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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Small issue though about effectively blackmailing a president don't you think?

    Rather a silly comment about blackmailing.

    Real blackmail would be if Trump already had Obama's transcripts and demanded he (Obama) pay him (Trump) $5 Million or he (Trump) would release them (transcripts) to every media outlet.

    In this instance, he (Trump) is asking him (Obama) to release information he (Obama) has blocked from the public since it could possibly contain embarrassing information to him (Obama).

    It is really more like Trump rewarding a deserving charity for Obama doing the right thing for a change.thumbsup.gif

    wherever Obama is involved there always seems to be more questions than answers?

    Glenn Beck Connects the Dots in Benghazi Attack: ‘This Is Fast and Furious Times 1,000′

    During his show on TheBlazeTV Wednesday night, Glenn Beck said President Barack Obama has “crossed a line” concerning the “lies” about the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi on Sept. 11. In fact, he claims “Benghazi-gate” is “Fast and Furious times 1,000.”

    “I don’t think that we are going to have time to be able to get this out to the American people before the election, because the press is of no help,” Beck said. “You need to try to listen and get your friends to listen next door because this isn’t about politics. This truly is about the future of the country because we are in grave, grave danger.”

    During his radio show on Wednesday, he said arming the enemies of the United States — for any reason — is grounds for treason, adding that people may “go to jail” over this scandal.

    Watch Beck explain his gun-running theory and why he believes the president is lying:


  2. " Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing".

    No brainer......do it and let a charity be 5 million better off.

    Don't do it........selfish bastard!

    That is the thing: he is trying to wedge Obama.

    Shoddy wedge you ask me. If he is going to donate $5m, then he should just do it - as the Nike ad says. No conditions.

    Sounds like a pander to the birthers and the other angry tin-foil hatters by way of blackmail of sorts.

  3. " Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing".

    No brainer......do it and let a charity be 5 million better off.

    Don't do it........selfish bastard!

    That's one way of looking at it. Another way might be:

    Do it and take part in a sleazy extortion and dignify an insidious insinuation.

    Don't do it and behave as a President who is above such absurd and ugly theatrics.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    Oh come on Obama loves theatrics? Otherwise why would he appear on so many television shows and want to mingle so often with the Hollywood crowd?

  4. Trump's Obama bombshell: Release college & passport records by 17:00 on Oct 31 and Trump will donate $5 million to the charity of Obama's choosing.

    Here's the video of Donald's plea...


    All in all, not much of a bombshell.

    Yes but maybe the potential recipients of $5 million wouldn't be quite so dismissive towards this offer?

    ' Trust, but verify '

    • Like 1
  5. one day the tourists will be going to other Asian countries , its happening now ..Thailand just thinks

    Assuming you're talking about SE Asian countries, there aren't many good alternatives. Vietnam? Laos? Indonesia? Philippines? Malaysia? Burma? Cambodia?

    That's one military dictatorship, 2 communist countries, 2 Muslim countries, Cambodia and Philippines.

    I seriously doubt that any of the above will ever be a substitute destination for Thailand. They are never going to be more than a side-trip.

    In the grand scheme of things, a bag snatching and knife touch-up are hardly newsworthy anywhere else other than in the Pattaya media and on here.

    You are so out of touch it's hard to know where to begin.

    All tourists are not the same and depending on their tastes many already prefer some countries you have listed above Thailand.

    Even within Thailand you can see a huge contrast between tourists who go to Chiang Mai for example who wouldn't be seen dead in Pattaya. They think it is a dreadful place.

    Have you actually been and talked to tourists in places like Phnom Penh, Vientinene, Luang prabang, Mandalay. I have and very many of them say quite the opposite to what you say.

    To them Thailand cannot offer them aesthetically pleasing and interesting surroundings and architecture as many of the other neighbouring former colonial countries do.

    Thailand is the side trip to them only because they found it more convenient to fly in and out of Bangkok International airport. Nothing more and nothing less.

    • Like 1
  6. If Mayor Ittipon is really serious about making Pattaya a " world-class " destination maybe it's time he started giving out a tourist guidebook such as “ the essential guide to a hasslefree holiday in Pattayawhich can be translated into Russian


    there are so many dos and don'ts now such as how to rent a motorbike without being scammed by the b.i.b., what not to wear when you are out and about, where not to go in Pattaya, how to know your jet ski provider is above board and I'm sure there are many other subjects where a little bit of advanced knowledge would go a long way

  7. I still don't understand what will happen when they find him guilty.

    I think its more about nailing the BBC management circles that might have turned a knowing blind eye and removing any of his paedo pals that might still be on the loose any therefore a danger to kids.

    Savile’s Pedophile Pals are Hunted, Estimate More than a Hundred

    Victims of twisted Jimmy Savile are believed to have told police that more than 100 other paedophiles were involved in his attacks.

    Cops investigating the disgraced BBC DJ and TV presenter are understood to have been given names or descriptions of the men.

    Last night a source told The Sun: “The scale of what has gone on is unbelievable. It must be more than likely that among those names will be some very well known people indeed.”


  8. Burma still wants US$, not Thai Baht!

    The visa runners want the 500 Baht, but (have to) pay in US$, anyway.

    Your post is confusing - why would you want to pay 500Bt when paying 10$ is only like paying 300Baht - as I said if you try asking the Myanmar Immigration guys they will say Baht because it's more money for them. Just put the 10$ in your passport, don't say a word and in my case the money went in their drawer, no fuss and I was 200Bt richer than paying 500Bt.

    If you're still not sure I've got a wad of crisp 10$ bills I'll readily swap for your 500Bt notesthumbsup.gif

    When I did this run six months ago I can assure you they did not want US dollars. I had to be very forceful and insist I didn't have enough Thai currency.

    You will also find the same attitude at the Cambodian border near Trat.

  9. Or, maybe not. It depends on the unit, the building, the location, and the market at THAT time. There's not a simple little Mother Goose rule here that applies everywhere at all times, you see.

    But anyway, exactly the same thing can happen at any time with any asset you own. Bank account? Decimated by inflation, losing at least 2% per year. Gold? You bought on on the high of 14/11/2011 but need to sell at the low on 16/05/2012. Your house in Merced, CA you bought in 2006--now down 46% in value, unmarketable. Your car--junk after 10 years. Your health--was great but now you need a stent. Your motorbike: a drunk hit you and now you walk with a limp. That apartment you rented--burned up in a fire along w/ all your possessions. That lady--kicked you out of the house you bought in her name, looted your bank accounts.

    Yeah, you just never know. smile.png I feel sorry for our resident Chicken Littles. Don't dare buy a condo--maybe can't profit from it. Can't drive car--cars have accidents. Can't invest in shares--shares might go down or a company fail. Can't put their money in a bank--bank might fail. Can't use a credit card--might get cloned. Can't ride in a plane--planes crash sometimes. Can't have sex--might get AIDS. Can't even be comfortable renting--building might burn down.

    How miserable, really.

    Why do you ridicule people if they decide to rent as opposed to purchasing a property here if they have decided to use their money in other ways ? May be they decided it would be better for them to use the money to purchase property in other real estate markets around the world and then use the rental income from those properties to pay for their rent here in Pattaya. What on earth is wrong with that strategy?

    In fact there are many beachside real estate markets around the world ( without any restrictions about foreigners only allowed 49% of a building rolleyes.gif)where there has been a genuine and transparent price correction and where you could safely say based on historic prices that you would be picking up a real bargain today .

    What is so special about Pattaya condominium prices that they uniquely seem to defy the laws of economics and

    gravity ?ermm.gif

    You see I have often wondered why is it that the Pattaya real estate market has never experienced a genuine price correction? I mean in no other real estate market on the planet have prices just gone up and up and up and people need to ask this question even more now when the world itself is going through an enormous correction .

    Ask any decent economist today and they will tell you that the biggest danger to the world is deflation . Four rounds of quantitative easing in America and eight rounds of quantitative easing in Japan have not worked so there is definitely no incentive for anyone to pay through the nose for anything which they would be doing if they bought into the Pattaya real estate right now.

    • Like 1
  10. I always detested Savile, an immensely annoying person.

    Now that this has come up I feel like puking when I think of him.

    But then again those who covered for him inside the BBC should be prosecuted. I wonder whether there was anyone in the U.K who dismissed the allegations against Savile when they first emerged.

    I've always had the highest regard for the superb journalistic skills of BBC reporter John Simpson and I think it is disgusting the way he was treated by the BBC for trying to expose this matter so I'm sure there are people who still works for the BBC who can be prosecuted

    Jimmy Savile Not Only BBC Abuser, Says John Simpson Who 'Tried To Publish Claims But Was Silenced'

    BBC World Affairs Editor John Simpson indicated in his autobiography 13 years ago that he had learned of another BBC luminary who used his popularity to lure children to the studios and abuse them, but he was told off when he tried to investigate the claims.


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  11. No matter how anyone wants to interpret Obama's "No acts of terror..." sound bite, the undeniable fact is that for a long time after that moment, he and his administration refused to call it a terror attack. They came out all over the place (White House press briefings, interviews, political talk shows, etc) saying it came from a spontaneous protest to that crappy video about Mohammed. If he meant to call it a terror attack the day after, why didn't anyone ever call it that again during the weeks that followed? Why did they keep coming out saying it wasn't a planned attack, that it was the result of a spontaneous protest where instead of signs people brought rocket launchers?

    All one has to do is look at the timeline of what took place.

    Thanks for finding that video. There is no denying all this. This issue is not a matter of opinion or open for interpretation. It is very clear cut. I wonder what is going through the minds of Americans who still insist on denying it? Is it something they just do in public because they want their guy to win at all costs? Talk about playing politics with the tragedy.

    you should see this 1 hour special presentation including video footage

    inside the compound ! and just in time for the foreign policy debate in

    a few days .........who said it was a " minor affair " ? yes they wish !laugh.png

    Special Report Investigates:Death and Deceit in Benghazi


    • Like 2
  12. One question though.... (nb..I work in oil and gas. And mining. So I'm not some tree hugging hippy)

    Are people really that stupid to think that government actually has control over the global price of oil and gas?

    I'm no expert on the subject but isn't speculation on supply a big factor in determining prices, and not just the physical available supply at the moment? Isn't that why anytime there is a perceived threat to the world oil supply the price increases even before anything happens? If speculation is a factor, then the prospect of getting more oil from more drilling (Alaska, continental shelf, Gulf of Mexico, etc), from the Keystone pipeline, more favorable regulations, would lower prices and these are all things the government controls.

    You can simplify the regulations all you want. It will still cost $80 upwards per barrel to access that supply (more in the frozen wastelands if siberian oil is anything to go by) as opposed to sub $20 in the middle east. So you can bring on all the oil you want, but it won't be cheap. And the world price is basically held around the cost of the marginal barrel of oil, the only way those new supplies which are 'freed' by the republicans are going to be economic are if the bowser price stays high, or goes higher.

    So as I said, I find that particular policy dumb and misleading. But people seem suckered in by it.

    Are you content with OPEC setting the price of oil? Supply and demand has everything to do with the price of oil. High demand along with limited supply generally causes a hike in the price of oil.

    If the US becomes energy independent, that would conceivably remove the US demand from the world market, thereby causing a lowering of the price per barrel worldwide.

    Securing the oil from both the US and Canada would lower the transportation costs currently associated with Middle East oil as well.

    And just think how many jobs could be created by having a truly viable oil industry.

    So, what is wrong with my thinking here?

    I simply don't understand the group that keep arguing against making use of your own stuff when you have it within your own country versus having to be at the mercy of an oil cartel that don't seem to like or respect USA? As America relies so much on oil surely it is worth even paying a premium to have energy security within its own borders

  13. Just to give you Chicken Littles something to sneer at:

    "Meanwhile, Chon Buri province - both Pattaya and Sri Racha districts - continues to see strong demand for vacation residences, according to a survey by the Agency for Real Estate Affairs (AREA)."

    Property market hot in Hua Hin, Chon Buri - The Nation


    Wow you are really trying to push the positive spin hard aren't you even though you are

    clearly swimming against the tide of sentiment in this forum. smile.png

    Obviously those that have come to the conclusion that keeping one's money in the bank have a totally

    unbiased perspective.

    so what is your agenda?

    You must be an agent or are you one of those desperate vendors trying to sell your own place?

    Yawn. Anyone positive about some aspects of the real estate market here--just some, not all, and based on reasonable evidence--will always be accused of being a real estate agent by our forum Chicken Littles, who must hail from gloomy climates. These threads recur every few months; the same things are always said. In fact, even before there was a thaivisa.com, letter writers in the Pattaya Mail regularly proclaimed the "last nail in the coffin" had just been driven into Pattaya and "the goose who laid the golden eggs" was on his deathbed. smile.png

    Me, I'm quite comfortable and set up. My most desperate issue recently was that of making homemade natural peanut butter. I succeeded.

    My agenda--thank you for your interest--is, first, recreational: to point out and laugh at the daily nonsense posted on the forum, of which there's never any shortage. I particularly enjoy deflating know-it-alls and blowhards. Secondly I try to be helpful towards the sincere and reasonable posters when possible, often offering an alternative viewpoint to the standard and typical.

    You don't have to be a ' know-it-all or" blowhard ' to realise a big part of the Pattaya condo market has been nothing more than a gigantic Ponzi scheme.

    The greater fool theory

    The greater fool theory (also called survivor investing) is the belief held by one who makes a questionable investment, with the assumption that they will be able to sell it later to "a greater fool"; in other words, buying something not because you believe that it is worth the price, but rather because you believe that you will be able to sell it to someone else at an even higher price

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  14. @asiatravel:

    The link you posted http://www.pakalertpress.com/about/ appears to be an American extremist web site. Contradicting the content in the link, the Jerusalem Post states "Russian and Syrian officials dismissed as provocation on Tuesday Iranian media reports that Iran, Russia, China and Syria are planning to conduct joint military exercises in Syria next month; refer http://www.jpost.com....aspx?id=274452

    I think you are confusing ' wargames' with what could be the ' endgame ' if the West attacks Syria or Iran sad.png

  15. Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

    i dont think so

    USA can least afford to enter into a conflict with China, on whom it relies majorly for financial cooperation, both for its own finances as well as NATO's.

    Link leads to a forum post....?


  16. What are the chances Obama has ordered every effort to catch or kill the ambassadors killers by election day? Not a criticism, any politician would do the same.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Even better, the day before the foreign policy debate!

    It's a fluid situation.

    Quick debate reaction from swing state Colorado so called undecided voters (what's their problem?):

    58 percent Obama

    34 percent Romney

    At this point, SPIN is all the Romney side has to talk about the debate because the audience knows who won. Yes. Obama. So what does this mean going forward? The feeling now is probably that debate 3 is not as important as the first two debates as domestic issues are much more important in this race regardless of the right wing drive to try to oversell their Libya card.

    Surely the first priority for the President should be to identify exactly who sent these offensive messages

    ( which is easily done with today's technology) and prosecute them to the hilt?


  17. Keep your money in the bank. To many properties getting built not enough buyers.

    I agree with this.

    Just to give you Chicken Littles something to sneer at:

    "Meanwhile, Chon Buri province - both Pattaya and Sri Racha districts - continues to see strong demand for vacation residences, according to a survey by the Agency for Real Estate Affairs (AREA)."

    Property market hot in Hua Hin, Chon Buri - The Nation


    Wow you are really trying to push the positive spin hard aren't you even though you are

    clearly swimming against the tide of sentiment in this forum. smile.png

    Obviously those that have come to the conclusion that keeping one's money in the bank have a totally

    unbiased perspective.

    so what is your agenda?

    You must be an agent or are you one of those desperate vendors trying to sell your own place?

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