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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I bought this kit for a friend, as noted prices are actually reasonable now, 4,500 baht, enough for 10 panels. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3941051905-s15202701552.html
  2. Yeah, I was mistaken, you DO need a countersignature for both the photos and the form for a paper application for a lost passport replacement. If you do apply online you still need someone to digitally verify your ID https://www.gov.uk/confirm-identity-online-for-passport-application/how-to-confirm-someones-identity and you may be asked to have a video interview (no idea how that works).
  3. Yeah, geotextile and possibly diversion channels to at least direct your runoff is the way to go. You definitely need to engage a professional, he may not be cheap ????
  4. I had a tree I wanted removed, because it was too close to the house. I called a tree guy and he came out and did a nice job cutting down the tree. He asked me what I thought and I said it was nice but what about the stump? He informed me that he was just a tree guy who cut down trees. If I wanted the stump removed, I would need to call a stump guy. I found a highly recommend "stump" guy and he came and got the stump out. He says there you go. I ask him about the hole. He says I'm a stump guy I just remove stumps, I don't fill in the hole. He told me I would need to call a landscaper. I get a hold of a landscaper and I tell him I need to leave town on a trip and I don't care what he does, just fix the hole and make it look nice. I get back today and find out that he's planted a ruddy tree...
  5. That they've not updated the website is worrying. It may be wise to consider one of the other agents, there are many.
  6. No problem drilling the frame, there's plenty of meat. Obviously, care is needed but it's not really risky. Check out the solar car-port thread for how we did ours. That said, the cost of the "proper" mounting hardware has come down to more sensible levels than it was back when we did ours. Check out Lazada for complete kits.
  7. I've not looked, this one is a specific incident that was reported on another solar forum. The worrying part is that he had three inverters and two of them went bang at different times.
  8. You likely won't need a countersignature, read the instructions carefully but if your appearance hasn't changed significantly, you're good to go. The fly in the ointment could be the requirement for a letter from the embassy requesting immigration to move your stamps to your new PP ????
  9. There are also a number of agencies who will handle the legwork for you (for a fee of course). I recently used https://www.keyvisathailand.com/ but sadly their owner Darren passed away recently so I'm not sure if they are still operating normally. It took 15 weeks to get a new PP as the old one was expiring ????
  10. The actual failure mode is awaiting feedback from GroWatt Europe, but ... Don't have your volume too high.
  11. Cue repeated requests for verification ...
  12. Test run a little while back. SRT Loco 1 - 0 Bang Sue Grand ventilation system Facebook.mp4
  13. Yeah, it seems to go in phases. One week, nothing, straight in every time. Another week, asked multiple times, even during a session. Somewhat annoying, but it's not going to stop me using Laz.
  14. I know it doesn't really help our OP but India can be decidedly "funny" when it comes to foreign (non-Indian issued) cards. The only card I found that worked consistently was AmEx and not everywhere accepts it of course, luckily the hotels tend to be ok. My UK and Thai credit cards both Visa and Master (pukka embossed ones) were variously accepted, declined, did nothing or some other "problem". Always had to make sure I had sufficient cash in my wallet.
  15. At least the occupant didn't feel anything Remember that patient who fell out of the back of an ambulance on a stretcher and narrowly avoided being run over?
  16. Yeah, I have had similar on occasion. In reality if it's not horribly damaged or parts missing, I'm not overly fussed but I understand fully why you decided to return it. I thought "not opened" was one of the return requirements if the item isn't actually defective (from the original return, not you). Luckily mine has already been dispatched, I wouldn't want to get a 3rd hand unit
  17. Member search is behind "more options" in the search drop down.
  18. Yeah, seen your report and others. He won't be sending any more begging letters, at least not from that username. If you (or other members) receive more of this type of PM, please hit "Report".
  19. Would this PM be from a member who featured in Bowie's "Space Oddity" perchance? Others have reported it too.
  20. 1 - You can search for the member using the forum search system. 2 - Doubtful 3 - You can use the "Report" button in the PM itself. If there's no PM on the forum someone is spoofing the "from" address in the email to make it look like it's from us. It's easy to do and isn't caused by either your email or your forum account being hacked.
  21. Being unhappy with my wife's mood swings, I bought her a mood ring the other day so that we would be able to monitor her moods. We've discovered that when she's in a good mood, it turns green. When she's in a bad mood, it leaves a big red dent on my forehead. Maybe next time I'll buy her a diamond!
  22. You need to use the Report button ????
  23. Those look handy, U got a link to a local seller? Zillions of "overseas" sellers on Lazada.
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