. Inserting the SCB card made it go into ATM mode with no option to deposit ???? Pressing the Deposit button without inserting a card takes you (after a warning about depositing to unknown accounts) to a "Select Bank" screen then "Enter Account Number". Nice and error prone for us oldies, although I do recall from past use that it does confirm the name of the account you're sending to. Unless it's hammering down, I think I'll continue to walk round to the SCB machine ????
  17. I'm not aware of any time limits but I wouldn't wait too long, if you are only getting a single-entry non-o I think you would be fine to wait until you go for your extension. IMPORTANT - If you do get your new PP in time, you will need both passports when you exit! Trying to leave on a PP with no entry stamp could prove painful
  18. Yeah, I was mis-reading the actual situation. Since he has to get a new visa anyway he needs to do nothing before leaving the country.
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