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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I just use the PEA calculator https://eservice.pea.co.th/estimatebill/# to compare what our "real" bill would be for January 22 vs January 23. Jan 22 - 1,172kWh would cost 5,361 Baht, the same usage in Jan 23 would cost 6,515 Baht!! That's up by 21%, scary. A lot of people are really going to hurt!
  2. Do be aware that the "big" panels are, in fact, well, big! You're not getting 540W in a panel the size of a 350W ???? They are also 'kin heavy!! Unless you are really tight for space you will likely get more bang-per-buck from the older, smaller (power and size) panels. Do your sums carefully.
  3. @Bandersnatchis your man for this kind of system, including pointing panels in "non-optimal" directions. Certainly, make as many panels as possible point south or close to it. West pointing panels will extend your generating day into the evening at the expense of less peak output, east pointing panels will start generating early but don't seem to be as effective as the west pointers.
  4. No actual mention either way, the bill text is here https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2023/SJ0004 I do note a number of inaccuracies in there.
  5. And as with all new disruptive technologies, there will be winners and losers as the old tech is shuttered while the new technology proliferates. The oil and gas industry already knows that electric vehicles are poised to replace the internal combustion engine vehicles that it caters to, and the demand for its products will radically decrease in the coming years. But that doesn't mean they aren't going down without a fight. Read more: - https://insideevs.com/features/631229/wyoming-ban-electric-vehicle-sales/
  6. Yeah, practical experience ^^^ ???? Adding an RCD/RCBO to the output can certainly do no harm ????
  7. The manual for our Sofar grid-tie hybrid says "yes". The manual for your inverter is the best place to start.
  8. If you have an SDS hammer then https://www.lazada.co.th/products/makita-sds-plus-earth-rod-adapter-a-65919-i4181530466-s16443208628.html I made one from an old SDS chisel with the end cut off and a hole bored. It worked well, was promptly borrowed, and was never seen again ????
  9. https://showersavingtimer.com/products/showerwizard-1
  10. Yup. Julia Foster, absolutely stunning as the bride, is Ben Fogle's mum ????
  11. Got our bill today ???? 120kwh => 563.41 Baht ????
  12. There's certainly no limit for a UK passport but your new PP runs from the date of issue so don't do it too early. I've renewed with 5 years left due to PP being full.
  13. Yeah ^^^. No need for the letter if you renew outside Thailand. Give the immigration officer both passports, tell him there's a re-entry permit in the old one. Once you are in-country you can go to your local immigration for them to do the extension stamp-transfer.
  14. OK, I'd probably be putting the South facing panels as one string on one MPPT and the other two as two parallel strings on the other MPPT. That would probably give the best bang per buck. How many panels on each direction are you looking at? Also, be aware that whilst the Huawei inverters are "battery ready" they use a specific HV battery which are only available from Huawei and are $$$. @Thaifish has found this to his cost ???? I would be looking at inverters that use a standard 48V pack, even if you don't intend going hybrid right now.
  15. Yeah ^^^, what's the reasoning behind the multiple directions? How many MPPT inputs will your proposed inverter have?
  16. I was walking home and saw my mother-in-law being beaten up by six people. Did you help? No. Six would be enough Les Dawson.
  17. Assuming you have a colour laser of course. Using the laser-photo paper the quality is as good as inkjet to most eyes. Of course, you will get "better" quality in the larger sizes if you go to professional photo-finishers but for most of us ...
  18. Our automatic no-export switch design is free to use ????
  19. So, the plonk was potentially younger than this thread ???? We still miss the stuff we got from the cash-and-carry in Brussels. It was called Le Bolleaux (it really was The Dogs) French vin-de-table, 4.50 euros for 3 bottles!
  20. What's the limit on usage for 5/15 meters to get 0 Baht? It might be cost effective to bang up a couple of panels for the family to get them into the "free zone".
  21. Ah, I just gloop it on like toothpaste and spread it by wrigging the bus-bar ???? You really need a tiny amount, I'm sure the instructions will tell you, but I'm an engineer, instructions are for wooses!
  22. Yup. I don't bother with "cleaning" other than a wipe with a paper towel, we're not really removing much material. But, it's entirely up2u.
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