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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. You used the same number of units both months?? Please post a scan of your bill with personal details redacted so we can try and sort out what's gone awry.
  2. Crossy


    Madam sourced an "older lady" in the village, she comes in mornings only, 5 days a week. She pays her 4k per month, her hubby died way back so a bit of income is welcomed. In reality she chats with Madam, pushes the mud around on the floor and generally helps out. Madam won't let her do the ironing "she doesn't do it right" and she's terrified of the washing machine! My wife isn't as young or as well as she thinks she is, having someone around to keep an eye on her is good for my peace of mind too. That said, I've come home on occasion to find them both up a mango tree putting on protective bags! Of course YMMV
  3. Yeah, Will produces a load of great content, I assume you are aware of his forum. There's a couple of good threads on there discussing DIY vs OTS (Off The Shelf) packs, plenty of, er, lively, discussion. Of course it's invariably from a US based perspective, things are a bit different here.
  4. For a new/used price comparison you can get new EVE 105Ah LiFePO4 cells from Shenzhen Luyuan Technology Co., Ltd. on AliBaba for USD 60 a piece plus shipping (pack of 4). https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/4pcs-EVE-105AH-LiFePO4-LFP-3_1600191337976.html Shipping would probably be another USD 100 on 4 of them, then add duty at 10% and 7% VAT (both on the CIF value). Looking at other solar energy fora Shenzhen Luyuan Technology Co., Ltd. have a good reputation for actually supplying what they say they will. Compare that with the used 200Ah cells at USD 44 each, free shipping and no duty / vat. You make your choices and pay your money. If you have the coin to drop then new of course, but for those of us who are poor... Just under 3 Grand US ++ for a new 300Ah x 48V pack, time to start putting my 1Baht coins in a jar ???? EDIT To add to the mix - 200Ah deep-cycle lead acid are coming in at around 8,500 Baht (USD250 today) - If you get an equivalent life out of the used cells you're still ahead. Decisions, decisions!!
  5. Yeah, for a conventional unit that's pretty much it, although your 9,600BTU units will be drawing more like 1kW when the compressor is running. How often it cycles depends upon the set temperature, ambient temperature and the size of your room along with any heat sources in said room, humans, computers and of course windows etc. I usually say a duty-cycle of 30% is about right for a correctly sized unit that's not set for arctic temperatures.
  6. And it's not just Toyz for The Boyz!!! If my dad built me that I'd be beaming from ear to ear!!!
  7. Check with your local providers if they have a WiMax type solution, should be cheaper / faster than mobile data and they will tell you when fibre becomes available. When we moved in I expected to get ADSL (we are a bit far out), "sorry no lines"! Argh. Why not use WiMax (it was ToT i don't recall the actual name)? It worked well most of the time (6km to the tower) then the resort nearby paid for a fibre trunk!! Our pet ToT chap asked "why don't you get fibre" whilst sorting a problem for us. "We can get fibre?" says me. Two weeks later we had what is now 1Gb down, 500Mb up (it keeps getting quicker for the same $$$).
  8. For me, even with the capacity we are getting, we are still ahead of the game compared with "known" new cells of the same capacity. Very approximate measurement (I've still not commissioned my accurate coulomb-counter) is that the "200Ah" cells are doing about 134Ah running to the "knee" on charge and discharge (10% to 90% ish). It remains to be seen how many cycles we get before the cells are so worn they're not worth using. I'll probably just keep adding parallel packs until I run out of space. And, of course, lithium cells are re-cycleable (just not yet in LoS). Still comparable with lead-acid and no maintenance.
  9. Yeah, you have to have a 5/15 meter too.
  10. No, no, no, you all have it wrong!!!
  11. Peek Traffic (a UK company) actually installed a system in 1994. https://www.academia.edu/11604715/ASSESSMENT_OF_AREA_TRAFFIC_CONTROL_SYSTEM_IN_BANGKOK_BY_THE_MICROSCOPIC_SIMULATION_MODEL
  12. Anecdote. Back in the 1990’s we were working in Ankara, Turkey. At the time hailing a cab wasn’t permitted, you had to call. Anyway, one lunchtime we were sitting outside a nice little cafe with a coffee when a couple of locals wandered up with a reel of cable and a bell push. They proceded to screw the bell push to a tree and string the cable from assorted branches. Odd we thought. Some time later we were outside another lunch cafe when a lady with shopping came along, located a similar bell push (on a light pole this time) and pushed it. A few seconds later a taxi screeched round the corner and picked her up. The 1990s Turkish version of Uber.
  13. Pretty much, the fixed fee isn't much so it usually vanishes in the guesstimate. Don't sweat the small stuff and enjoy the Land of Smiles!
  14. It's been tried at least twice, the BiB decided they could do a better job of creating jams and disabled it within a few days.
  15. “In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  16. "In the town where I was born ..." now it's ruddy well stuck in my brain for the rest of the day ...
  17. The problem with "smart" anything in LoS is that it pretty soon becomes "dumb" due to poor installation followed by lack of maintenance / repair ???? Anyone remember the "smart taxi stops" (scrapped in 2019 without ever going fully live)?
  18. I think that's the latest, the Ft (fuel tariff) is what they use to adjust the rate rather than modify the base tariff. It's all detailed on your bill. The "4.5 Baht a unit" is a guesstimate based upon the "normal" usage and since most of us use over 400 units per month it works out reasonably well, certainly well enough to catch gross errors.
  19. Assuming it's big enough for your space it's likely no better or worse than the other big brand units. We just installed a Sharp inverter in our bedroom to replace our 10 year old non-inverter Samsung which was leaking like a sieve. It works well enough and the nergy consumption seems to be reduced.
  20. I'd visit your local hospital OPD and explain the symptoms, shouldn't cost the earth.
  21. If your guesstimate comes out as less than MEA are asking for then fight it. Otherwise just cough up.
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