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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. You can usually find lots of kittens in the Temples around Pattaya because the cats in these places are usually left to breed at will.

    In fact, I saw a couple of delightful very small kittens 2 days ago at the Big Buddha and the Buddha near the FM radio station at the top of the hill.

    There is a lady who seems to look after cleaning the area and helping one of the Monks and you would just need to convince her they would be going to a good home.

    I happened to be there during 2 days ago at feeding time of all the Temple cats and I felt a bit sorry for them that their diet seemed to comprise mostly rice mixed with something else.

    That'd be great, thanks for the advice!

    Are these cats friendly enough to be taken away?

    Very friendly :-) Some are a bit shy, but once you win their confidence they like having attention

  2. You can usually find lots of kittens in the Temples around Pattaya because the cats in these places are usually left to breed at will.

    In fact, I saw a couple of delightful very small kittens 2 days ago at the Big Buddha and the Buddha near the FM radio station at the top of the hill.

    There is a lady who seems to look after cleaning the area and helping one of the Monks and you would just need to convince her they would be going to a good home.

    I happened to be there during 2 days ago at feeding time of all the Temple cats and I felt a bit sorry for them that their diet seemed to comprise mostly rice mixed with something else.

    • Like 1
  3. Powerful influences have already won this issue.

    As I was walking along Beach Road tonight near the police station, they were at the digging up one half of the more demanding speed bump and they had already laid a much flatter speed bump on the other side.

    Meanwhile, I stood on the corner of Beach Road and Pattaya Klang and I don't believe it's my imagination but the speed at which people are travelling down this part of Beach Road seems to be getting more and more ridiculous.

    What are they going to do wait until an innocent pedestrian is killed before they take decisive action?bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif

  4. nothing to stop them from embedding flashing horizontally placed red lights or something in the concrete like they do on some slip roads off the motorway.

    But I really wonder about the wisdom of spending all this money on

    1. installing expensive pedestrian crossing lights everywhere and then not having them working properly
    2. widening Beach Road, which encourages motorists to speed in the outer lane
    3. now installing speed humps to slow the traffic back down.blink.png

    Why couldn't they have just left things the way they were ?

    • Like 1

    Sounds good, but a party with the most votes can still lose. I can't be too negative here as it isn't too unlike my country. A big difference though is I have never been paid to vote for a party/candidate. Have you?

    your post reminds me of the great line in the Woody Allen movie “ shadows and fog “giggle.gif

    Kleinmann: Uh, I've... I've never paid for sex in my life.

    Prostitute: Oh, you just think you haven't.


    Ha ha ha.

    Ok, real world now, jokes aside.

    Have you personally, in your home country, been approached to directly sell your vote?

    buying your vote is illegal but lying for it is called campaigningsad.png

  6. For gods sake. Enough already! Put this nutcase in the slammer where he belongs and let the ordinary people of Bangkok enjoy their last Sunday before Christmas in peacebah.gif

    Like who? You? Thailand is not a Christian country and they don't really celebrate Christmas. wai.gif

    " For gods sake. Enough already! Put this nutcase in the slammer where he belongs and let the ordinary people of Bangkok enjoy their last Sunday before Christmas weekend in peacebah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif

    does that help ?wai.gif

    p.s. i dont live in Bangkok smile.png


    Sounds good, but a party with the most votes can still lose. I can't be too negative here as it isn't too unlike my country. A big difference though is I have never been paid to vote for a party/candidate. Have you?

    your post reminds me of the great line in the Woody Allen movie “ shadows and fog “giggle.gif

    Kleinmann: Uh, I've... I've never paid for sex in my life.

    Prostitute: Oh, you just think you haven't.


  8. the officers followed up to arrest Mr. Arnon who was walking down a road in Pattaya so the officers exposed themselves and showed him the writ from Pattaya provincial court.

    Despicable actions by this man, but I did get a smile from the way the arrest was described in the newspaper article.

    I hope the police can cut a deal to give him a more lenient sentence in return for him providing the full names and addresses of his clientsbah.gif

    • Like 2
  9. There seems to be no clear direction for anybody involved with politics in Thailand, all are making policy on the run , changing the goal posts at every whim, there needs to be a committee formed, from various institutions of respect, (not political parties), this committee has a mandate to bring about proper democratic reform , this is then handed to the elected government,coffee1.gif who then acts on these recommendations , and that is where the stumbling block will be , politicians with no other agenda but their own , till this mind set changes ,Thailand will always be a basket case where politics are concerned. coffee1.gif

    " from various institutions of respect, "

    And which “ institutions “ will represent and protect the interests of the rural people of Thailand who currently constitute the majority of voters ?

  10. For gods sake. Enough already! Put this nutcase in the slammer where he belongs and let the ordinary people of Bangkok enjoy their last Sunday before Christmas in peacebah.gif

    Dear Suthep, first of all you won't get this amount of people on the street. 2nd; you are showing real megalomanic almost psychiatric behavior now with your lust for Power. 3rd; all protester should be accused of Lesse Majeste, since you all throw the wise words of your King in the waste paper basket. And do not think Thailand is paradise if you get rid of Thaksin.........Thailand battles with internal struggles before Thaksin could read and write. Thank you.

    " all protester should be accused of Lesse Majeste "clap2.gif

    This is the part I don't understand? Why are Suthep's actions and his followers seemingly considered less serious than a journalist who writes a passage in an article?blink.png

    • Like 1
  11. Poor planning to put it on the fifth floor. Ground floor where you have to walk past it to get anywhere would have been much better, a la Central Plaza.

    No its not ?blink.png

    The ground floor constitutes premium retail space and you could never justify locating a food court there.

    You would put it in the lower ground floor of the building ( if it has one ) as in Central pattaya beach or the top floor as in this case as well as in the case of Royal Garden Plaza , which effectively is considered dead space as far as retail rents are concerned

    • Like 2
  12. well done Federal District Judge Richard Leon.

    what will they do to him now?

    make him disappear?

    Now that is stupid. No one is going to do anything to Judge Leon. Heck, no one has done anything to the nuttier than a fruitcake Larry Klayman who brought the suit and has a long history of nutty political lawsuits and tried to call for a revolution.

    You guys need to stop reading conspiracy theory websites . . . or at least stop believing everything the Internet has to say.

    You are so funnygiggle.gif

    you mean rely on the doublespeak of the mainstream media to know what's going on?rolleyes.gif

    Get real!

    In case you missed it, the post related to a nutty comment that the judge would be made to disappear due to his opinion. Is that an issue in mainstream media or just a paranoid thought process?

    Anyway, I base my opinion that judge's are safe to do and write as the deem appropriate from clerking for both an appellate and a State Supreme Court justice and from practicing law in many states for 20 years. If you think otherwise, you read to many nutty websites or have confused Hollywood with reality.

    No I didn't miss it. You seem to be inferring that a judge would never risk " disappearing " if his rulings somehow embarrassed the powers that be?

    I don't agree particularly these days, after all we've seen regarding how low these people are prepared to stoop in terms of lies and deceit to fight for their political agenda ?

    And by the way Judges have disappeared before …………………..


  13. well done Federal District Judge Richard Leon.

    what will they do to him now?

    make him disappear?

    Now that is stupid. No one is going to do anything to Judge Leon. Heck, no one has done anything to the nuttier than a fruitcake Larry Klayman who brought the suit and has a long history of nutty political lawsuits and tried to call for a revolution.

    You guys need to stop reading conspiracy theory websites . . . or at least stop believing everything the Internet has to say.

    You are so funnygiggle.gif

    you mean rely on the doublespeak of the mainstream media to know what's going on?rolleyes.gif

    Get real!

  14. Please note the use of the word 'Suspected" here before burning up the keyboard with your high court verdicts on this bloke ventmongers......

    Heavy Drinker's Fingerpoint rating: 4/10 Verdict:rather feeble, lacking conviction.....must do better next time Khun Sompong....

    I thought all, (perhaps0, wrong doers were suspects until a judge directs guilt or not guilty......coffee1.gif

    He was

    1. In possession of something he had not paid for
    2. running away from the scene

    I don't think you need a judge to confirm he is guilty?unsure.png

  15. We get to hear the beginning of these stories (and the other example involving the goat's cheese rolleyes.gif ) but we never get to hear the outcome and what happens after ……….

    I'm just curious as to how difficult the BIB make things for these fellows after they have been nabbed? For example I'm sure the BIB would want to see their actual passports for processing forms etc after they have been charged.

    So if these people are not carrying their actual passports and have copies what happens ? If they are in a safe somewhere for example in their rooms who goes to get them ? And what happens to all your other valuables and other assets after you are in the criminal justice system?

    Presumably it wouldn't be like the West where you would be released on bail ?

  16. Hardly surprising, most intelligent people knew this (meta-data: essentially CDRs) was illegal. And it will hold up as the Government will be unable - unwilling under the guise of "National Security" - to prove that the benefits outweigh the many rights to privacy.

    This quote may give a feel for how the NSA views the legality of spying on citizens, and of pesky judicial over-sight...

    General Michael Hayden, former director of both NSA and the Central Intelligence Agency, said the metadata made a contribution to weaving the "tapestry of intelligence" and that judges "are not really in a good position to judge the merits of intelligence collection programs".

    I hope such intelligent people can by now see a clearly discernible trend through all these various scandals and start joining the dots before it's too lateermm.gif

    • Like 1
  17. You are mistaken and in any case the letter is about security not the harrassing of Yingluck's son.

    I am very familiar with the position at Harrow with a friend on the governing body and with several friends as parents.There was no breach of security as the Headmaster's circular makers clear.However there was some whistling by a very small minority of parents at Yingluck's child.The Headmaster has made it clear this vulgar and unpleasant behaviour is unacceptable.This is not a particularly important issue particularly since a very small number of foolish parents were involved.

    But please do not accuse people of lying or suggest Yingluck propaganda when you are unfamilar with the facts.

    By "facts“ you mean "what I have heard".

    What I heard was that there was no whistling of Nong Pipe at all. Rather what happened was that a parent blew a whistle a Nong Pipe's security car after the driver, a policeman, refused to turn the car off. The parent was fed up because the car is usually left idling most of the day, waiting for Nong Pipe to leave school. The policeman driver felt he had been disrespected, and wanted to get some sort of vengeance, but presumably felt that going to his seniors with the complaint of having been viciously whistled at, might sound a bit lame. So a few minor tweaks were made to the story and voila, front page news on KhaoSod about the PM 's son being "attacked".

    What you heard...............coffee1.gif

  18. As usual, the drama queen and Thaksin gig Sunisa over-reacts and distorts an issue, amply supported by Thaksin enabler rag, Khaosod news. She should stick to writing bogus biographies while AWOL from the Army.

    well Marty,, not hard to see where your thinking comes from another well informed newbee who comes along with his well informed comments and no idea about dragging children, no matter is they are children of high profile people or not - the fight is all about red and yellow - and in the case of Sut boys that is exactly what they are - stinking yellow to single out her son with threats, he should be charged with verbal assult but as usual he is well protected by his gang of thugs and its quite fitting that this sort of threat comment would come from him, he claims he is there for the people - so what people would they be -- count them on one hand - him and his cronies -- when this is all over and it will be - he ends up in jail for a long long time.

    And can you tell me pray tell, what exactly, the "verbal" threat against Yingluck's son was?

    Does it matter what words exactly were used ?bah.gif


  19. No, makes you wonder about South Africa's security.

    No, apparently secret service have overriding responsibility everywhere. They call the shots

    No, actually the secret service doesn't have much authority in another country. They can strongly recommend that the President no attend and they hold a great deal of sway with some gov'ts.

    The Secret Service has no way of checking out a local person in any great deal. The responsibility lies with the home country. The Secret Service will make sure that the venue is swept for bombs and that security protocols are in place to prevent weapons from being brought in etc., but checking out the sign language guy....I think not.

    Too funny, but save your breath. Some are apparently driven by the innate need to criticize or blame the US no matter what the circumstances. Says more about the utterer than subject matter.

    This shows how nutty some parts of the world actually are and I kind of like it. So interview process went something like this:

    Yah, mon. I be a champion of sign.

    Ooh, champion of sign ya say. Ya hired!

    Unfortunately, it is not the nutty ones we need to worry about . . .

    Not so much blaming or criticising but just simply questioning an apparent US “ security “ system that fails to carry out its own independent background check regarding the only person that would be allowed to stand next to the US President. As one former US President quite rightly said –“ trust but verify “rolleyes.gif

    I mean it hardly takes much research to establish this guy had a very sinister past


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