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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Loads on Lazada https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=แคน many of which are shipping from China so should be no issue shipping to Sweden, but you'll need to chat to the vendors.
  2. The regulations themselves are way too heavy for a domestic installer, the PEA document included by @sometimewoodworker is far better at pointing your man in the right direction. This is the important diagram with English translations. Wiring it like this will get you past the PEA/MEA inspection for a permanent meter. As others have noted your bast way forwards is probably to get a recommended sparks to give you a detailed quote and then tell him what extras you want.
  3. Assuming that you:- Have a 15/45 meter Have a permanent supply (about 4.5Baht per unit) - Some inspectors don't like a 63A incomer on a 15/45, no an issue if you already have a permanent supply. Then I'd go for the 63A Siemens. Do ensure that you can get spare breakers, you may want to change the values from the ones supplied.
  4. This afternoon's local high was around the same as yesterday, hopefully it will stay that way.
  5. Yes, TM30 done at new office. I'm really looking for any "surprises" particular to the Pathum Thani office.
  6. Yeah, I'd assumed that the "normal" copies would be taken as read, but good to inform others.
  7. Personally I'd always go branded, Schneider or ABB. As noted earlier you do tend to get what you pay for and if you look on any of our projects you will find, pretty much exclusively, Schneider or ABB. BTiCino are also worth looking at, again as mid-budget. Why not get yourself down to your local Global House, HomePro, Thai Watsadu or whatever you have nearby and have look and feel at the display units. If they feel "cheap" they probably are.
  8. Search YouTube for "our reactor is on fire" for several documentaries.
  9. To cause confusion - local income from my job in Thailand ???? We're swapping from employment to marriage and also changing immigration offices, previously used CW. Work are preparing the usual tax documentation that they've used in the past for work extensions.
  10. Anyone done a marriage extension at Pathum Thani recently? Anything "special" required on top of the usual:- KR. 2 KR. 3 (Or KR22 if married outside Thailand) Wife - Copy ID. Card Wife - Copy home registration Home map Family Photo with address number Photo Inside the house Photo Outside the house Visa Photo 4×6 cm.
  11. "Oil Price Hike and Bath Depreciation Worry Thai Government" We only have showers, will this affect us?
  12. Probably not happening, U.S. regulators suffer from NIH syndrome!
  13. Pretty obvious where Madam's priorities lie! > Six million Baht house pha! Ten Baht bananas and the chickens need flood protection! Yes, I told her not to tie the sandbags, but ... I'm just a stupid, know-nothing farang!
  14. That's it, but since it's not a self-priming pump you will need to get quite a lot of water into the pump and pipe (and let the air out).
  15. WARNING Will Robinson, WARNING!! The lady who was helping Madam fill sandbags discovered that the flood water has leeches ???? Not nice!!
  16. OK, underground tank. You need to fill the lift pipe and pump with water, probably easiest to disconnect the service union (which you probably don't have) and fill via that, otherwise remove that hex plug and fill the pipe, very, very slowly (air needs to escape). I suppose it's a means to encourage you not to let the tank run dry again ???? Does the lift pipe have a removable cap at the top perchance?? A thought, if you have a wet n dry vac it might have the oomph to suck up the water if you apply it to the pump outlet.
  17. What is your actual problem, we have this pump (or a very similar one). What is the source? Tank, direct mains, well??
  18. Today's max was well below yesterday's max. More damp on its way down river but the worst of the tides have passed.
  19. Not for domestic as far as I'm aware. The meter measures the energy consumed over all 3 phases and you pay for that. It is of course always best to keep a balanced load anyway. If you are an industrial user things may well be different and maximum demand and power-factor tariffs may apply.
  20. Hmm, that totally echos my experience with my friend. He's used up WAY too many of the regular type. Just ordered a bag of the linked ones.
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