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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Actually a lot of the older halogen lighting power supplies were 12V AC at the lamp hence the LEDs being AC/DC. Even the "DC only" LEDs tend to have a bridge rectifier as the front end so they work either way round.
  2. Weren't all the relevant leaders in Scotland last week for COP26? She could have hopped on the train and saved the UK government $$$ and also improved her green credentials.
  3. Important note :- I believe the units shown in the OP are NOT 220V/12V AC/DC universal! They are either 220V OR 12V specified when ordering. It's actually not that difficult to make a power supply that can be switched between 12V and 220V. It's less easy to make it auto-sensing and prevent it going fzzzt when connected to 220V when set for 12V. I have some 12V photo switches which are actually identical internally to the 220V version except the 12V has a link, wheras the 220V has a capacitor in a particular position on the board.
  4. Pak Kret seems to have peaked ???? We are a couple of hours behind, garden is already somewhat moist.
  5. The no-export controller for inverters with a CT is here I'm working on a software update so it can be automatically configured to your WiFi meaning I can program an ESP8266 for you so no need for messing about with programmers. EDIT Attempt 1 at the auto-config is now in the Solar Carport thread https://aseannow.com/topic/1120934-how-about-a-solar-car-port-on-a-budget/?do=findComment&comment=16961880 Enjoy.
  6. If there's not already one in place cutting an access panel to the ceiling space would make the task much easier. Make it removable to guarantee no issues in future.
  7. Yeah, the 220V ones are invariably AC although as noted they will usually work on the equivalent DC voltage. The 12V ones I have are AC/DC so they work either way round on DC.
  8. Warning Will Robinson, warning!! Level at Pak Kret is higher than ever before, going over the wall and still a couple of hours before local high. Watching very carefully. High at home will coincide with a visit from immigration for my visa extension, I hope they bring their wellies.
  9. OK thanks @kralledr Got it working, had to update the App (and my Bluestacks emulator). Then sign in again. All historical date is there.
  10. Can you check your supply voltage at the board and at an outlet in the kitchen? If it all checks out OK then I'd be looking at chewed wires too I'm afraid.
  11. As topic header, app gets stuck at the splash screen. Grrrr.
  12. October generation 751.93 kWh. Note that the system has been severely throttled from the 26th due to us actually making more than we used and heading for a suspiciously low bill (I'm back in the office and the grandkids are back home ready for school to re-open).
  13. Ours is a 2011 vintage PEA Type EMM 12, it doesn't have the + & - symbols but it does whizz backwards (and wind the numbers backwards) just fine. EDIT Now I look more closely there's a + & - arrow thingy on the right hand side which I'd not noticed before. I previously assumed the +/- on the left was factory adjustment, could be mistaken there too.
  14. That's exactly what we do. If you have the old mechanical disc meters they go in reverse just fine. Check out my solar carport thread for a device to automagically turn off export (assuming you have an inverter that can do it) on those meter-reader days.
  15. Made it over today's 4m high, actually lower peak levels than yesterday at our location despite the tide actually being higher. Does bode well for the next 4m highs on Monday and Tuesday. Sadly the rest of the village on our side of the road is still mostly flooded apart from a couple of homes who filled like we did before construction. Madam lost several bananas and papaya but the big tree that doesn't like wet feet seems to have made it (it's the one with the sweet smelling flowers beloved of the roadside garland sellers). A load of leaves browned and fell off but the rest seems to have greened up now the water has receded somewhat. Some dead bits at the top will need lopping but it seems to be generally ok. EDIT Madam tells me the tree is "champee kao" (or something along those lines) a type of magnolia.
  16. Yeah, that would be my worry. Try your local aircon installer for copper tube and fittings, hose, bibs etc from the place you get the bottles.
  17. My logic was simple. With the hose there are only two joints to leak (one is outside) compared with the number needed to install metalic tubing (which will likely still need a flexy at the bottle end). The "good quality tube" was the most expensive in the local bottle shop (applying the standard "get what you pay for" logic). It doesn't show and there's no vibration to wear the tube where it passes through the hole, tube is shaded so no issues with UV affecting it. And this thread has reminded me I need to get a new bottle.
  18. We have the simplest set up. Hole through the wall under the cooktop (no oven so inside a cupboard) bottle immediately outside. Good quality reinforced hose from the cooktop to the regulator on the bottle. Second bottle sits next to the first, manual swap over.
  19. Yeah, it's been the "rule" for ages to always send home currency and convert at the Thai end.
  20. You posted in the "visas to other countries" forum! Fixed now, we all make mistakes.
  21. It's not, but since they have all the contacts and details they're the ideal route forwards. Can't comment on the teaching aspect, but if you're paying in OK "should" be no issue.
  22. Not yet I'm afraid, I get my UK private pension in 3 years, then, who knows? I'm lucky enough to have a job that I can do without necessarily climbing around on scaffolding (I have younger guys and gals to do that for me now) so I could go on until I drop. Semi-retirement seems most inviting. When you retire you have a period (6 months IIRC) to transfer to the retired option and maintain cover for a nominal fee. Hopefully your employer will help you to do the switch.
  23. If you have any "thirsty" appliances I'd get a pukka Aussie traily (not universal outlets) and stick a Thai plug on it. UK family brought over a UK traily (built-in 13A fuse), I fitted a Thai plug on it. Grand-daughter's hair styling kit no problem. It's here for next time they come, hopefully in April covid restrictions permitting.
  24. This is indeed excellent news. BUT I've not received a new card for several years as apparently they don't issue them any longer. I've kept the old one although it's getting a bit lot beaten up. So, without a card how does one prove entitlement?
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