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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. LEDs will certainly get warm (and you shouldn't cover them with insulation) but "extremely hot" sounds worrying. If it's too hot to touch I'd take it back from whence it came.
  2. Solcast, a DNV company, reports that North and South America are set to experience an annular eclipse on October 14, which means that some regions could lose a significant portion of their daily solar energy production. https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/09/29/october-14-eclipse-to-cost-us-states-up-to-17-of-daily-solar-generation/
  3. Google "DIY solar forum" or link from one of Will Prowse's videos, loads of JK BMS setup info.
  4. Available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/severed-hand-dog-toy/s?k=severed+hand+dog+toy
  5. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/steam-plates-by-prostormer-i2895471689-s10579412026.html Getting the old paper off is just the start, then you have to clean up the wall itself and wallpaper can hide a multitude of sins ???? It might be an idea to strip one room (spare bedroom??) and see just how much of a nightmare it's going to be ????
  6. Political and not Thailand related.
  7. Basically, don't ask, don't tell. Meter going in reverse only applies to the older "spinning disc" meters, sadly the electronic ones do not go backwards ???? Doing this is, of course, definitely not permitted. So don't let the meter man see it going backwards and definitely don't end up with a negative meter reading when the man comes. Getting caught generally means a slap on the wrist and the installation of a meter that won't go in reverse. If you have an electronic meter and don't want to join the official feed-in system then a hybrid inverter and battery storage will be the way forwards I'm afraid ????
  8. The best we've managed with the current set up is 1174kWh in May 2023 ????
  9. Generation for September. Total 971.63kWh = 5,073Baht that we didn't pay to PEA ???? Best day 45kWh ???? Worst day 22.9kWh ????
  10. I know @JAS21 did a LOT of research before going for those Daikin units, I think he's found the best bang-per-buck on domestic A/C.
  11. Purely in the name of research (OK we needed some non-food stuff) I visited our local Lotus's's's (which is on the list). I spoke to the security chap and pretty lady on Customer Service. Between their (actually half decent) English and my (pretty useless) Thai we concluded that: - Dogs need to be in the basket or a stroller. They are OK in the home and wear areas but cannot go into the area with fresh foods. It was unclear about the packaged foods areas. "No-dogs" signs were not in evidence at any of the food outlets, but it was still early and few were actually open.
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