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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. BUT Your RCD/RCBO is an electro-mechanical device, they can and do fail (when did you last test yours?). Also, the 30mA trip current was chosen as a reasonable balance between having nuisance trips and not killing healthy adults. The elderly, infirm or very young could still die. Earthing of Class-1 appliances is the number one safety precaution. It's also worth noting that many modern appliances (like your desktop PC) also require the earth in order for the power-supply interference suppression components to work correctly (it's these components that cause the "tingle" you sometimes get from an un-earthed PC).
  2. Our extinguishers are all hanging on the brackets they came with, big, red and visible. We also have a fire blanket in the kitchen so that once extinguished the food could still be edible. As I've noted before, when I rotate our units (buy a new one) I let the family set off the one that's being "retired". Putting out piles of pallets is great fun and educational too. Considering how long it took the local brigade to arrive and extinguish the fire at a nearby resort I think I may get a couple more
  3. I'd go for the 1mm2 cable. Even at 100A the current in the loop would only be 30mA or so but you want to minimise any volt drop. With a CT volt-drop isn't really a concern but ...
  4. Yeah, Type-AC are the lowest of the low, being phased out in several countries Aus being one IIRC @bluejets? Type-AC units can be "blinded" by pulsating DC which is a by-product of switching power supplies. Type-A are recommended as a minimum now. Type-B for your EV. Important Note - we are talking about RCD/RCBO types here https://www.electrical-installation.org/enwiki/Types_of_RCDs#: not MCB tripping curves which are related to start-up surge characteristics.
  5. Our big white rooster "Bruiser" died a while back (old age and over exertion with some new ladies I think). I rather miss his morning (actually any time of day or night) greeting, the replacement doesn't seem to crow at all.
  6. A post which breaches the Asean Now Community Standards has been removed.
  7. Seriously, chooks are a fact of life in Thailand, take steps to keep the beast out of your home.
  8. Nah, can't have been brake failure. From the position of the tree, it looks like it stepped out in front of the bus and the driver made a valiant attempt to avoid hitting it.
  9. It's definitely going to get pretty warm under there with or without clear sheets, the clear will make it get even warmer. It's also worth considering just how UV resistant your chosen sheeting is. A lot of the "clear" stuff goes cloudy in pretty short order.
  10. RCDs or RCBOs (RCDs with over-current protection) will work just fine with multiple earths or even with no earth. If you are re-wiring it would be wise to wire to the current Thai standard of a central rod and a N-E (MEN) link in the consumer unit (this assumes that your local distribution system has the neutral earthed every 3rd pole or so).
  11. Yeah, you can then paste directly into an AN post: - Like that (<Ctrl V>) ????
  12. I now identify as a microwave meal: - I look pretty good on the outside. I'm often disappointing. and I'm done in about 5 minutes.
  13. OK, I get what you are talking about now. I'm not sure it makes much difference to performance, but the presence of a smaller lug on top of the main battery connection may reduce the effectiveness. Commercial packs vary, but many use laser-welded cell connections meaning they have to connect to the cell interconnect. Of the three packs I've built all have the BMS sense leads on the interconnect bars. The first I actually soldered the wires on (you need a BIG soldering iron) the other two are drilled and tapped M4 with crimped lugs on the sense wires.
  14. On their way to get married, a young Catholic couple was involved in a fatal car accident. The couple found themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven. While waiting they began to wonder; could they possibly get married in Heaven? When St. Peter arrived, they asked him if they could get married in Heaven. St. Peter said, "I don't know. This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out," and he left. The couple sat and waited for an answer... for a couple of months. While they waited, they discussed the pros and cons. If they were allowed to get married in Heaven, should they get married, what with the eternal aspect of it all? "What if it doesn't work? Are we stuck in Heaven together forever?" Yet another month passed before St. Peter finally returned, looking somewhat bedraggled. "Yes," he informed the couple, "You can get married in Heaven." "Great!" said the couple. "But we were just wondering; what if things don't work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?" St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard on the ground. "What's wrong?" asked the frightened couple. "OH, COME ON!" St. Peter shouted. "It took me 3 months to find a priest up here! Do you have ANY idea how long it'll take to find a lawyer?!
  15. Correctly sized (for cable and battery stud) ring-crimp/lug on the BMS cable. Everything thoroughly cleaned (sanded). Decent electrical jointing compound on the mating faces if that's your thing, some don't like it. Washer ONLY on the top, never between the crimp and battery. EDIT Not exactly what you have, but you get the idea.
  16. I'd forgotten just how wonderful this track is... Thanks for reminding me ????
  17. Lithium batteries don't out-gas like lead-acid do so I wouldn't bother with forced ventilation other than maybe for keeping things (you) cool. EDIT If you have your genset in there you may want ventilation that runs with the generator.
  18. I have a large and cheap hand crimper that I bought ages ago in India, does the job well enough. Plenty of baby hydraulic ones on Lazada. I would go for one that does the hexagonal crimps for no reason other than they look prettier (then you put heat-shrink on anyway). Mine is something like this https://www.lazada.co.th/products/wjhh-50mm-crimping-pliers-network-pliers-i3895728927-s14951682121.html
  19. Battery side. Under-construction photo, the wiring has been tidied somewhat and the larger battery box is now enclosed.
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