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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Remember the old adage about spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar!
  2. LiFePO4 are very low risk and don't suffer from thermal-runaway (unlike Li-ion), so most fires involving them are electrical in nature. Good practices should prevent most if not all of these. The electrolyte does boil off, but it's non-flammable you just get clouds of white "smoke" (you don't want to breathe it mind). Our packs are in a battery shed, steel and Shera-board construction, decidedly fire proof and away from the house. About 5k US plus DDP shipping will net you two of these https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/14KW-48V-51-2V-280AH-Pre_1600894719244.html The same seller has cells if you want to DIY. Shenzhen Luyuan are a well-known and respected supplier, no rubbish!
  3. Yeah, Barclays sussed me some years back. Nationwide are still good ???? And, if needed I have Lloyds offshore (IoM) accounts in Sterling, Euros and Yankee Dollars.
  4. Crimps https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=SC35-6&location=Local Compound just on the mating faces, there shouldn't be any gaps ????
  5. What size cable do you have and what size is the battery stud?? EDIT 35mm2 cable, 6mm hole, from Lazada.
  6. You only need a smear of the joint stuff on the mating faces but it does set after a while, still easy to take apart. I really don't like having a stud that's way smaller than the hole, it's not good practice and can lead to over-heating. Why not obtain and fit ring crimps of the correct dimensions?? But, as with all these things, Up2U.
  7. You really want the bolt/stud to fill the hole in the ring-crimp, hence making an adaptor with two holes. What you want to do is not ideal but would work, but do ensure the surfaces are scrupulously clean and oxide-free before assembly and use an electrical joint compound. What sort of battery currents are you expecting??
  8. I mean this: - Which is what I'm assuming you want to fix. Maybe I'm not understanding.
  9. Could you drill out the BMS connector so it fits over the shoulder (washer on top) for a larger contact area? OR Make something like this from an inter-cell strip?
  10. Does the hole in the BMS connector fit over the "shoulder" on the battery terminal? Otherwise, I'd modify one of the inter-cell strips with exact size holes and fasteners.
  11. Ah, that explains why the normal Friday afternoon exodus traffic was ... Exactly the same as usual
  12. I'm not, and none of my Thai friends, family and work colleagues are either ???? Just hoping for him to fade into history ... (or oblivion)
  13. And, it looks like your strings are working independently despite what the inverter settings say ????
  14. If you need to extend your power supply => DVD drive wiring, just buy an extension cable ???? To be honest, at the current we are talking about <0.5mm2 is more than adequate, using bigger is more a matter of mechanical robustness than current carrying capability.
  15. Now, if they were installing brains, I think I could name a few candidates
  16. OK, thinking about it I suspect "parallel" doesn't really do much physically, maybe it just modifies the way the MPPTs track.
  17. Yeah, do try that. If the inputs really are parallel those panels would slug the output of the longer string. I don't really know what "parallel" does, it may not actually connect the strings physically.
  18. Did you tell them it's already set to 0kW (and a photo of the screen)? They might be able to tweek the parameters for you. I've actually found them very helpful once you get the conversation going. Also, any response for your MPPT setting problem? If you really are running those mis-matched strings in parallel you could be losing a lot of generation ???? Also, does the Remote Control option in Solarman Smart work with on-grid inverters?
  19. There is only one thing worse than having no manual. That is having a manual that is wrong!! Part of my real job is validating user manuals; these can be several hundred pages. They are always wrong until at least Rev.C
  20. You definitely need Sofar. That interface is nothing like either of our Sofar inverters.
  21. Is there a "save" button or similar? Certainly with the hybrid pretty much any setting needs a confirm of some sort.
  22. It's great that it's actually working now, albeit with a bit of "creep".
  23. If you go grid-tie or grid-sync hybrid then even one panel and inverter will offset your bill by whatever it generates. If consumption exceeds the solar production your grid will top-up to the actual demand automagically. Are you intending to go "official" or DIY on this installation??
  24. @MJCMsince you've now got contact with Sofar you could ask them how to prevent the meter creeping backwards. To be honest, a 10W creep probably isn't ever going to be noticed by the meter man, he's really only interested in the numbers and any blatant banging the meter in reverse.
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