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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Possibly a confusion of terms, the signage says "District Office". We got both the yellow-book and my Pink ID in the same building, same office.
  2. Three Little Pigs went out to dinner one night. The waiter came over and they gave their drink order. 'I would like a Sprite,' said the first little piggy. 'I would like a Coke,' said the second little piggy. 'I want beer, lots and lots of beer,' said the third little piggy. The drinks were brought out and the waiter took their orders for dinner. 'I want a nice big steak,' said the first piggy. 'I would like the salad plate,' said the second piggy. 'I want beer, lots and lots of beer,' said the third little piggy. The meals were brought out and a while later the waiter approached the table and asked if the piggies would like any dessert. 'I want a banana split,' said the first piggy. 'The chocolate cheesecake, with whipped cream, please', said the second piggy. 'I want beer, lots and lots of beer,' exclaimed the third little piggy. 'Pardon my curiosity,' said the waiter to the third little piggy, 'But why have you only ordered beer all evening?' You're gonna LOVE me for this.... The third piggy says - 'Well, SOMEBODY has to go "Wee, wee, wee, all the way home!"
  3. I helped a mate get his back in 2021 (Pathum Thani again), this is probably an extreme case but ...
  4. For the power, talk to your local PEA office, take a Google map of the location. You will also need to know roughly what size service you will need, out in the sticks anything over 45A / 3-phase is likely to be needing your own transformer which will add $$$ to the price ???? But talk to the man, deals can be struck! Water will be pretty much the same idea. You need to know the size of the service needed although adding a large storage tank would help mitigate an under-sized supply pipe. What sort of commercial venture are we looking at?
  5. Are you Thai? If not, what land ownership vehicle are you going to use?
  6. Yeah, I wish I knew when they were here. We shall just have to wait and see. EDIT I'll give it a month and if the blue-meanies haven't visited by then export gets re-enabled!
  7. The place to start is your local Ampur office, requirements vary vastly from area to area (are we really surprised about that?).
  8. Well, it was going to happen eventually ???? I suspect that a PEA employee has seen our meter going in the wrong direction. The next-door food shed has had a new supply installed, first I knew was when I spotted their shiny new digital meter installed above ours at 11AM on Saturday morning. I'm 90% sure it wasn't there at 4PM on Friday afternoon. I don't know when they actually did the job but there's a strong possibility that our meter was going backwards at the time. Oh well, I've disabled export so if they come again they won't see it running in reverse, but I suspect that a new meter is in the post ???? We shall see.
  9. It depends on just how much you will actually be shredding; we have a big garden with lots of trees and Madams pruning activities generate quite a lot of clippings. We started with one of these https://shopee.co.th/☁♛เครื่องบดย่อยกิ่งไม้ใบไม้-ไฟฟ้า-Electric-Garden-Shredder-branch-leaves-Mulcher-ยี่ห้อ-TALON-รุ่น-HSG-2021-2HP-HSG-2000-i.431532413.5693593082 Which worked pretty well for greens and small stuff. Madam wanted something for the bigger prunings so she graduated to one of these https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2714748426-s11335446065.html Both are pretty noisy in operation. @JAS21 has an absolute beast of a machine, perhaps he could post ????
  10. What does the charge show as in the itemised section of the bill?? Or just post an image of the billing section ????
  11. As above you MUST use mobile data to register on the app. Once registered you can use WiFi.
  12. From mid-July it's not available to anyone, app only ???? Topic running here: - https://aseannow.com/topic/1298082-scb-ending-scb-easy-net-internet-banking/
  13. It's not the size of the waves ...
  14. So long as it has an "off" switch and it stays off forever.
  15. I've not received said email, yet. But I too would much rather continue using the web-based system, such is life and "progress". Just to make life even easier: -
  16. Long, long ago (2005 ish), myself and a couple of colleagues had a contract to survey all SRT crossings in an area covering Bangkok up to Ayutthaya and across to Chachoengsao. We drove many hundreds of km and visited a heck of a lot of crossings. The aim was to cost out refurbishment and upgrade to said crossings. The actual survey results are lost in the annals of time but the stand-out memory is that the number of crossings where one or more of Warning lights (red flashing and rotating yellow) Annoying "pling-pling" sound Barriers Train driver warning signs didn't function was worrying. Many crossings had a manually operated barrier instead. Sadly, the estimated cost of fixing all this stuff scared SRT and the job wasn't given to my employer. I doubt that many crossings ever got sorted properly ???? On the positive side we did get to meet a lot of interesting people and scare my mum in law by turning up unexpectedly (her home was next to a crossing in Ban Pha-Chi).
  17. Yup, chassis connected (hopefully) to the neutral side of the mains. I worked on some Pye/Philips TVs (CT200 Chelsea) which, whilst not live-chassis, did rectify the mains with a bridge and then made the -ve of the bridge "0V". All fine and dandy until some innocent tech connected a grounded scope probe to the "0V". Bottom of the sheet, centre is the offending bridge.
  18. It was being given a Woodbine by the big-boys behind the bike sheds (yes really) at Hindley and Abram Grammar School that put me off smoking forever. Drinking yes, women yes, smoking never again ????
  19. Was that The Analog Shop? Not sure if it's still there, but there's certainly a place in Zeer doing the same type of kit. If you have to ask the price - you can't afford it ???? There are many explanations for the "valve sound", they certainly sound different. They "clip" gently and the distortion is second-harmonic which is less grating than the third-harmonic that bipolar transistors produce. FETs are similar to valves in producing second-harmonic distortion but they still clip hard. All very subjective.
  20. Second-year apprentice project (not mine, it's long lost), MW superhet radio. IF cans were deliberately de-tuned by the lecturers so we had to manually align. No sweep generators, just a massive Marconi RF signal generator. First task once completed, turn it into a transmitter of course!
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