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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Any time an agency or gov gets exposed for lying cheating or braking either domestic or international law I applaud. Couldnt care less about the word traitor the real traitors are those who go along with the party line not the whistleblowers ...

    there would be no such thing as whistleblowers btw if there was nothing to blow about. wink.png som nom naa

    So is he still a traitor when it is the US government that are now ruled to be wrong?


    So ultimately, which branch is the most powerful? The Courts or the President?

    US phone data grab 'against the law'


  2. Good the guy was not Russian , otherwise the Russian bashing would be extreme here ...... All this for just a hat ? the shop owner should have asked the Israeli guy to pay for the hat instead of involving the police for so little.

    Those establishments that implement such a policy usually do so only on the basis that the perpetrator pays a price that would be considered a huge penalty. And quite rightly so!

    Something like 10 times the price would be in order

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  3. Any time an agency or gov gets exposed for lying cheating or braking either domestic or international law I applaud. Couldnt care less about the word traitor the real traitors are those who go along with the party line not the whistleblowers ...

    there would be no such thing as whistleblowers btw if there was nothing to blow about. wink.png som nom naa

    So is he still a traitor when it is the US government that are now ruled to be wrong?

  4. Yes that is correct, it is country of residence. Passport has nothing to do with it. I have 3 passports I use depending on the country I wish to visit.

    Thai law has nothing to do with compensation, compensation is between the carrier and the passenger. It all depends on where you purchased your ticket as to what laws are in place to cover you.

    It is incumbent on Qantas to get your wife's bag to her. They stuffed it up and they should fix it, regardless of where you live.

    I stopped flying Qantas about 20 years ago, even back then they made you feel like you should be privileged just to be allowed to be on their plane, and the trolley dollies are way too up themselves and can't really be bothered actually serving people.

    Oh and to top it off, they have now asked the Oz govt to give them money to assist against competition from other airlines. Yet only a few years ago they were very fast to make it near impossible for any new domestic airline to operate in Australia.

    A big thumbs down to them in every way.

    But the one thing they did have in the old days was an unblemished record regarding safety. But with all the cutbacks that's gone out the window as well now, so there isn't much reason to choose them any more. Still prefer Singapore airlines in this region

  5. Yes, they are called Nakorn Chai Air.

    They have several departures early morning and then early evening. (Don't know exact times)

    They are located on the Top of Pattaya klang. On Sukhumvit turn right and it's about 1-200 meters on your left.

    Very good buses and reliable

    Before Holidays, make sure that you book early as these Buses tend to fill up quickly.

    Location: http://goo.gl/maps/lsoIA

    I second that.thumbsup.gif

    And you should choose Gold class if it is available (unfortunately first class is not available with them on that route)

    You can't compare this company to other bus companies because they are in the league of their own. They are definitely reliable and their bus drivers are amongst the best

    see their website here


  6. you would have to be careful dealing with agents regarding visas and imo it wouldn't be wise to trust sending a passport with other parties. A passport should be with you all times.Just take a trip to Bangkok and go to the Cambodian embassy yourself. Go on the MRT subway to Huay Kwang and the embassy is not far from there . You can get the visa within a matter of 20 to 30 min

    Your warning is well thought out. However, the agents do it all the time for Vietnam and China and I assume other countries. Friends have never had a "problem" but as with many things, it only takes one problem to ruin your day not to mention, your stay/vist/life. The idea of just taking a trip to Bangkok, well as said, I'm willing to pay someone to do it for me. Back to the OP, any agents have the form and runners who do this like they do for Vietnam and China VISA's?

    Fair enough. By the way the reason I wouldn't trust any one with my passport for an extended period, except government officials is because of the risk of identity theft

    With your passport information, an identity thief can get a copy of your birth certificate, your Social Security number, access to your bank account and credit cards.


  7. you would have to be careful dealing with agents regarding visas and imo it wouldn't be wise to trust sending a passport with other parties. A passport should be with you all times.Just take a trip to Bangkok and go to the Cambodian embassy yourself. Go on the MRT subway to Huay Kwang and the embassy is not far from there . You can get the visa within a matter of 20 to 30 min

  8. "Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

    In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

    to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

    This has to be the most balanced assessment of a bad situation ever to grace the pages of TV....so much more preferable to other Tin Pot, Wannabe Armchair Politicians venting their 'intellectually impaired spleens' !

    Have readers noticed that all the Yingluck Is Really Lovely team members studiously blank out the Thaksin Clone angle?

    Have readers equally noticed that all the Suthep is a Good Guy team members studiously blank out the dictatorship bordering on lunatic angle?

  9. I do a brisk 30-60 minute cycle ride most afternoons in an area of low traffic and I can't see much hope for the future when nearly all of the kids riding home from school are on the wrong side of the road, talking on their phones or listening to music, totally oblivious as to what is going on around them. It's pretty clear what they are going to be like when they eventually own their own motorcycle. Then there are the car drivers who on a wide road for some reason must do a right turn from the far right hand side of the road (the wrong side), straight in to any cars or bikes turning left. It's just nuts. The other day after three near misses in twenty minutes I gave up and went back home while I still could. Told the wife what happened and she said it was all my fault because I ride my bike too fast...

    As a cyclist also I'm amazed how many other cyclist don't wear helmets and don't look back before exercising any kind of manoeuvre. I am extremely defensive and yield to everything because you can never just assume these motorcyclists will adjust their speed or behaviour. Bottom line is to me the vast majority of motorcyclists certainly don't seem to have their mind on the job

  10. So Thaksin's paid stooges, the so-called "red leaders" give their relentless support; what a surprise. They should look over their shoulders, and these Judas goats will find a lot of the sheep are voting with their feet.

    BTW When things go bad, if their party list number isn't high enough, they are looking at serious jailtime. They will be working very hard to get PTP back in power.

    Like I said in another thread.

    I know 3 people in our extended Thai family who lauded Thaksin and voted PTP, They have since been at the protests and their mind is now changed for good. They will never vote PTP again or any party affiliated with a Shin.

    They are not interested in Thaksin's money, it 'has blood on it' and will 'bring bad luck'.

    Their words, not mine.

    The 'Pressure groups' as stated in the OP have their work cut out, especially as they are going to be the ones distributing the vote buying cash from the Royal Bank of Dubai.

    Especially if vote buying is (and it will be) totally clamped down on.

    So what? There would be plenty of other people to replace your extended family. The voter turnout in 2011 wasn't particularly high anyway. But there will be many going this time to express their anger at the disruption the protesters have caused over the past few weeks

  11. I'm glad they've done something if they are choosing not to switch on those expensive pedestrian crossing lights after spending all that money.rolleyes.gif

    Now that the extra lane is open, some drivers are travelling at ridiculous speeds in that lane and in the night time it's hazardous trying to cross the road anywhere around that area near Royal Garden Plaza.

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  12. The guy is crazy, hopefully they arrest him on Thursday.

    He is after a civil war apparently.

    As opposed to the megalomaniac, sociopathic, criminal, avaricious alternative, who is after destroying the country?

    Which would you prefer?

    I would prefer the Thai people to be allowed to have those the majority democratically elected into power ( p.s. no different to USA where Obama gave away free phones )whistling.gif

  13. "Suthep Thaugsuban has said that the meeting tomorrow would be significant and could mean a turn of the countrys democracy rule."

    "... could mean a turn of the countrys democracy rule."

    What on earth is that supposed to mean?

    It means Thailand and all its inhabitants will henceforth live peacefully and in contentment under the benevolent leadership of our most beloved great and dear leader Suthep

    You'd rather have Thaksin?... because that's where we've been for the last ten years

    No, but the 12 million people who voted in the current government probably don't want Suthep?

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