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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. If you don't know your earthing arrangement for sure then assume TT and go for the 3 pole + N unit. I do note that that unit is only 5/20kA. You might be better served by a 40/80kA or even a 60/100kA unit backed up by smaller plug-in arrestors on that delicate technology. Is your panel DIN rail or plug-in? You may need a small external box to house the SPD.
  2. Did it live?? There have been all sorts of tests and trials, the only system that really works outside of the mass-transit railways is Rabbit. But of course, that's not government sponsored so ... Some time ago I was on the original design team of "Mangmoom" (called the Thai National Card at the time). I nearly got physically ejected from OTP for suggesting that, with the limited budget available, we should buy or buy in to Rabbit. Result is where we are now Meanwhile, down in KL SPAD were in the same position, but they bought the working Touch-n-Go system ... I didn't suggest that, someone with a brain though of it. I did however finalise the Business Rules ????
  3. Or YOU put on the bikini and patronise his "shop" I do like the curved wall idea, you should be able to get the relevant focal point calculations off the net to focus back on his main seating area. If nothing else it will enable him to turn down the level and still get blood coming from his patrons ears. Buy some decent ear plugs and wait him out, talk to the local plod that there could be some easy pickings on the drink-driving front (does he have an alcohol licence?).
  4. A guy went to parachute school. Learned everything he would need to know about parachuting. Graduation day rolls around and he steps to the door to do his jump. He steps out into the cold air and falls. He pulls the cord for his primary chute. Nothing happens. He pulls the secondary cord, still nothing happens. As he is falling he meets a guy going up. He screams: “Hey. Do you know anything about parachutes?” The guy says: “No. Do you know anything about gas stoves?”
  5. Loads of small consumer units on Lazada, something like this:- https://www.lazada.co.th/products/consumer-unit-4-ccs-ccul-04-4-eco-5-i2828092221-s10315426028.html? but there are many others too. They come with instructions but I'd still get the building chaps (or their sparks) to do it for you ????
  6. Nothing to stop you changing the whole box for a proper consumer-unit, but that woulds also need you to separate out your various circuits. It looks like you just have two circuits (two wires in each outgoing terminal). You still need to verify that earth really is earth, one of these is your friend https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i316566794-s634644285.html If you do just want to replace the existing breaker and make things safer then:- https://www.lazada.co.th/products/sale-nano-rcbo-2p-32a-10ka-din-ple42c32-thunelectric-home-improvement-equipment-i2539245045-s9033042963.html 32A or https://www.lazada.co.th/products/sale-nano-rcbo-2p-50a-10ka-din-ple42c50-thunelectric-home-i2014826002-s6492008130.html 50A I didn't see an actual 45A unit in my quick search, they might be available.
  7. You could replace that breaker with an RCBO which provides earth leakage and shock protection, you should be able to get one that fits in that box. The ground wire can stay as it is as the RCBO doesn't need it. Let me check what you can get on Lazada to drop in to that same space. You will of course need the building techs to change it, not a DIY job on a live system.
  8. We have an Isuzu Mu-X which I enjoy. OK it is the 3.0L 4x4 but the smaller engined 2 wheel drive is the same height. Certainly worth a look/test drive. The Toyota Fortuner is also available as 2 wheel drive IIRC. Let's try this in the Motoring forum for more directed coverage.
  9. A possibly interesting Forbes article. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikescott/2020/03/30/yes-electric-cars-are-cleaner-even-when-the-power-comes-from-coal/
  10. There have been a number of attempts to get a common ticket in place, all have failed for "commercial reasons" (politics in reality). The project with the best chance of actually getting into widespread service is the use of contactless credit cards for travel (EMV for Transit). The main issue at present is the small number of such cards in circulation, but it works well in London, Singapore and an increasing number of other locations. I understand that a system will be piloting on the Blue Line (MRT) later this year. Some users may already have noted some rather horrible protruberances on various Blue Line gates which will house the EMV readers.
  11. Full details here (In English) https://www.bts.co.th/eng/promotion/bts-challenge.html Read the terms and conditions carefully.
  12. Is that the only breaker in your unit? Do you have 3-pin outlets? The green/yellow probably is earth and since there are two wires it might actually be joining to a wire going to an actual earth, or it might not ... Moving to "Electrical".
  13. @Thaifish although "up north" used a contractor who is nationwide, worth having a word. Check his thread for details.
  14. Headline for tomorrow - "Updated Sinovac Mk2 effective against all existing variants, Thailand orders 10,000,000 doses".
  15. A new BTS/Rabbit promotion starts on November 1st. Do read the Ts and Cs carefully. Full details here (In English) https://www.bts.co.th/eng/promotion/bts-challenge.html
  16. Wood is pretty non-conductive, so you're looking at grounding any metal panel with the input jacks on, or grounding the lead screen.
  17. I agree 100%, I'm assuming there will be an appeal based upon "common sense".
  18. No, 1 wah is 2m so a square-wah is 4sqm. That said, it's odd that it's quoted in talang-wah rather than rai as 1 rai is 400 talang-wah. So he has 1.6 rai. Could of course be a misunderstanding of Thai units.
  19. Just be glad you don't live in the UK. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10090871/Plumber-45-fears-lose-home-judge-ruled-Ring-camera-breached-neighbours-privacy.html
  20. Today's Tiny Task! After changing the water pump pressure tank the shower became weak and the water heater shut off on overheat which worried me somewhat. Of course it was coincidence, the shower filter screen was bunged up. I de-scaled the shower head too.
  21. Update at local low tide. We are now 70cm below Worry Level ???? Next local high is at about 10PM, too dark then to check level but unless there's a tidal wave on it's way from the north we will be ok.
  22. UJ (as always) has it spot on. One thing to note as a dual national. An unwritten rule is never show both passports to an immigration officer, it confuses them and can lead to a "situation".
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