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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Ditto, and of course in 15 years here I've never been asked for the ruddy thing!
  2. Does jumping into the sack with the builder who constructed our extension and paying him "in kind" after I had already paid him in cash count?? She went on to marry him whereupon he promptly dropped conveniently dead. Maybe I got lucky
  3. When you apply for your Vaccine Passport there's slots for your PP No and name in English so you should be good to go.
  4. But I thought .... CITES etc. etc.
  5. Try one of the other sites, but an earlier post suggests that registration is full ???? I used DTAC despite being an AiS user https://app.dtac.co.th/vaccine/check-qr
  6. Bu99er! ???? I'm sure the government will dribble out some more vaxx sometime.
  7. I got my first at Siriraj and second at Bang Sue after Siriraj failed to come up with a revised appointment date when the government reduced the inter-jab period. Of course it wouldn't hurt to actually stick your details into the page and see if it generates you an appointment.
  8. From the Daily Wail, Omicron really looks like a heavy cold!
  9. Got my QR code via the DTAC site (despite being an AiS user). Easy-peasy. Getting stuck on the 22nd.
  10. Yup got mine no problem, go here:- https://app.dtac.co.th/vaccine/check-qr Going Wednesday 22nd at Bang Sue, no indication of what they're using yet but I'll take whatever's on offer.
  11. For a nationwide system it's just inconsistenly inconsistent. I just booked my booster using just my ID and phone number. https://app.dtac.co.th/vaccine/check-qr
  12. It's probably a pretty good earth. Of course it would be better if the earthing was run back to your distribution board, but I'd be tempted to leave it alone. You do have earth leakage protection don't you (RCD / RCBO / Safe-T-Cut).
  13. Interesting, when I booked via work they would only accept the ID and not passport, the system works in mysterious ways.
  14. @Pond Life definitely a good idea, but all is not lost if it's not in the database as there's a slot for PP number on the Mor Promt "international certificate" application ????
  15. Yup, passport or pink ID. Note that if you use the ID your passport number won't get in to the MOH database.
  16. Actually I think they are more likely the 183-0 production units built between 1981 and 1983. According to wiki (not the most reliable of sources mind) all were scrapped by 2018. So these units have been stood since then.
  17. Looks like a KiHa 183-900 built in 1979 so only 42 years old. They will certainly need new wheel-sets. Japan is "cape gauge" (1,067mm) whereas Thailand is true "metre gauge" (1,000mm).
  18. Discounting other mods (who you tend to meet at mod meetings) and those members I met at one of the infamous ThaiVisa parties in the early noughties, I've knowingly met maybe a dozen other TV members in "real life". Around half that number I class as friends (as it happens I'm meeting 2-3 of them for a beer tonight) and three of the rest are dead (NOT as a result of meeting me I hasten to add). Of my FaceBore "friends" I have met all of them at some point in my life (some waaaay back when there were dinosaurs) but I don't add those I don't actually know.
  19. Long ago I was making my way back from the Astronaut Club on RAF Rudloe Manor via the sergeant's mess at SPE Corsham when I got "caught short". I can assure you that, despite what the Mythbusters say:- a. Electric fences are not Low Voltage and b. A stream of urine is, most definitely, conductive. I suspect that the HV energising of the tadpoles led to the creation of my eldest son, who due to a friend joking about a name to go with "Anthony" (my middle name), is now stuck with Mark Anthony!
  20. It really isn't rocket science. Red to red. Black to black. ???? If smoke comes out you got is less than correct!
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