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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. That's what I thought when I bought the bag of 100 "regular" ones
  2. Another member pointed me at these after he had "used up" a significant number of the regular closed-end plugs (that he "borrowed" from me). Sort out the wires before you crimp then trim off the ends. Anyone tried them? Are they really has handy as they look for those who just can't get the wires in right? https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i1752260238-s5063624392.html
  3. We're at tidal max now (13.30), definitely the highest level yet, about 20cm below "Worry". Garden is decidedly sodden.
  4. We're about 30km (river distance) north of you, level is still climbing and is definitely the highest this year. I reckon we've still got a couple of hours before the actual peak. I concur with the "distance to 2011".
  5. The UK is doing the importing! Generate in Morocco - use in the UK. It's all about Uncle Boris and his Green Initiative, go green, damn the cost.
  6. Local low tide and about 52cm below "Worry" ???? High last night was pretty similar to the night before, next local high at about 2PM.
  7. I would contact your local authorised LG service centre. Where are you located? A local member may be able to point you in the direction of a decent tech.
  8. Crossy

    Water cleaning

    There are many different types available, something like this https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1171244 but do ensure that replacement cartridges are available locally and aren't silly money.
  9. If I were a betting man (I'm not, it's not legal in Thailand), I'd wager that even using power from Yallorn the Tesla is still cleaner overall than many an ICE vehicle.
  10. Crossy

    Water cleaning

    OK, so it's crunchy bits. If you are clogging filters that rapidly you need a multi-stage filter. A coarse one to remove the biggest particles, followed by progressively finer filters until you reach your desired level. We have a simple polyester filter on our incoming supply to get the big bits out, nothing else except for an RO system which provides drinking water. I change the poly filter when it goes the colour of stewed tea.
  11. This ^^^ It might be controlled by the merchant. Lazada rarely asks for and OTP on my (Thailand issued) CitiBank credit card, although I think there may be a value limit. Meanwhile AiS always asks for the OTP no matter how small the reload value.
  12. From the Local Forum roolz;- "If you see a relevant article on the net that may be interesting (doesn't have to be in Thailand), please post. Don't forget to respect the "Fair Use" guidelines, a couple of paragraphs, maybe a photo and a link."
  13. A Tesla charges with the Yallorn brown coal power station in the background. Yallorn is one of the most polluting power stations in Australia. Cited for closure in 2028.
  14. Crossy

    Water cleaning

    @Pink7what do you actually want to achieve? Has your water been tested to determine what needs filtering out?
  15. Local high tide, 32cm below worry. Geese are enjoying the water, gai baan are catching fish!
  16. Level right now is 53cm below Worry Level, we are at local low tide. Last local high tide saw us at 34cm below worry which flooded a significant chunk of the garden. This has left it impossible (ok, very, very squidgy) to access my normal picture-taking spot, so sorry no more photos of the neighbours green house. Next local high will be at about mid-day.
  17. The original boat guy was Plodprasop. You're a bit nearer the sea than we are (we are about 92km as the river flows) and on a different river. What sort of delay are you seeing between high at the gulf and locally? We have about 6 hours give or take.
  18. We have the "Before" photo, how about the "After"??
  19. Nope, since my last post the river has risen to 34cm below Worry Level, up 16cm in 5 hours and the highest it's been this time around. According to Madam this is because of high tides in the gulf and should be down again later. Of course we will have similarly high tides until Tuesday although the lows will be very low. Note that the peak tide this far inland is delayed by nearly 6 hours from the peak at the coast.
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