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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. There you go, next task plant staking ????
  2. I've got the trunk of a magnolia we took down earlier this year seasoning, not sure what it's going to be yet we really have enough garden furniture. Could turn up some fruit bowls I suppose.
  3. Now you need to look at those branches and decide what you are going to make, picnic table, bird feeder or what?
  4. A SWMBO "hint" is as good as an instruction, better start looking at paint colours ????
  5. So, the long break is upon us and we, like many, are going nowhere. So what amazing DIY have you done?? Yes, I know it's only Wednesday, but think of all those little tasks just asking to be sorted. Earn yourself that beer ???? For me, as usual I have a list provided by Madam, loads of those little things that seem to get left until I get a round-tuit Noted the swimming pool pump wasn't - It's had many bearing sets over the years but this time the windings are open - Probably the overheat switch but that's buried deep inside the beast! New unit on order, $$ and of course nowhere is operating until next week - FAIL ???? Hung one of our fire extinguishers on the wall - It's been sat on the floor for ages and the proper hanger has wandered off. Made a new hanger. Madam happy - PASS ???? Replaced the circulation pump in the goose pond - It's been iffy for ages and the spare has been gathering dust. The beast finally failed so the new one was installed. Madam happy - PASS ???? Replaced the fried speed controller of one of the ceiling fans with a simple on/off switch (they always run on max anyway). Madam happy - PASS ???? Managed to do something for ME! Hooked up the solar battery monitor to the web! Software still at the work-in-progress stage. The intention is for it to talk to my ThingSpeak channel so I can see what's going on with the solar second by second! (sad I know) ???? ????
  6. Yeah, the "budget" car-port is more "mega-budget" now ????
  7. If you have Sofar inverters and "anti-reflux" actually does disable export then you do have CTs (should be one per inverter/phase).
  8. We know when the meter reader comes, he's pretty consistent. Earliest he's been is the 16th (only in February), latest is the 19th. So we disable export between the 16th and 19th automatically, of course if he comes on the 16th then export gets turned on as soon as his motorcycle is out of sight ???? As it happens he usually turns up at about 7AM so we're not generating much anyway. I know we will eventually get a "smart" meter so I'm constantly upgrading so that we never actually export energy anyway (more batteries Igor, more batteries!).
  9. You can make 2-3kg of bacon last 2 months??? Too many members of the extended family now like Farang Bacon (they didn't until they tried it of course). They also "didn't like" kimchi, until persuaded to test it, now I have to go and buy extra when they come for our Korean barbie - Thai Style ????
  10. Somehow things seemed bigger and better in the past. That's not a baguette, this is a baguette (and six bottles of wine in a handy carrier)! Paris 1946
  11. Conclusive proof the aliens are here!! Run for the hills!! Note- It's actually a chicken coop made from an old trampoline and a couple of redundant satellite dishes ????
  12. Yup ^^^. Take the vaxx to them. KhonKaen started last year. https://www.khonkaenlink.info/read/293743/?fbclid=IwAR3GTJpNLPlIR_UbfN6RMLQ-KMbdOOJQh66tkrcRYdBzTLJHfCwLwUrS9zQ
  13. Did the quote go wrong as it says james.d? If you want to refer to a member you can put an "@" before their username then everyone is clear who you mean. OP or Original Poster invariably means the thread starter. So @nahkit will get you a notification that you were mentioned and allow you to respond as required.
  14. As the OP. Since I don't smoke (real or fake) my bacon, nor do I do any "cooking" at low or high temperature before it goes in the frying pan ready to pair with the eggs etc. I saw no reason to respond to the comment on liquid smoke. The ham although not smoked does get steamed to cook so it can go on sarnies straight from the fridge. Accompanied by a nice smear of real Coleman's mustard of course.
  15. Yeah, those look like the 100Ah green Sinopoly cells that are flooding the market at present. Probably the cheapest way in to LiFePO4 ????
  16. Those BYD packs look interesting, my major worry is that the cells are welded so it's "less than easy" to replace a failed cell. The green 100Ah used cells do seem to be the best value at present, 200Ah ones seem to be running out of stock / prices going up.
  17. I'm rather too obsessive with monitoring our energy consumption. Here's our history for the last couple of years, the red "total" bars are what you are interested in. Peak consumption around April / May, we don't use much A/C but even so you can see the changes with the weather.
  18. Yeah, your A/C usage will have gone up significantly as the weather warms up. You can check your actual consumption history on your bill, alternatively both MEA and PEA have apps which have up to 12 months of consumption history available.
  19. Rapid response as usual from the Snakes of Bangkok Facebook group (there's a group for various regions of Thailand). He's a Radiated Rat Snake(Coelognathus radiatus) Also called Copperhead Racer Non-venomous/harmless. Protected by Thai law. Good for rodent control. No problem of having them around
  20. You used the same number of units both months?? Please post a scan of your bill with personal details redacted so we can try and sort out what's gone awry.
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